Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年11月12日 21時47分43秒 | Weblog

Thoton News Headline

BBC News - #Japan man self-immolates 'in protest over military shift' 英BBCが日比谷公園での抗議焼身自殺を報じた http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30015841 …


suzuky @suzuky · 4時間 4時間前



Police sources told local media that they found a man on fire in Tokyo's Hibiya Park near parliament and government offices on Tuesday night, after they received an emergency call.

He died after he was taken to hospital.

Local media quoted investigators as saying they considered the case to be suicide and reported that the man left behind a protest note and a video camera. Police declined to confirm such details.

local media についての言及あり。それはともかく、私は、

日比谷公園で焼身自殺か 様子撮影でビデオカメラも
2014年11月11日22時47分 スポーツ報知




日比谷公園で焼身自殺か 男性が死亡
11月12日 0時39分

日比谷公園で焼身自殺か 男性が死亡





2014年11月12日 07時17分




2014年11月12日 07時17分 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun



Man Protesting Japan Defense Policy Self-Immolates
TOKYO — Nov 12, 2014, 6:54 AM ET


killed himself in protest against the U.S. base in Okinawa


The note voiced opposition to the Abe government’s plan to allow Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense, or the right of a nation to come to an aid of an ally under armed attack, NHK reported.

It also reportedly said the man was against the proposed relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa Prefecture, according to police sources.



イラク戦争中のアメリカ人も真実を知りたければBBCを見る、と言っていたので、日本はすでに戦時中? ←無駄に扇情的w


GI babies サンダースホーム

2014年11月12日 20時58分05秒 | Weblog
Postwar adoptees from Kanagawa shelter connect in U.S.

via mozu





Elizabeth Saunders Home
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elizabeth Saunders Home is an orphanage in Japan established in 1948 by Miki Sawada, a Mitsubishi heiress,[1] with the original intent of housing biracial children, typically those born between men of the occupying US Armed Forces and Japanese women, who were abandoned by their parents and ostracized by Japanese society immediately after WWII.[





They are babies born between mostly GI and Japanese women as a result of rape, prostitution, love affair.

Japanese people react against hate speech

2014年11月12日 20時26分18秒 | Weblog


モスバーガー店頭の不適切な掲示を謝罪 「侮辱的」とTwitterで批判相次ぐ騒ぎに
ITmedia ニュース 11月12日(水)14時5分配信

モスバーガー店頭の不適切な掲示を謝罪 「侮辱的」とTwitterで批判相次ぐ騒ぎに




In front of Mos Burger shop at Iidabashi, people found a blackboard which said "A Chinese female employee was late many times so I told her that if she was late next time, I'd cook a noodle soup dish out of her fat---she's never late again since then". People tweeted it and filed a complaint to the headquarter, saying "this is offensive" , "isn't this a hate speech?"etc. The headquarter immediately pulled the blackboard down and apologized.

 I wonder why it is so easy without Debito.


2014年11月12日 20時21分24秒 | Weblog
11月12日 12時23分





Hague Convention applied in Japan for the 1st time
Japan Nov. 12, 2014 - Updated 12:58 UTC+9

The Foreign Ministry says a child was returned from Japan to Germany last month in line with the Hague Convention on cross-border child custody disputes.

This is the first such case since the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction went into effect in Japan in April.

The treaty includes a rule that children should basically be returned to their countries of habitual residence if taken out of that country by one parent without the consent of the other.

The child who was returned to Germany is a 5-year-old boy born of a German father and a Japanese mother.

The father applied to the Japanese Foreign Ministry for assistance in line with the convention after the mother returned to Japan with the boy in June.

Ministry officials mediated talks between the parents, and the mother agreed to temporarily return the boy to Germany. She took him back to Germany herself.

The cross-border dispute over the boy's custody was settled through parents' negotiations in this case.

But in some others, parents living abroad have filed petitions with Japanese courts for the return of their children. There are at least 2 such cases currently active -- one in Tokyo and the other in Osaka.

