今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 11日

2021-03-12 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。


ありがとうございました。좋은 추억이 됐어요(よい思い出になりました)

Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym.
Please wear a mask to train at the gym. 

The ratio of men to women is 40% women and 60% men. Our motto is to make it easy for women and middle-aged men to join and have a fulfilling and enjoyable training. Ms Sadako Ogata said, "If you have patience and philosophy , things things will move". Our club donate. The reason why we donate in our club is because we believe that if we want to be happy and have peace, it is important to remember that peace is not only for ourselves, but also for those who are outside of us and are not related to us. There are many different people in our club, different genders, different nationalities, different ages, different work, and I think it is important to have a philosophy that makes people feel that they are here to train. 
What makes training peaceful and fun is not making noise or doing as we do what we want to do.
Such fun will always be unbalanced and occur inequality. In order to have a peaceful and enjoyable training, it is important to respect each other, to care about the weak, and to be considerate of others. We donate to remember not only ourselves, but also the people around us. This is Olive's philosophy, and it is also the meaning of donating to help people understand this.

Ms Era came to greet us as she was going to go back to her hometown. She participated in the competition and made our club more exciting. It's a little sad, one of our regular members leave, we hope for her success in the future. We have received some sweets from her, so please have it.

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