Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年11月06日 17時09分24秒 | Weblog
2014年11月06日 13時59分







2014年11月06日 15時20分44秒 | Weblog
凜2014年11月05日 22:45日本に対する偏見





2014年11月06日 12時11分33秒 | Weblog
西田幾多郎 無私の思想と日本人 (新潮新書) 新書 – 2014/10/17
佐伯啓思 (著)





”東京では白人はやりたい放題、頭つかんで、股におしつけろ、のナンパ師のJT記事 NYT記者は?

2014年11月06日 12時03分06秒 | Weblog
Let’s ensure no happy returns to Japan for this vile ‘dating coach’

What’s the difference between being a “pick-up artist” and getting picked up for crimes in Japan?
If you’re a white male in Tokyo, you can do what you want. I’m just romping through the streets, just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on the dick, head on the dick, yelling, ‘Pikachu,’ with a Pikachu shirt (on). — Julien Blanc, dating expert at Real Social Dynamics

One of the most reviled misogynist “pick-up artists” is coming to Japan this month. He may find he is not very welcome. It’s one thing to teach dubious techniques to socially inadequate men on how to bed women; it’s another thing to grab Japanese women and force their face into your crotch.

Japan Times 

日本のメディア、日本のフェミから何か反応があったら、教えてください m(__)m

JAKE ADELSTEIN氏のツイッターにもでているのだから、友人のNYTのタブチ氏が知らないってことはないよなあ。


Video of pick-up artist grabbing Japanese women on the street triggers online protests
Hayashi 'Fang' HougiHayashi 'Fang' Hougi


"Worst Gaijin Ever coming to Japan"

東京の女は、速攻 ポコチンに顔を押し付けてやればいい、というナンパ術の白人先生

People in Japan long time ago gave up on the idea of Obama's leadership

2014年11月06日 08時39分35秒 | Weblog
U.S. election results resonate globally, with fears of a deepening leadership void
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By Griff Witte and Anna Fifield November 5 at 1:56 AM

via mozu

But from London to Tokyo, observers said the bruising defeats suffered by Obama’s Democratic allies will probably leave him with less clout to navigate global troubles — and could add to a leadership void that Republicans seized on to help gain advantage with voters.

“Obama has become the incredible shrinking president,” said Jeff Kingston, director of Asian studies at Temple University’s campus in Tokyo.“He’s very much weakened by the midterm results, and that’s going to diminish him in his foreign policy. Leaders in Asia will now view him as a lame duck.”

In Europe, where Obama remains considerably more popular than he is at home, leaders long ago gave up on the idea that he could fundamentally reorient America’s global role. But Tuesday’s defeat confirmed that there will continue to be a vacuum in the final two years of what many Europeans once hoped would be a transformational presidency.

“I don’t think Europeans were expecting much in terms of U.S. leadership over the next two years, and this will reinforce their beliefs,” said Mujtaba Rahman, Europe director for the Eurasia Group, a global consulting firm.


それにしても、この天ぷら大学のJeff Kingstonというナショナリスト教授、よく引用されるね。

Anglo-Saxon culture of liesーーーThey tell 200 lies every day.

2014年11月06日 07時57分25秒 | Weblog

We hear between 10 and 200 lies every day, from ‘sorry, my phone’s died,’ to ‘I’m fine’.


Hmmmm. That is how they keep Honne from public and use Tatemae, no?

To borrow the way an expat illustrates Japan, the title should be " Anglo-Saxon culture of liesーーーThey tell 200 lies every day" No?

Mr Zanden explained that liars typically mention themselves less and talk more about others in a lie.
They sometimes use the third person to disassociate themselves from their lie, because they feel subconsciously guilty.
‘Liars tend to be more negative because on a subconscious level they feel guilty about lying.
'For example, a liar might say: “Sorry, my stupid phone battery died. I hate that thing,” Mr Zanden said.
People can also spot a lie when someone explains events in very simple terms.
Our brains struggle to build a complex false story, which means that explanations about events that didn’t happen, seem unrealistically straightforward.
But while liars may keep their story simple, they tend to use longer and more convoluted sentences, inserting irrelevant but factual sounding details to pad out the lie, he said.


(ホンネ タテマエ)


2014年11月06日 07時50分53秒 | Weblog
Viral copycat video shows Rome harassment
Published: 04 Nov 2014 09:14 GMT+01:00

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A woman in Rome secretly filmed over 100 incidents of street harassment in a day, mirroring a New York video experiment which went viral last month.


Irish girl turned down for teaching job because of 'alcoholism nature of your kind

2014年11月06日 07時31分12秒 | Weblog


まあああ、全部が全部酒癖が悪い人ばかりではないでしょうにね (^_-)-☆

One user said: "I've been to SK three times (and NK once!) and I can confirm they have a similar drinking culture to Ireland. In fact when you get to know Korea you realise they are the Irish of Asia."


But another Irishman living in Korea said that this kind of discrimination was widespread: "That's pretty outrageous, even by Korean standards.


