Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Until the first bomb drops

2017年10月15日 23時14分24秒 | Weblog

Tillerson: Diplomatic efforts in North Korea will 'continue until the first bomb drops'



Great movies you may have missed

2017年10月15日 16時07分35秒 | Weblog



This film, directed by Tetsuya Nakashima, is truly one unique piece of cinema. At first it may look like the stereotypical Japanese extravaganza, but nothing could be further from the truth. “Memories of Matsuko” will be leaving you without breath, without tears and without laughter, because you will be doing all those things during all the film’s run time.

“Memories of Matsuko” is exciting, funny, intelligent, fanciful and essential. The story tells the life of Matsuko, a 53-year-old woman found dead in a park near her home. His nephew will be in charge of discovering his life alongside continuous flashbacks that will tell us her life.

It might look that “Memories of Matsuko” is a strong drama; we are witness to the life of a bitter woman, mistreated by all men and left for misfortune. The point of difference here is that Nakashima manages to animate these misfortunes a little by using unique imagery. Among all this, we also find very animated musical numbers and surrealistic scenes.

The construction of the characters is magnificent. The performances, emphasized in the one by Miki Nakatani playing Matsuko, is excellent. She is capable of breaking us into tears, able to give us some smiles, and she sings with a really beautiful voice.

What really is sad is that a film like this in Hollywood would have conquered all the Oscars and achieved records, like, for example, “La La Land”. Sadly, this film comes from Japan and its distribution is limited. It helps a little that the director directed one of the most known Japanese films in recent years, “Confessions”, but that wasn’t enough to introduce this masterpiece to worldwide acclaim.

嫌われ松子の一生 (映画)



2017年10月15日 12時57分53秒 | Weblog






2017年10月15日 12時11分26秒 | Weblog
悪性自己愛 - Wikipedia

悪性自己愛(あくせいじこあい、英: Malignant narcissism)とは、ナルシシズム、反社会性パーソナリティ障害、攻撃性、サディズムの極端な混合から成る一つの心理学的症候群である 。多くの場合は誇大性を示し、常に敵意の程度を上昇させる用意がある。

President Donald Trump poses a significant threat of nuclear war and is increasingly dangerous, according to leading psychologists who are stepping forward to warn Americans of his escalatingly threatening behavior.

The Duty to Warn PAC, an organization of psychologists who believe Trump has a personality disorder called malignant narcissism, will host marches across the nation Saturday to warn people about a perceived increase in his volatility and unpredictability in his performance as president.

A long-held "Goldwater Rule" cast taboo on psychologists providing a diagnosis for public figures they never personally met. The principle emerged in the 1960s when psychiatrists were polled about whether politician Barry Goldwater was "unfit to be president." The results from psychologists were split, in reality, but a newspaper headline implied Goldwater was mentally unstable. Goldwater sued the newspaper and won.

Gillian believes that rule is misinterpreted.

"We're not telling the public anything that Donald Trump hasn't already told them," Gillian said. "We aren't making this up. We're listening to what he's saying, hearing it and reminding the public."



Germany should apologize to Former Sex Slaves during WW Ⅱ

2017年10月15日 11時29分13秒 | Weblog

The Auschwitz BROTHEL where non-Jewish prisoners were 'rewarded' with sex sessions as Nazi guards watched through peep-holes to ensure they only used the missionary position
76 years ago this month Nazi Heinrich Himmler ordered brothels to be set up in concentration camps
The diabolical scheme was aimed at encouraging inmates to work harder in return for a 'reward'
Women would be tricked into volunteering for the sex work with extra rations and better conditions
The women would have to spend 15 minutes with up to 20 men per day, watched by a Nazi guard
PUBLISHED: 09:17 BST, 13 October 2017 | UPDATED: 15:49 BST, 13 October 2017

Set just behind the notorious Work Makes You Free gate at Auschwitz concentration camp lies one of the lesser-known horrors of WWII - a brothel for prisoners.

In a diabolical scheme aimed at encouraging inmates to work harder, 76 years ago this month Gestapo monster Heinrich Himmler ordered brothels to be set up in concentration camps across Nazi-occupied Europe.

The twisted plan conceived in October 1941, was aimed at increasing prisoners' productivity by offering the starved and tortured inmates a bonus system - if they worked hard enough they would be 'rewarded' with a visit to the camp brothel.

The first 'Dolls' House', as they were known, was set up a year later in 1942, behind barred windows at Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

This was followed by more in Ravensbruk, Buchenwald, Dachau and Flossenburg, among others. In total there were ten death camp brothels.

Two of the largest were in Auschwitz, in Nazi-occupied Poland, with the main brothel nicknamed 'Puff' sitting just behind the sinister Arbeit Macht Frei entrance in Block 24.

