Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

An Woman Gets Tied Up and they love it.

2015年01月23日 21時37分39秒 | Weblog

 Dakota Johnsonでググると こんなのを、時場所を限定しないで、公開していいのか、とか、女性蔑視的であるとか、まだ、そういった評論はないようですね。


”In South Korea, racist remarks about foreigners, especially Japanese, are seldom frowned upon”

2015年01月23日 21時22分17秒 | Weblog

In South Korea, racist remarks about foreigners, especially Japanese, are seldom frowned upon. It is not difficult to find Koreans who would not hesitate to call Japanese people monkeys.
Unfortunately, young students participating in a project run by the winner of the 2014 K-Blog Awards best educational blog category are no exception.

Some students describe Japanese as “monkeys,” “murderers” and “history distorters” on their placards while participating in the project.

We should send the issue of takeshima/Dokdo to International court.

We should work together to settle the issue of Korean comfort women for Japanese military and the U.S. military, by applying the same terms for the solution.


Islamic Center Japan Denounces ISIS’s Threatening To Kill Two Japanese Nationals

2015年01月23日 19時57分10秒 | Weblog

Islamic Center Japan
18時間前 · 編集済み ·

Islamic Center Japan Denounces ISIS’s Threatening To Kill Two Japanese Nationals
(Tokyo 22/1/15) The Islamic Center Japan denounces the threatening to kill two Japanese nationals, Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. The Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) /the Islamic State (IS) have held them hostages for several months.
We believe that ISIS/IS is committing a grave mistake and ask them to listen to the voice of wisdom and release the hostages immediately and unconditionally.
To mention some of the reasons,
-Japan has been taking a relatively balanced position that in many cases tended to support the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel. This position did not change for many years in spite of intense pressure from the western world.
-Japan is the biggest donor to the Palestinians and many reconstruction projects in Gaza as well as West Bank are funded solely by Japanese government and organizations.
-In Japan, Muslims live peacefully and suffer not from any discrimination, harassments or humiliations like these faced by Muslims in some western societies. There is no single recorded case of violence against Muslim women wearing Hijab or Niqab.
-Muslims in Japan practice their religion freely, build mosques and organize dawa activities without any interference from the government.
-But probably, the most important reason is that Japan is practically the only country in the world that did not and will not declare a WAR against any other country, including ISIS/IS, because its constitution clearly forbids any sort of military activities that are not in a self-defense when Japanese territories are attacked.
-Accordingly, the 200 million dollars declared by the Japanese Prime Minster for the use to “fight terrorism” were not and are not intended to support any military effort against ISIS/IS, but merely were already planned for support of Syrian and Iraqi refugees displaced by the prolonged conflicts. The Japanese society and media now acknowledge that the Prime Minster should had not used the word “fight terrorism” to describe the donation, simply because it was not and can not be used for such a purpose.
On the other hand, we warn ISIS/IS that killing of these two Japanese hostages will have a grave effect on the image of Islam among Japanese people and on Muslims in Japan. We held ISIS/IS responsible in front of Allah the almighty for such effect because they have no excuse or justification to kill them.
Their killing will violate the Quranic teaching, as Allah says in Surat Al-Mumtaĥanah, verse 8:
“Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly”.
Thus, we call again on ISIS/IS to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally
Islamic center of Japan
المركز الإسلامي باليابان يدين تهديدات الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام بقتل مواطنين يابانيين
طوكيو 22/1/2015)
يدين المركز الإسلامي باليابان تهديدات الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام بقتل رهينتين يابانيتين وهما : "كينجي جوتو" " و هارونا يوكاوا" ، حيث كان تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية يحتجزهم كرهائن منذ عدة أشهر
ونحن نوقن بأن الدولة الإسلامية ترتكب خطئاً فادحاً بهذا الشأن وندعوهم إلى الإستماع إلى صوت الحكمة والعقل والإفراج عن الرهائن فورا دون قيد أو شرط ، والنظر بعين الحكمة للأسباب التي نسوقها لكم تأكيدا لطلبنا هذا وهي
أن اليابان دائما ما تتخذ موقفا متوازنا نسبيا في كثير من الحالات مع ميلها الدائم إلى دعم الفلسطينيين في صراعهم مع إسرائيل ، وهذا الموقف لم يتغير منذ سنوات عديدة على الرغم من الضغط المتزايد عليها من الدول الغربية في هذا الشأن
اليابان تعتبر أكبر جهة مانحة وداعمة للشعب الفلسطيني حيث أن العديد من مشاريع إعادة الإعمار في غزة والضفة الغربية تمول بصورة مباشرة من الحكومة والمنظمات اليابانية
في اليابان يعيش المسلمون في سلام مع اليابانيين ولا يعانون من أي تمييز أو مضايقات أو إهانات كالتي يواجهها المسلمون في بعض المجتمعات الغربية ، ولم تسجل حالة حالة عنف واحدة ضد المسلمات اللاتي يرتدين الحجاب أو النقاب في اليابان
في اليابان يمارس المسلمون شعائرهم الدينية بحرية ، ويبنون المساجد ويتظمون أنشطتهم الدعوية بدون تدخل من الحكومة اليابانية
والسبب الذي ربما يكون أكثر أهمية من غيره هو أن اليابان -عمليا - هي الدولة الوحيدة في العالم التي لم و لن يعلنوا حربا ضد أي بلد آخر، بما في ذلك الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام ، لأن دستورها يحظر بوضوح أي نوع من الأنشطة العسكرية سوى الدفاع عن النفس إذا تعرضت أراضيها للخطر
إن المائتين مليون دولار التي أعلن رئيس الوزراء الياباني أنها ستستخدم لمحاربة الإرهاب ، لم ولن تستخدم لدعم أي عمل عسكري ضد الدولة الإسلامية حيث أنه كان مخططا لها بالفعل أن تستخدم لدعم اللاجئين في العراق والشام النازحين من بلادهم بسبب النزاعات والحروب في المنطقة العربية
إن المجتمع الياباني ووسائل الإعلام اليابانية يقرون الأن بأن رئيس الوزراء الياباني كان عليه أن لا يستخدم كلمة " مكافحة الإرهاب " وهو يتحدث عن تلك التبرعات التي يحظر الدستور الياباني في الأساس أن تستخدم لهذا الغرض
ومن ناحية أخرى نحن نحذر تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام من أن قتل الرهائن اليابانيين سوف يكون لها تأثير خطير على صورة الإسلام بين الشعب الياباني وعلى المسلمين في اليابان ، ونحن نحمل تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية المسؤلية أمام الله تعالى على هذا الأثر السيئ الذي سوف يتسببون به وخاصة أنه ليس لديهم عذر شرعي أو مبرر لقتلهم
إن قتل هؤلاء الرهائن لهو مخالفة صريحة لتعاليم القرءان الكريم ، حيث يقول الله تعالى في كتابه العزيز في سورة الممتحنة ، أية 8 " لا ينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا إليهم ، إن الله يحب المقسطين " ولذلك نحن نجدد دعوتنا للعقلاء في الدولة الإسلامية أن يطلقوا سراح هؤلاء الرهائن بدون قيد أو شرط
المركز الإسلامي باليابان