Hawaii To Buy 1-Way Flights For Homeless People To Keep Them Away From Tourists

2014年11月06日 07時26分29秒 | Weblog
Hawaii To Buy 1-Way Flights For Homeless People To Keep Them Away From Tourists
The Huffington Post | By Robbie Couch
Posted: 11/04/2014 5:02 pm EST Updated: 11/04/2014 5:59 pm EST

The state is aiming to fly 120 homeless people living in Waikiki, a tourist hotspot in Honolulu, back to the continental U.S., while also allocating funds for a public relations campaign discouraging homeless people living on the mainland from moving to the state -- a move some say contradicts Hawaii's usual warm welcome to visitors.



2014年11月06日 07時06分58秒 | Weblog






It's okay "if the woman’s within the authority of her husband.”

2014年11月06日 06時44分16秒 | Weblog

THURSDAY, NOV 6, 2014 12:27 AM +0900
America’s worst new congressman: Why Georgia’s Jody Hice is so frightening
He thinks abortion is "worse than Hitler," and hates gays, women and Muslims. Here's what's headed to Congress

It’s official: in January, Jody Hice will be sworn in as the next Congressman from Georgia’s 10th District. This is a man who has called Islam, the second-largest religion in the world, “a totalitarian way of life with a religious component” that “does not deserve First Amendment protection.” In his book he calls legal abortion “worse than Hitler’s six million Jews or Mussolini’s three hundred thousand,” adding that “the genocide in America is inexcusable!” In 2004, he told the Athens Banner-Herald that he doesn’t “see a problem” with women running for office “if the woman’s within the authority of her husband.” On his radio show he blamed Sandy Hook and other school shootings on “kicking God out of the schools, and… kicking God out of the public square.” He once misquoted a satirical essay by a gay writer as evidence that homosexuals preying on children was “part of the ‘gay manifesto’” and part of the “radical agenda that is currently threatening our nation.”



Colorado elects Obama exorcist who wants to spank transgender children
05 NOV 2014 AT 12:33 ET

The notoriously anti-LGBT Klingenschmitt came to national attention last year, when he attempted to exorcise a “demonic spirit” from President Barack Obama.

“We pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution,” Klingenschmitt said, his eyes tightly closed, “against this demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant. That demonic spirit is oppressing us.”

On his Pray in Jesus Name radio show, Klingenschmitt regularly criticizes LGBT individuals. Last May, he responded to a Maine Supreme Court ruling allowing a transgender girl to use the bathroom of the gender with which she identified by saying, “little girls should not be exposed to little boy parts! Talk about mental health problems!”

Since this transgender girl had an identical twin brother, he said, “for one of them to suddenly start dressing like a girl, it’s not just a choice, but it’s a demonic spirit. It’s easy to say that one of those two boys is possessed by a demon. And really what the parents ought to do is take that boy to an exorcist, take that boy to a minister. Or at least, discipline the boy. Maybe give him a spanking.”



2014年11月06日 06時12分37秒 | Weblog
College Tells Female Students to Practice Facial Expressions in the Mirror to Avoid Being Raped
It's another example of 'blame the victim.'

November 4, 2014


Another college has taken a new approach to sexual assault prevention, except it really isn’t new at all. A presentation to address campus sexual violence at Ramapo College in New Jersey was panned last week by students, faculty and the campus newspaper, which reported that the seminar included instructions for female students to practice “preventative” facial expressions in the mirror to avoid being harassed or assaulted. In short, victim blaming.

She was saying that women need to watch their body language and that women should practice how they articulate their face [in a social setting] by practicing in the mirror.” …









if women don't like the attention they're getting, they should "act like a strong woman"

2014年11月06日 05時49分30秒 | Weblog
The Huffington Post | 執筆者: Alana Horowitz
投稿日: 2014年11月05日 17時19分 JST







CNN Just Aired The Most Insane Reaction To The Catcalling Viral Video
The Huffington Post | By Alana Horowitz
Posted: 11/02/2014 3:29 pm EST

"It's just another example of a lot of feminists that have an a la carte attitude towards it, meaning you can do this, I want this sort of thing, but they take it too far," he said. "It's kind of like, this thing bordered on 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf,' like where's it gonna go next?"

Santagati also said that if women don't like the attention they're getting, they should "act like a strong woman" and tell the catcallers to back off.

New York-based comedian Amanda Seales, who also appeared on the CNN segment and argued with Santagati throughout, offered a scathing takedown of those comments.

"A woman got killed the other day for doing that in Detroit, actually," she said, referring to 27-year-old Mary Spears, who was shot dead after refusing to give a man her phone number. "You sir, do not know what you're talking about."

After that, Santagati told Seales to buy a gun and began complaining about bad parenting. Watch the full clip in the video above.

 日本人の会話だったら、アメリカ人特派員が、日本の右傾化、日本の衰退 伝統的男尊女卑社会 の証左 とでもコメントすることだろう。


 If this conversation happened between Japanese, an american journalist would take it as an evidence for either, Japan drifting further to right, or Japan on decline or typical misogynist society.

Silly ? but that's how a foreign correspondents do the job---framing everything in your host country by stereotypes.