今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月22日

2024-06-24 | Weblog
A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club 6月22日
「人類は太古の昔から、帰りが遅いと心配してくれる人を必要としている」は文化人類学者マーガレット・ミード の言葉です。ジムには多くのベテラン会員の人たちが在籍していますが、ジムに来ることは家族の協力なしにはできないことだと思います。特にベテランの人たちは時間をつくってここに来てくださり、ビギナー会員の人たちに教えてくれていますが、その背景にはやはりご家族、特に伴侶の方の協力があるおかげだと理解しています。現在は新しい会員が多くなってきているので、近い未来になりますが、ベテラン会員に限って、ご自身で教えるのならば、週二回はその伴侶の方々にジムを提供したいと考えています。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site
"If you could speak Korean."
We had a Korean lesson. New members joined the class, and I think that everyone has deepened their understanding of the korean,  as they ask questions. To master a language is to live twice as long as others. If you can speak a language, you can search the Internet more widely, read books, and tolk to people you could not speak before and become friends. I understand that Korean has the same grammar as Japanese, so it is an easy language to learn even as you get older. If you are interested, please ask me.
"Dear your family"
Cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead said, "Since time immemorial, humans have needed someone to worry about them when they come home late."  We have a lot of experienced members at the gym, and I know that coming to the gym would not be possible without the help of their families. They make time to come and teach our beginner members, and I understand that it is because of the support of their families, especially their spouses. Now that we have many new members, I would like to offer the gym to their companions twice a week in the near futur, if you teach themselves, but only if you are experienced members.
A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club

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