Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

読売 「性奴隷」表現使用についての無益なおわびよりも、NYTに公開質問状を

2014年11月28日 19時54分51秒 | Weblog
2014年11月28日 07時00分

Apology for inappropriate expressions used in comfort women articles




2014年11月28日 19時26分50秒 | Weblog




上から目線、というのは、 a condescending gaze(look) あるいは、attitude をいうんとちゃうんか?



私が最初にこの言葉を知ったのが小町だったというのが、個人的にはこのRTを象徴してるかもw >RT


態度のでかい奴、欧米では、と知ったかふりして威張るやつを揶揄できて、ええ言葉やないか( ̄^ ̄)

 なああ!! ( ̄^ ̄)おまいらあ! <(`^´)>

あっはっははははははははっ!!!! !(^^)!

BBC---'How Korea "forced" Korean women work at US bases'

2014年11月28日 16時26分04秒 | Weblog


韓国政府が米軍基地周辺で売春をコーディネイトしていたことに関する記事が掲載されました> BBC News - How Korea helped prostitutes work at US bases http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-30212673 …bb

How Korea helped prostitutes work at US bases
By Stephen Evans
BBC News, Seoul

Their argument is not that South Korea compelled them to work as prostitutes - this is not a case of sexual slavery - but that by instituting a system of official and compulsory check-ups on their sexual health, it was complicit, and facilitated a system which now leaves them in poverty. It also, they say, gave them English lessons and courses in "Western etiquette".

Don't whitewash history!

Let's unify the usage of the word.

If Korea just helped prostitutes work at US baseswork at US bases, Japan also just helped prostitutes work at Japanese brothels.

If Japan forced women work at Japanese brothels, Korea also forced Korean women work at US bases.

If Korean sex worker working at US bases were just prostitutes , comfort women for Japanese military were just prostitutes.

If comfort women were sex slaves, Korean women working at US base were sex slaves.


The amount of pages American journalists spend on Asian sex slaves for U.S. military is scandalous

Dark Side of the Stars and Stripes---Shame on JAKE ADELSTEIN And BEN STUBBINGS

U.S. should put the statue symbolizing the sex slaves US military exploited at the Slavery Museum

Dark side of Japan Times

Dark side of Japan Times 2

The point is that Korean Sex Slave System for Japanese military and U.S. military were exactly same.

Must Read: The U.S. military’s long, uncomfortable history with Korean and Filipino sex slaves

"Comfort Women of Empire" Reviewed by Professor Jun BongGwan

MINDY KOTLER's misleading and malicious artilce on comfort women/ Kotler大センセによる慰安婦記事

中国人富豪 地元に恩返し

2014年11月28日 13時31分50秒 | Weblog

Millionaire Chinese businessman bulldozes run down huts in village where he grew up and builds luxury flats for residents instead... for free
Xiong Shuihua paid for wooden huts he grew up in to be knocked down
Tycoon then spent millions replacing them with luxury flats for residents
He has housed 72 families to repay them for their kindness in his youth
A further 18 families who were particularly kind will be given villas to live in
Elderly and low paid residents will also be given three meals a day for free
Flats constructed in Xiongkeng village in the city of Xinyu, southern China
PUBLISHED: 15:47 GMT, 26 November 2014 | UPDATED: 23:54 GMT, 26 November 2014

He said: 'I earned more money than I knew what to do with, and I didn't want to forget my roots.
'I always pay my debts, and wanted to make sure the people who helped me when I was younger and my family were paid back.'
Elderly local Qiong Chu, 75, said: 'I remember his parents. They were kind-hearted people who cared very much for others, and it's great that their son has inherited that kindness.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2850436/Millionaire-Chinese-businessman-bulldozes-run-huts-village-grew-builds-luxury-flats-residents-instead-free.html#ixzz3KKolO67i
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South Korean ultranationalistic regime is clamping down on journalists

2014年11月28日 13時18分39秒 | Weblog

「大統領は沈没時どこに」検察が明らかにする必要 朴景信(パク・キョンシン)高麗大大学院教授(43)

(1/2ページ)【産経前ソウル支局長 在宅起訴】











Mari Yamaguchi|山口真理

‏@mariyamaguchiJapan's reporter pleads innocent in S. Korea trial @AP 情報通信網法違反の罪問われた産経新聞元ソウル支局長、大統領誹謗の意図なかったと起訴内容を否認。 http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_306485/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=3UATx5qm …

Japan's reporter pleads innocent in S. Korea trial

Published: Yesterday


Critics accuse South Korean President Park Geun-hye's conservative government of clamping down on journalists in an attempt to control her image


記者が TONG-HYUNG KIM Korean nationalist なのであろう。


”Everybody hates Americans”

2014年11月28日 11時17分17秒 | Weblog
FRIDAY, NOV 28, 2014 09:00 AM +0900
Everybody hates Americans: My life abroad as the maligned Other
Living in a small Canadian town taught me the near-obsession of outsiders' scorn. Finally, I'm ready to push back

We litter. We are loud. We are fat. We eat standing up. We drive aggressively. We don’t make eye contact. We don’t open doors for people. We rush. We are rude to wait staff in restaurants. We are prone to domestic violence. We are spoiling for a fight. We put our nose into others’ business. We are sanctimonious. We think we won the War of 1812. We manufacture bad cars, brew bad beer and eat flavorless potato chips. We won’t stop waving the flag. We are bad sports, especially during the Olympics. We think we are the center of the universe, and that money entitles us to everything.But the worst of our sins? We brag—nonstop.

