This is a country where countless women might have said #MeToo, but, four months ago, few did.
「数え切れない人たちがJAKE ADELSTEIN と MARI YAMAMOTO コンビはデタラメライターだ、言っているかもしれない」と言っても間違いじゃないよなーーー正確には数えられないわけだし、言っている”かも”だしーーーここらへんの筆致は汚い、というか、ジャーナリストとしていかがなものか、と思うね。実質的になにも言っていないのに、なにかすごいことが起きているような印象操作。
Nearly 1 In 5 Women Are Raped In Their Lifetimes, Says Report
By Alanna Vagianos
Almost one in five women in the U.S. has been raped
女性の約 15 人に1人は異性から無理やりに性交された経験がある
1 in 15 women in Japan are raped in their life times.
If you think things are bad in Hollywood, consider the way the system works here, where pigs protect pigs, including at high levels of government, to the point where women, no matter how brave, feel they have no recourse at all.
a shocking 26% of all sexual offences (including rape) reported to police are not even recorded as crimes.
Japan’s justice ministry in 2012 estimated that only 18.5 percent of sexual assaults were reported to the police over a five-year period. .
This isn’t surprising since only about 1 percent of prosecutorial decisions are overturned which is coincidentally the odds of winning a not-guilty verdict in Japan; the country has a 99 percent conviction rate.
But note that people in the U.S. are much more likely to be prosecuted and end up in jail than people in Japan
People in jail per 100k people
US 710
Chile 266
Mexico 210
Turkey 179
UK 147
Canada 118
Sweden 67
Japan 51
Iceland 47
And if you’re accused of rape and actually arrested for it, prosecutors drop the charges over half the time.
Out of 57 case of arrest, only 11 cases are referred to prosecutors in the U.S.
The police didn’t want to let me file [a case]. They told me, ‘These things happen a lot. It’s difficult to investigate sex crimes.’
A few examples from the DOJ report on Baltimore’s police department:
Officers routinely questioned sex crime victims in a way that put the blame on the victims themselves, like suggesting they were responsible. Detectives would ask “Why are you messing up that guy’s life?” and suggest the victims were lying by not reporting the assault immediately.
A prosecutor handling a sexual assault case wrote in an email to a BPD officer that the woman who reported the crime was a “conniving little whore,” and the cop responded “Lmao! I feel the same.”
Detectives made “minimal to no effort to locate, identify, interrogate, or investigate suspects,” the DOJ said. BPD sex crimes unit officials would complain that all of the sexual assault reports were false, saying at a social event, “In homicide, there are real victims; all our cases are bullshit.”
Ito’s book cites a study by Japan’s news broadcaster, NHK, on what constitutes “sexual consent.” Eating dinner alone as a couple was considered equivalent to sexual consent by 11 percent
"What can be considered equivalent to sexual consent" , I think, is more exact .