Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Creating a conducive environment to provide halal products for the Muslim population in Japan

2015年11月28日 18時23分49秒 | Weblog






2015年11月28日 17時56分56秒 | Weblog


The French government bars public employees from displaying their religious beliefs on the job.
In 2004, the country banned the wearing of 'conspicuous religious symbols' including the Muslim face veil, known as the niqab.
The ban was eventually extended to schoolchildren and even parents who wanted to accompany classes on trips.
In 2010, the country banned face coverings of all kinds, including masks, niqabs and the full body dress known as a burqa, in public spaces 'except under specified circumstances'.

November 26, 2015 - European Convention of Human Rights
France: Court judgement in Muslim veil human rights row

Judges ruled today that a decision not to renew a French social worker’s contract, who refused to remove her veil, did not breach human rights law.

In its judgment in the case of Ebrahimian v. France (application no. 64846/11) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been

no violation of Article 9 (right to freedom of religion) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The court noted that wearing the veil had been considered by the authorities as an ostentatious manifestation of religion that was incompatible with the requirement of neutrality incumbent on public officials in discharging their functions.



2015年11月28日 17時32分11秒 | Weblog

The study suggests that more restrained media reporting of the Sydney hostage situation, in which the hostage taker, who claimed to be acting on behalf of Islamic State, was swiftly identified as having a background of mental illness, may have played a role in minimising the backlash against the Muslim community in Britain.

Feldman said “The analysis offers broad support for the theory of cumulative extremism, with the ratcheting up of violent activity between opposing groups, with an act of violence triggering a response that itself sparks further attacks.

Littler added: “Findings also suggest that where the media stress the Muslim background of attackers, and devote significant coverage to it, the violent response is likely to be greater than in cases where the motivation of the attackers are downplayed or rejected in favour of alternative explanations. The latter appears to be the case with the Sydney perpetrator, who was swiftly and repeatedly identified as mentally ill.”

Fiyaz Mughal, of Tell Mama, said: “From the work that we do with victims of anti-Muslim hate [crimes], it is clear that local, national and international incidents have real impacts on people’s lives here in the UK. In a globally connected world, it seems that hate is no different and that the actions by one group lead to counter-reactions and impacts on another set of communities in another country.

海外でもテロがあると、在英イスラム教徒に対するヘイトクライムは増加する。 もっとも、



triggering a response that itself sparks further attacks

the actions by one group lead to counter-reactions and impacts on another set of communities in another country.



2015年11月28日 13時10分00秒 | Weblog




在特会は時代を映す鏡である 〜根深いマスコミ不信。真実はネットのなかにある!?





”A White Male Terrorist Shot More People Today Than Refugees Have Since 9/11”

2015年11月28日 11時24分00秒 | Weblog
米コロラド州の中絶関連施設で立てこもり、銃撃戦も 11人負傷
2015年11月28日 11:13 発信地:ロサンゼルス/米国

The shackled suspect was a white man who wore white T-shirt, a graying beard and glasses, pictures of the arrest show


A White Male Terrorist Shot More People Today Than Refugees Have Since 9/11Amanda Girard | November 28, 2015



Expunge Wilson & Jefferson &........

2015年11月28日 04時38分35秒 | Weblog


Today in white male leaders we should stop honoring: Thomas Jefferson? http://j.mp/1XtrWqZ @slateさんから 次はジェファーソン

Why Honor Thomas Jefferson?
Students are now criticizing their campuses for elevating a man they call a rapist and a racist.

By Scott Jaschik

In the past week, Princeton University students who object to having Woodrow Wilson’s name on an academic unit and a residential college occupied the president’s office and left only when promised that the university would review its use of the Wilson name. The students pointed out that Wilson was a racist who, as president of the United States, had federal government agencies segregated, reversing progress toward civil rights for black people. Many observers have wondered which historical figure honored on American campuses would next capture critical attention.

The answer appears to be Thomas Jefferson. At both the University of Missouri–Columbia and the College of William and Mary, critics have been placing yellow sticky notes on Jefferson statues, labeling him—among other things—“rapist” and “racist.”





Japanese, U.S. scholars attack Seoul's indictment of professor

2015年11月28日 04時31分53秒 | Weblog
Japanese, U.S. scholars attack Seoul's indictment of professor over 'comfort women' book
November 27, 2015

By RYUICHI KITANO/ Senior Staff Writer
A group of 54 scholars, writers and journalists from Japan and the United States have protested the indictment of a South Korean university professor for her book about “comfort women.”