These are just a few of the charms of Americans, according to my friends and neighbors just north of the border. It’s been five years since I married a boat builder and moved from New York City to a tiny, briny town on Nova Scotia’s lobster coast, and for five years I have gritted my teeth and smothered my indignation.

I hear these kinds of extempore critiques constantly—in jests and jibes, in casual conversations at the hair salon, the bookstore, the coffee shop, the day-care walkathon. My Nova Scotian friends and neighbors are not at all shy about sharing their observations and opinions with me, even though they know perfectly well that I am the devil that lives among them. They seem to enjoy it, in fact. They get a twinkle in their eye.

Some mornings, reading The New York Times, I feel like the lonely teenager in “Heathers,” and wonder, is Britain our last friend?

2013 wasn’t a good year. Edward Snowden’s revelations about the N.S.A. and its spy games weren’t a hit with Angela Merkel, et al., in Germany. Pakistanis—who once had been so in love with the romance of America that they almost rioted during Jackie Kennedy’s state visit in 1962, jostling to catch a glimpse of her emerald evening dress—were understandably livid about America’s remote-operated drone strikes. (Protestors carried signs that recast Martin Luther King Jr.’s phrase “I have a dream” in the image of Obama: “I have a drone.”) In Hungary, President Viktor Orbán—taking a cue from his chum Vladimir Putin—decided that the American model of liberal democracy had failed completely; he encouraged state-controlled media outlets to ratchet up to a rabid pitch their editorial rants against America (an “obese society,” in the words of one prominent Orbán crony, that “marches under the faded flag of liberalism, pitifully”).

Of course, political disapproval is one thing, and cultural scorn is another. Obviously, the former fuels the latter—but, as an American abroad, I experience the culture-hatred as the more unpleasant of the two, because it feels more personal. To paraphrase that exemplar of perky Americanism Sally Field: They hate us. They really hate us!

I can testify that the Canadians I’ve encountered, at least, believe that Canada is better in every way than the U.S.A.—with exceptions granted for the relative price of gasoline and the prevalence of free shipping on Internet shopping down south. Many Canadians even believe that Thanksgiving is originally a Canuck holiday. They sit down to a table laden with turkey and cranberry relish and sweet potatoes, just like we do, on their version of Thanksgiving—held, slyly, in October—but, citing a historical meal of thanks to God held in Newfoundland by the English navigator Martin Frobisher in 1578, they insist that our national tradition is, sub-rosa and in genuine fact, theirs.

But when I am venting to my husband again in the privacy of our bedroom, I find myself pointing out the contradictory fact that Canadians, by their own accounting, are humble, marvelously generous, modest, community-spirited, self-effacing and well-mannered. Indeed, they will tell you so at the drop of a hat. Canadians are peacekeepers, not warmongers, they say. But best of all? Best of all, Canadians—according to themselves—never brag.

Am I the only one who finds this humorous? I mean, in Canada, flag-waving competes with hockey as the national sport … while, ironically, the Americans I know don’t go around waving the red, white and blue. It isn’t done. Patriotism isn’t fashionable.

Most Americans would be embarrassed to do that. On the contrary, they are usually only too eager to tell you what is terrible about the United States.




Obama: The only people with the right to object to immigration are Native Americans

2014年11月28日 05時39分08秒 | Weblog
Obama: The only people with the right to object to immigration are Native Americans

CHRISTOPHER HOOTON Author Biography Thursday 27 November 2014

"If you look at the history of immigration in this country, each successive wave there have been periods where the folks who were already here have said, 'Well I don't want those folks,'" he said. "Even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans."





White supremacy is hiding in plain sight,

2014年11月28日 05時24分59秒 | Weblog
‘Racism without racists’: White supremacy so deeply American that we don’t even see it
27 NOV 2014 AT 13:34 ET







2014年11月28日 04時52分05秒 | Weblog
(論壇時評)自由の足元 支配と服従が横行する国 作家・高橋源一郎




POINT OF VIEW/ Genichiro Takahashi: Japan, a country that allows modern-day slavery
November 27, 2014

Yasuda cites an example of a foreign woman who was almost deported for camping out one night at her boyfriend’s place.

Under her contract with the company where she worked, she was forbidden to have a romantic relationship, become pregnant or even own a cellphone. Any violation would result in deportation.

With no freedom to change jobs, many foreigners end up being deported. Under the Technical Intern Training Program, a master-servant relationship is the norm, in the absence of an ordinary labor-management relationship.
An activist advocating the rights of foreign technical interns was told by a senior U.S. State Department official in Washington that the program, which is nothing but human trafficking by U.S. standards, should be abolished.

In a society where nobody cares if the rights and freedoms of foreigners are violated, freedom and human rights are no more than empty words.