Islamic Center Japan
12時間前 ·

(2015年1月22日 東京にて)


2015年01月23日 19時32分07秒 | Weblog

Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント
The commitment to this ideal is why I admire America, despite its many faults. @BarackObama in his #SOTU address:


Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント

For most of us non-Americans, that's a profound statement. And we will never hear our own politicians say anything close in our lifetimes.



Paris Supermarket Attack Hero Lassana Bathily Receives French Citizenship



”イスラムはテロを認めていません”  ”イスラム国のテロリストはイスラム教にとっての恥です”

2015年01月23日 18時51分11秒 | Weblog








Sさん:ひどいです! 拉致はありえない行為ですし、このようなことは決して起こるべきではありません。拉致されている彼らのご無事を願うばかりです。





力への意志 テロリズムと帝国主義

2015年01月23日 18時17分35秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, JAN 19, 2015 01:00 AM +0900
Religion is a scapegoat: The problem isn’t Islam — it’s power
Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks, critics have rushed to condemn the Muslim community. Here's why they're wrong


I’d argue that terrorism — and religious fundamentalism generally — arises primarily out of a preoccupation with power. Not power in the sense of brute physical dominance over others, which acts of terrorism surely are, but power as the basic psychological drive of the human animal. The thwarting of that drive is the root cause of both terrorism and violence generally.

Nietzsche was the first thinker to come up with the idea of a “will to power” as an alternative to a “will to life” as the prime mover of human behavior. As he wrote in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” “Wherever I found the living, there I found the will to power. Only where there is life, there is also will: not will to life but will to power. There is much that life esteems more highly than life itself.” It’s all too obvious that those who risk their lives to commit terrorism and other acts of violence value their cause more than their life.