Non-Jewish women were lured into volunteering with promises of better living conditions and better food rations.

Mainly in their 20s, the women were made to have sex with an average of 6-8 men every night between 8 and 10pm. They also had to 'work' on Sunday afternoons.

As many as 21 women prisoners worked in the Auschwitz brothels which were known as Sonderbauten (special buildings). The final brothel was opened in 1945, the year the Second World War ended.

Emaciated prisoners chosen for the brothels were given a humiliating medical check and had disinfectant cream smeared over their genitals.

Their names were called out in public role calls and they were force-marched into the brothel.

The women were given a warm place to live, each of them had their own room with nice furniture.

'They were given additional food from the SS kitchen, luxurious clothes and underwear coming from the warehouses of the goods stolen from the people who were killed in the gas chambers.

'They were given all the medical care they might need. All of that made surviving the camp much easier.'

She added: 'The brothels were opened every day in the evening, after the main evening roll-call, when other prisoners were sometimes still coming back to the camp after a day of tough work - there was a huge contrast between the women, and the other prisoners.

It was built to humiliate people. It was just another example of German cynicism and cruelty. The brothels were nothing unusual. They were just another crime of German national socialism

Survivor Zofia Bator-Stepien recalled how one girl was driven to working in the brothel out of desperation for a slice of bread.

She said: 'When they announced they were looking for volunteers for very light labour, she volunteered. She didn't know the kind of work she was supposed to do.

'When the doctor finished checking her he asked her if she had any idea where she would be going. She said she didn't but that she'd been told it would be easy and she'd get a lot of bread.

'So he kept telling her: 'This work means you will have contact with men, and then I will perform a small operation on you to make sure you will never get pregnant.

The Polish women were prettier. The German women were fat and blonde. The Polish were thin and attractive.'

It wasn't only the prisoners who had access to the women.

Although SS guards and officers were banned from sleeping with non-Germans, many took advantage of the brothel.

Iga Bunalska from the Auschwitz Study Group said: 'It was forbidden for the Germans to use it due to the racial laws implemented by the Third Reich.

'However, we know for a fact that there were soldiers stationed in Auschwitz using the brothels - German soldiers, but not only as there were a lot of people who came from different countries serving in the SS, Ukrainians, Belorussians and such.




I have a sinking feeling in my gut that our president may be careening blindly toward war.

2017年10月15日 11時23分34秒 | Weblog
sinking feeling

A feeling of dread indicating that something bad has happened or is about to happen

eve ofとは

[通例 the eve] 〔重要事件などの〕直前


1a【航海, 海語】 (風などで)〈船が〉傾く.
2《主に米国で用いられる》〈自動車などが〉(左右に揺れながら)疾走する 〈副(句)〉.

2North American no object, with adverbial of direction Move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.
‘an electric golf cart careened around the corner’



2017年10月15日 08時50分25秒 | Weblog



LDP's economic policies are liberal: It's pork barrel.

2017年10月15日 08時43分25秒 | Weblog
Pork barrel

《米口語》 (議員の人気取りのために政府に支出させる)国庫交付金,地方開発金



年末から来年にかけてアメリカと北朝鮮の間で、火を噴く危険性 防衛省の幹部も外務省の幹部も

2017年10月15日 08時26分51秒 | Weblog



2017年10月15日 02時56分50秒 | Weblog


Is Motoko Rich(NYT) reading Japanese newspaper?
で更新したけど、NYTの記者の日本語能力は、conversational Japanese というから、本当に日本語記事読んでないようだし・・・

Nothing makes women so old as desperately trying hard to look young

2017年10月15日 02時46分55秒 | Weblog





Nothing makes women so old as trying hard to desperately look young



"There is no such thing as political pressure on the media in Japan"

2017年10月15日 02時04分10秒 | Weblog

Tahara: "There is no political pressure on the media in Japan. I personally ousted 3 prime ministers in the past".




I think in the case of Japan there is no such thing as political pressure on the media. I had myself personally criticized and as a result ousted three prime ministers in the past but I have never been arrested and from this example I think you can understand there is no such things as political pressure on the media.However what exists is, be it newspapers or television stations, it is the executives of the media who exercise self-regulation so they think if they report such and such things, the government will be upset with them and therefore in many of the cases where the media opt not for report certain things in 99% of the cases this is voluntary regulation or restraint where newspapers or TV make their decision on their own not to report .

It there were to be cases where either prime minister or chief cabinet secretary were to put pressure on me or the media then I would immediately tell either prime minister or the chief cabinet secretary to stop and I would immediately take action to ask them out of office.