今日のMOB Catch up with MOB



2021-12-16 | Weblog

Recently, We have more opportunities to do mass boxing. Lately, I've been neglecting the management of mass boxing because I've been leaving it to the trainers and experienced boxer. I heard that Inchikido got some strong punches today, so to prevent injuries, I'd like to explain the rules of our club's practical training again. First of all, please learn to defend well. If you don't know how to defend , you may get injured, so please learn how to defend if you want to participate in the practical training.

We do Mass Boxing in safety, so the following actions are considered violence and bullying.
When you get punches, get mad and Punch with hostility.
The so-called "bring it on" style of training.
Intimidating actions such as shouting in mass boxing.
A one-sided attack that shows the difference in power even if there is a difference in real ability.
you punch suddenly when you catch someone guard off even there is a different in real ability.
These actions will be considered as violence or bullying, any member will be asked to leave the club without exception. Our club's motto is that it is not natural to injure or cause injury, and that we do not allow injuries to occur. MOB is a club for ordinally people, not a gymnastics club, so we do not allow stupid hierarchical relationships or power relations to exist.
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