Some children have been returned to Japan under the treaty.

" You are dating a White guy. Does he have like a really tiny penis?”

2014年11月12日 10時40分18秒 | Weblog
If Black People Said The Stuff White People Say

via Salon




Try me

2014年11月12日 10時05分08秒 | Weblog

Yo Okada-Howells

以前イギリス人旦那が日本滞在した際に、母がおもてなし料理たくさん作ってくれて『私の料理、試して食べてね』という意味で「Try me!」と言っていた。旦那は表情も変えず「私は既に結婚しているので遠慮します」と英国式ジョークで対応していた



(もちろん、Try me. は、場面によって、『私を食べて♡』という意味になる。)
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録

'Germany for the Germans, Foreigners Out!'

2014年11月12日 09時15分51秒 | Weblog
Germany's New Right: The Unholy Alliance of Neo-Nazis and Football Hooligans


The riots in Cologne at the end of October show there is a new danger on Germany's extremist right. Neo-Nazis and football hooligans have teamed up to go after Islamist Salafists. Many are wondering why officials didn't recognize the development sooner.

Riled up by the right-wing rock band Kategorie C (which sings lyrics like: "Today they are slitting the throats of sheep and cows, tomorrow it may be Christian children"),

The phenomenon is an unexpected one. Thousands of hooligans appear to have left their football clubs of choice behind in favor of uniting against a common enemy: the presumed danger of Islam. In addition, they have joined forces with neo-Nazis and other racists. Nobody, it would seem, thought that such an unholy alliance was possible.

One participant recalled that the Borussenfront representatives vented about the left-wing Ultras, complaining about their publicity stunts, such as those seeking to combat racism in Germany's football stadiums. And in the end, those gathered at the meeting agreed to "cut the Ultras down to size." Towards the end of the evening, they gave their new group a name: Gnu Honnters, a malapropism of "New Hunters." In a group photo, four of those present can be seen giving the Hitler salute.

Since then, left-wing Ultra groups in Aachen, Dortmund, Duisburg, Braunschweig, Düsseldorf and elsewhere say they have been threatened, chased down and beaten by hooligans. Some Ultra groups, such as that in Aachen, have pulled back in the face of the new threat.

Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi-hooligan network became even more radical, with some of them waiting for an opportunity to steer the group in a political direction. Developments in Iraq and Syria were exactly what they were looking for, particularly given the proliferation of pro-Islamic State Salafist groups in Germany.

The hooligans adopted their new name -- Hooligans gegen Salafisten, or Hogesa -- and hoped to receive widespread popular support with their fight against Islamist extremists. One forum member posted in a chat room: "The grannies will love us."

In short, officials should have known what was coming prior to the orgy of violence seen in Cologne. But they continued to ignore the new right-wing alliance.

But at the march in Cologne, groups of demonstrators intoned well-worn neo-Nazi chants, such as "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!" and "We are the national resistance!"

The right-wing scene seems to be eagerly anticipating the next opportunity to take on the hated "system" under the cloak of anti-Salafism. The Islamophobic blog "Politically Incorrect," for example, has written enthusiastically about what it is calling "The Miracle of Cologne." One contributor even seemed to veer into homo-eroticism, writing about the "real men" who took part in the march, the "strapping guys who showed their faces for our German fatherland.




”Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

2014年11月12日 02時37分20秒 | Weblog
The Truth About the Wars

via mozu

We did not understand the enemy, a guerrilla network embedded in a quarrelsome, suspicious civilian population. We didn’t understand our own forces, which are built for rapid, decisive conventional operations, not lingering, ill-defined counterinsurgencies.

Such an accounting couldn’t be more timely. Today we are hearing some, including those in uniform, argue for a robust ground offensive against the Islamic State in Iraq. Air attacks aren’t enough, we’re told. Our Kurdish and Iraqi Army allies are weak and incompetent. Only another surge can win the fight against this dire threat. Really? If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I think we’re there.



