Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ジャーナリストたちによって作られる”日本人” ”イスラム教徒”

2015年01月25日 22時18分51秒 | Weblog

(ooi mariko)


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4:27 - 2015年1月25日


無道入人 (Day-Bee-Toe)

そもそも事実認識がおかしい。世間じゃ首相責任論とやらはテレビも宣伝しまくる一方、自己責任論言ってる奴など見たことも聞いたこともない。 http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/mutsujishoji/20150124-00042512/ …



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お気に入り ccビシャカナ諸葛 均ヒサミチetohガルディーン◆南紀白浜ziplock小太郎()潤っ教授ちゃん( ! )
22:44 - 2015年1月23日
sorekaradoushit ‏@sorekaradoushit 1月24日
@itchy_atopy 「ISISの要求に従って2億ドル払うなんてありえねーだろ」ってのすら自己責任論に含まれてる感がありますね。
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ハチ ‏@itchy_atopy 1月24日
@sorekaradoushit いや、「日本人なら自己責任だと言うだろう」という一部の人々の頭の中にあるステレオタイプの日本人像があるだけなんですよ。ただの思い込みです。






" I would hug him with all my strength" 思い切り抱きしめてやりたい

2015年01月25日 22時07分42秒 | Weblog
6 時間前



 また、正一さんは、遥菜さんを助けるためにシリア入りしたとみられる後藤健二(Kenji Goto)さんに対し、何度も謝罪の言葉を口にした。正一さんによると、遥菜さんは後藤さんを兄のように慕っていたという。

【翻訳編集】AFPBB News

Japanese hostage's father says mind 'totally blank'
Sunday, January 25, 2015 | 2:58 AM

TOKYO, Japan (AFP) - The distraught father of a Japanese hostage believed executed by his militant Islamist captors told Sunday how his mind had gone "totally blank" when he heard the news of his son's death.

"I thought 'Ah, this has finally happened' and was filled with regret," Shoichi Yukawa said hours after a video appeared online claiming that self-styled military contractor Haruna Yukawa has been executed.

"I went totally blank, I was only sorry... I had no words to say," the 74-year-old said.

Shoichi Yukawa on Sunday repeatedly apologised to Goto, who was understood to have travelled to Syria to try to free his son.

"We are very sorry for causing trouble" to the public as well as to Goto, the father said.

"We are deeply grateful that the government and others concerned have made their utmost efforts."

The father said his son had felt as if Goto, 47, was his "big brother".

"My son told me all the time that he is a sincere, very courageous and gentle man.

"I feel it very painful that Mr Goto worried about Haruna, went there and risked his own life and then was kidnapped and threatened this way," he said.

"I had been hoping something like this wouldn't happen, but it finally did.

"If I could see him again, I would hug him with all my strength," he said.

Ex-contributor of Debito.org regets.....

2015年01月25日 08時47分56秒 | Weblog
#TBT: The one with all the hate
on Jan 23, 2015 in Personal

Some things you’re meant to forget, others you can’t put behind until you set them right. Today’s post is about the latter.
Back in 2010, I flopped a full-riding scholarship in Japan. And, in a fit of self-righteous vindication, I wrote an essay for a well-known foreign activist website detailing what I assumed, at the time, to be the only reason for my epic flop.
Here’s the thing. The scholarship program wasn’t perfect, but neither was I – a fact that I conveniently overlooked in 2010 and for years after. I was so desperate to put the blame somewhere other than myself that I ended up hating the whole damn country for a few very specific faults. When you’re miserable, all you see –all you want to see – is misery. And I needed people to commiserate with me.
I wrote my essay under a fake name.
Then, I shared the link on my public DeviantART profile under my actual, searchable name.
Looking back, I was an idiot, and not just because of that.
Back then, I also used to blog about life in Japan. As my life deteriorated, I slowly let my disappointment get the better of me. My would-be funny, witty or sarcastic posts – collectively titled Land of Absurd – were transitioning from sarcasm and satire to full-fledged hate. A thing that Sora (空), a Japanese blogger who’d traced me through my DeviantART profile, brought to my attention and blogged about extensively. A thing that Sora’s commenters said repeatedly, pointing out the racism and vitriol that was indisputably there.
A thing that I conveniently chose to overlook and dismiss as trolls and hate even though, as justly pointed out, my blog was the hateful one. I wrote some pretty nasty sh!t. There’s no other way to sugar-coat it. It took me five years to realize it, but there you have it: I was in the wrong. I was wrong to attack a whole country and culture because I felt wronged by some of its elements myself*. I was wrong to focus on the negative and dismiss every good thing that happened between ’07 and ’10. Yes, I was embittered and physically ill at the time, but I was still wrong.
I already wrote to Sora back in 2011, but I felt it necessary to write this in order to a- set things straight (better late than never, right?) and b- get true closure on this whole damn thing. There’s also a few clumsy Japanese words that more or less sums up that whole thing. It can also be read here.
ちょっと、つらいことや、嫌なことがあったからといって、その国の人々や、国全体について悪く言って、嫌悪するなんて、民族差別・人種差別 そのものですよねーーー言い訳のしようがありません。
そして、在日外国人の皆さんーーー外国にいて、周りにネガティブなことが起きても、ポジティブなことがおきていることも見逃さないでくださ い。
* Hello, Paris syndrome… well, OK, Japan syndrome, but the principle still applies. As one of my dear friends pointed out back then: If we were to send you to the most beautiful country on Earth, and parachute you over their capital city, in a week you’d be writing about how much it sucks there.
** TBF rather than TBT; I meant to post that one yesterday and didn’t realize I already had another post scheduled. Ups.


2015年01月25日 00時38分56秒 | Weblog