The indictment of Park Yu-ha for defamation “gradually violates the freedom of speech and the press as well as academic and artistic freedom,” the group said in a statement read out at a news conference in Tokyo on Nov. 26.

Park, a professor at Seoul’s Sejong University, was charged on Nov. 18 over her book “Comfort Women of the Empire.” South Korean prosecutors said the book defamed the women who were forced to provide sex to Japanese soldiers during World War II.

“Public authority in the form of the prosecutors office has moved to confine academic freedom and freedom of speech based on a particular view of history,” the protest statement said.

Chizuko Ueno, professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Tokyo who was one of the signers of the statement, said at the new conference: “I hold a sense of discomfort about a book being judged in a courtroom. A fundamental point of freedom of speech is active discussions. Authority should not repress it.”

Among those from the group attending the news conference were Yoichi Komori, a professor of Japanese literature at the University of Tokyo, Kei Nakazawa, a writer and professor of literature at Tokyo’s Hosei University, and Yoshibumi Wakamiya, former editor in chief of The Asahi Shimbun.

Others who signed the statement were Yohei Kono, who as chief Cabinet secretary in 1993 issued a statement offering an apology to former comfort women, and Tomiichi Murayama, who as prime minister in 1995 issued a statement on the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II in which he expressed “deep remorse and a heartfelt apology” for the damage caused to Asian nations.

“What to certify as facts and how to interpret history are issues left up to academic freedom,” the statement said. “Matters related to speech should be countered through speech, and public authority should never encroach into that arena.”

The statement also called for “a ruling by the court that would not be embarrassing to the common sense and conscience of democracy.”

Tadashi Kimiya, a professor of Korean Peninsula studies at the University of Tokyo and a signatory to the statement, referred to Seoul’s attempt to return certification of history textbooks back to a government-based system.

“(The indictment) must be called another move on the part of the state authority to monopolize historical interpretation,” Kimiya said. “It could lead to giving the international community the excuse to ask ‘Is South Korea a democratic nation?’”


2015年11月28日 03時32分08秒 | Weblog




Sykes–Picot Agreement

2015年11月28日 02時03分59秒 | Weblog

サイクス・ピコ協定(サイクス・ピコきょうてい、英: Sykes-Picot Agreement)は、第一次世界大戦中の1916年5月16日にイギリス、フランス、ロシアの間で結ばれたオスマン帝国領の分割を約した秘密協定。イギリスの中東専門家マーク・サイクス(英語版) (Mark Sykes) とフランスの外交官フランソワ・ジョルジュ=ピコによって原案が作成され、この名がついた。



Britain's average daily commute is ONE HOUR AND 38 MINUTE

2015年11月28日 01時50分10秒 | Weblog



UK人の平均通勤時間は往復98分 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3335945/Britain-s-average-daily-commute-ONE-HOUR-38-MINUTES.html?ito=social-twitter_dailymailUK … イングランド北西部では10人に1人が4時間超。(因みに日本は78分)

Young women selling sex for the price of a sandwich in Greece

2015年11月28日 01時12分36秒 | Weblog

投稿日: 2015年11月27日 11時53分 JST 更新: 2015年11月27日 12時00分 JST

Young women selling sex for the price of a sandwich in Greece
A half an hour session with a sex worker can now be as cheap as $2
Daniela Deane 7 hours ago

Young Greek women are selling sex for the price of a sandwich as six years of painful austerity has pushed the European country to the financial brink, a new study showed Friday.

The study showed that most of the Greek women just coming into prostitution are between the ages of 17 and 20.

The study comes after a shocking report last month of an unemployed Greek mother pimping her 12-year-old daughter to a priest and a retired man for money. The mother, 44, was sentenced to 33 years in prison and fined 100,000 Euros ($106,153), the paper said. The Greek media dubbed the woman “monster mom” and the country was outraged by the case.

Laxos said last month’s widely-publicized incident — and his study — “reflects a society in denial about the changes taking place” in Greece.




Sex workers Alice, 20 (left) and Claire 17, pose for a photograph as Alice's baby sleeps close by in their home in Kiamaiko, Nairobi. Alice said that her partner was killed in a shoot-out five years ago. It left her with no means to support herself and her newborn baby son, so she started working as a prostitute. Claire said she has been a sex worker since she was 14



ロシア 米連合との連携継続

2015年11月28日 00時57分48秒 | Weblog
フランスとロシア、対「イスラム国」連携強化へ 対アサド政権では対立
Reuters | 執筆者: Reuters
投稿日: 2015年11月27日 12時34分 JST 更新: 2015年11月27日 13時10分 JST

Putin says to keep cooperating with U.S.-led coalition over Syria

