今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月21日

2024-06-22 | Weblog
A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club 6月21日


"To be a gentleman"
Aim in MOB  is that female and senior guys keep enjoying and keeping up doing boxing as long as possible. My coach told us to be a gentleman when we get out of the ring, which means taking care of minorities, but in the world of martial arts, female and senior guys are minorities. I understand that it is the overall equality to take care of such minorities. Economist JC Harsany says that the problem with utilitarianism is that it maximizes expected utility, because you don't know what position you will be in a self-selecting society. Simple put, by thinking about what you would do if you were in the worst case, you maximize expected utility, which inevitably maximizes happiness. And furthermore, MOB believes that taking care of the minority's position is equality of the gym, referring to Rolls' "idea of the veil of ignorance." People tell me that MOB has a great atmosphere. We often receive compliments how glad they are to have joined our gym, and I believe this is because our gym members respect and give priority to female and senior guys, who are minorities in the martial arts. I believe that in order to maximize happiness, we have to take care of and respect minorities. The atmosphere in the gym is great thanks to all of you. I sincerely appreciate your gentlemanly behavior.

”Please drink plenty of water"
It is getting hotter. When the temperature become 28 degrees Celsius,  we run the air conditioner in the gym to avoid heat stroke. Please drink plenty of water. We have candy in the gym to help you replenish salt, so please feel free to take some.

A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club
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