”White woman shouted “bloody Paki” and spat at me” No one said a thing”

2014年11月12日 02時01分13秒 | Weblog


Last week on the No 9 bus, a middle-aged white woman shouted “bloody Paki” and spat at me. The sputum landed on the back of my seat, grey and revolting as she was.
No one said a thing, not even the black and Asian people around me. They all lowered or averted their eyes. I was spat at in 1972, too, after exiled Ugandan Asians with British passports arrived here. That time I was sitting quietly in a park in Oxford, reading Middlemarch. So you think it’s much better than the really bad old days? The truth is that, since 2001, in-your-face racism has returned. But those who suffer it just have to swallow the insults and degradation.

The difference is that, back then, we had politicians of all parties, including Tories, who felt keenly that racial prejudice and discrimination were unjust and reprehensible. They passed laws, used government purchasing power to get companies to operate fairly and, bit by bit, made racism unacceptable in the public space. Now those at the top – with the exception of Diane Abbott – say nothing and do even less about this stain on our society. Ethnic-minority politicians are the biggest cowards of the lot.

Even Margaret Thatcher, a little Englander, funded major projects to test the levels of race discrimination in Britain. I know because my husband, Colin Brown, was commissioned to carry out an expensive social survey paid for by her ministers. He devised empirical tests and proved that people were being denied jobs and housing because of their race or ethnicity.

Such work is not carried out any more because it is deemed unnecessary or a sop to political correctness. But we know, through analyses of various data, that while 20 per cent of young white people are unemployed, the figure for black youths is 50 per cent, and that landlords and estate agents now keep out non-white tenants. A survey in May found that more people admit they are racially biased than people did in the 1990s.

This is truly disturbing. Always remember Germany in the 1930s. When life gets tough, people instinctively turn on those they define as the other, the outsider. Jews, black and mixed-race people, Travellers and the disabled, were murdered en masse because they were felt to be a threat to national greatness.

Extreme right-wing parties are getting popular here and no one takes them on. The Olympics now seem like a great British hypocrisy. Good party, shiny medals won by athletes of colour, including the refugee Mo Farah, but racial hatreds keep rising.

In truth, it is racism that is the forbidden subject. If you object to that evil, you are “politically correct”, an oppressor and a threat to free speech. Missiles are fired at those of us who speak up. Some internet abuse is worse than being spat at. I am told by some leading lights that preference for one’s own sort is “natural” and that minorities have been spoilt by having protective laws and “special privileges”.

I blame the minorities, too, for the vulnerable state we are in. Islamicist separatism and now Isis terrorism have turned good people off diversity. The anti-white prejudices within some Asian families are mortifying. Grooming gangs have destroyed young girls and also cohesion and mutual trust between the brown and white Britons.

Britain could be an exemplary rainbow nation with a place for everyone. A few years back, we thought it was. It no longer is.

 バスで、糞パキ !、と叫ばれて唾を吐きつけられたが、誰も何もしてくれなかった、と。面と向かってされる人種差別が復活してきた。以前も差別はあったが、以前は政治家たちが、あれこれ改善しようとしていたが、いまは誰も何もしなくなってしまった。 問題がないわけではなく、例えば、若者の白人の失業率は、20%だが、黒人のそれは、50%。大家や、不動産屋は、有色人の借り手を寄せ付けない。1990年代より差別がひどくなった、という人が増えてきている。それで、声あげてヘイトスピーチ・人種差別に反対すると、おまえは、きれいごとをいって、表現の自由を脅かしている迫害者だ、とまで、いわれる。自分に似たものに好感をもつのは自然で、少数弱者は在英特権で、甘やかされているのだ、と。

 これも、まるで、Japan TimesやNYTにでてくる日本記事みたいですけど、記事としては、それほど目立たないところにおかれているのではないでしょうか? 





2014年11月12日 01時55分09秒 | Weblog