2014年11月26日 20時01分14秒 | Weblog






America's "dirty war" in Iraq

2014年11月26日 19時58分01秒 | Weblog
AlterNet / By Nicolas J.S. Davies comments_image 18 COMMENTS
Why Iraqis May See ISIL as Lesser Evil Compared To U.S.-Backed Death Squads
Ten years of U.S. efforts to impose a brutal military solution in Iraq have only brought more death, destruction and chaos to its people.

November 20, 2014

The mostly Sunni Arab population of western and northern Iraq is faced with a diabolical choice between the brutal rule of IS and the even more murderous rule of their own government. Their life and death predicament is the direct result of past and present U.S. policy in Iraq.

In 2004, the U.S. responded to resistance in Iraq with a "divide and rule" strategy that relied heavily on recruiting, training and deploying Special Police commandos to detain, torture and summarily execute tens of thousands of young men and boys in areas that resist the illegal U.S. invasion and occupation of their country. At its peak in 2006, this genocidal campaign delivered over 1,600 corpsesper month to the morgue in Baghdad.

The killing wound down along with U.S. combat operations in 2008, but leaders of the Badr Brigade militiaretained control of the Interior Ministry and their campaign of detention, torture and extrajudicial execution continued, albeit on a smaller scale. As Iraq's political crisis has exploded in the last year or two, the Interior Ministry has relaunched its death squads with a vengeance, leaving Iraqis in a large swathe of the country caught between IS and the death squads. After all they have suffered for the past 12 years, it is a rational choice for them to see IS as the lesser evil.

U.S. forces had killed or captured most of the leaders of the Iraqi government, but resistance was still growing. U.S. officials believed the resistance was being led by "mid-level Baath Party members," effectively making the entire Iraqi middle class targets for assassination, from former military officers to academics.

A U.S. official in Baghdad told Hirsch, "The only way we can win is to go unconventional. We're going to have to play their game. Guerrilla versus guerrilla. Terrorism versus terrorism. We've got to scare the Iraqis into submission." A U.S. officer told Newsweek, "The Sunni population is paying no price for the support it is giving the terrorists. From their point of view, it is cost-free. We have to change that equation."

As these officials made clear, and as in previous U.S.-led dirty wars in Latin America and South-East Asia, the purpose of such a campaign is not to precisely identify and kill actual resistance fighters but to target and terrorize the civilian population that supports them. In many parts of Iraq, the occupation became a war against the entire population, characterized by indiscriminate violence, mass arrests, torture, collective punishment, extra-judicial executions and illegal rules of engagement.

These rules included orders to "kill all military-age males" during certain operations; "free fire" or "weapons free" zones; "dead-checking" or killing wounded resistance fighters; standing orders to call in air-strikes in civilian areas, even on apartment buildings full of people; and "360-degree rotational fire" on busy streets. For most of the young Americans carrying out these orders, they were justified by propaganda falsely linking the people of Iraq to terrorist crimes in the U.S. A Zogby Poll in 2006 found that 85% of American troops in Iraq believed that their mission was "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9/11 attacks."

In September 2005, the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq published the first of many Human Rights Reports, with more details of atrocities committed by the Special Police. John Pace, the author of the report, left Iraq in February 2006 and gave several interviews, in which he identified Interior Minister Bayan al-Jabr as the commander of the Badr Brigade militia, confirmed that U.S. officials knew about torture in Iraqi prisons and estimated that 80 to 90% of the victims were innocent of any crime, making their plight all the more frightful. Asked to compare the U.S.-led reign of terror with that of Saddam Hussein, Pace replied, "It is certainly as bad. It extends over a much wider section of the population."

Tens of thousands of mostly Sunni Arab men and boys fell victim to the campaign of arbitrary detention, torture and extra-judicial execution, leading ultimately to the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad. The tide of death peaked during the U.S. Operations Together Forward I & II between July and October 2006, with over 1,600 bodies of victims per month delivered to morgues. In April 2006, an Iraqi human rights group, the Organization for Follow-Up and Monitoring, matched thousands of morgue records with reports of arrests and abductions. It found that 92% of the bodies brought to morgues matched the names and descriptions of people who had been detained by Interior Ministry forces.

Violence in Iraq subsided with the gradual withdrawal of U.S. forces between 2008 and 2011. During the Arab Spring in 2011, like people across the Arab world, Iraqis set up protest camps and held demonstrations in public squares. They were met by arrests, beatings, torture, snipers firing from roof-tops and U.S. helicopters flying over to dump garbage on protesters in a square in Mosul.

Ten years of U.S. efforts to impose a brutal military solution on the political crisis in Iraq have only brought more death, destruction and chaos to its people. The 10-year-long genocidal campaign to target Sunni Arabs in Iraq with air strikes and U.S. and Iraqi death squads has killed at least 10% of them and driven millions from their homes. The one thing our leaders have never tried is the very thing they promised the people of Iraq when they illegally invaded their country: a new political order that honors the civil and political rights of all Iraqis, not least the right to life.



2014年11月25日 19時12分41秒 | Weblog








2010-11-03 08:55:46 | Weblog
 和辻哲朗 の続日本精神史研究について、