In his posthumously published notes, Nietzsche described this power-will in organic terms, writing that “every living thing reaches out as far from itself with its force as it can,” and concluded that “all expansion, incorporation, growth means striving against something that resists.” It’s obvious that we humans strive to grow and flourish in life. And it’s equally obvious that there are barriers to flourishing, starting with one’s own shortcomings.

Religion offers a unique way to deal with this dissatisfaction. Religious fundamentalism in particular is a seductive bulwark from which a person can exercise his personal power with all the self-righteousness that comes with identifying with the ultimate power in the universe, God. As Nietzsche wrote long before modern terrorism came into vogue:

In sacrificing and immolating yourselves with such enthusiasm, you delight in the intoxication of the thought that you are now one with the powerful being, God or man, to whom you are consecrating yourselves: you revel in the feeling of his power, which is again attested by this sacrifice. In reality, however, you only appear to sacrifice yourselves; for your imagination turns you into gods and you enjoy yourselves as such.

It’s worth noting, though, that Christian fundamentalists don’t usually resort to violence — although it does happen — nor do American Muslims. In the first instance, this is probably because, as just noted, Christianity already enjoys a tremendous amount of influence in American society — and has since its inception. And in the second instance, Muslims in the United States are “overwhelmingly satisfied with the way things are going in their lives,” according to a 2011 Pew study, “and continue to rate their communities very positively as places to live.”

This might also explain why there haven’t been many homegrown, “lone wolf” Muslim terrorists in America—American Muslims just don’t feel alienated from the rest of society like French Muslims do. Even though they have the same access to the messages of radical Imams and other passionate advocates of jihad, the power-will of your average American Muslim finds plenty of satisfaction. Recourse to extreme measures is unnecessary.

Of course another factor driving Islamic terrorism is the long history of Western imperialism.

Consider the plight of Muslims over the past 60 years or so. The creation of the state of Israel, combined with the rearrangement of the Middle Eastern map, without any real consideration for the effects on the people themselves, has caused a tremendous amount of political and social chaos. Totalitarian Arab rulers, often propped up by Western support, have arisen and oppressed their own peoples for decades, and when emigrants from those countries settle in Western nations, they are subject to economic and political discrimination there, too. The Muslim power-will is thwarted on nearly every level.

I would propose a different path forward. By acknowledging the importance of the basic psychological drive of the human animal at work in terrorism, we can foster a sense of solidarity with those in the Muslim world — who are also the victims of it — by refraining from attacking their religion. We can stand with Charlie while also recognizing that we don’t stand against a specific religion from which 1.8 billion people derive their personal identity and sense of self-worth. We need the combined power of us and them to combat the perverted power drive of a relatively small but fiercely committed group of ideologues.


 過激派も然り、宗教の原理主義者も然りである。 ただ、アメリカのキリスト教原理主義者やイスラム教徒が過激にならないのはすでにある程度の影響力をもっているから、過激に走る必要性がそれほどないのではないか、と。 西洋の帝国主義者が自分たちの都合で中東を切り分け、自分に都合のよい、庶民を苦しめる全体主義者を国の首領にしてきて、中東の民は苦しんでいる、その苦境を利用して、宗教がつけこんでくるのだ、と。



”Distortions, lies and omissions: The New York Times won’t tell you the real story ”

2015年01月23日 18時14分44秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, JAN 21, 2015 09:00 AM +0900
Distortions, lies and omissions: The New York Times won’t tell you the real story behind Ukraine, Russian economic collapse
International papers will cover America's role in the world honestly. Only our best paper willingly blinds itself




2015年01月23日 12時05分54秒 | Weblog

「残された時間はわずかです」 後藤さん母の声明全文














If they kill Kenji, there will be absolutely no sympathy for ISIS from Japanese people.


2015年01月23日 08時22分02秒 | Weblog
【江川紹子寄稿 後編】ろくでなし子&北原みのり問題 あの作品は「性欲を興奮せしめ…」るのか2015年1月16日






ただ、ちんこ、まんこ と 例えば、手のひらは生物的にも、社会的にもーーー時代を超えて、社会を超えてーーーその機能、意味合いは、、異なる。


"Korean terrorist threaten to bomb Japanese embassy in Korea"

2015年01月23日 08時12分30秒 | Weblog

2015年01月22日 20時39分




"Korean terrorist threaten to bomb Japanese embassy in Korea


Gay Samurais

2015年01月23日 07時49分44秒 | Weblog


Edo era Samurai were pretty gay
Master BlasterMaster Blaster2 days ago


Time seemed to do the job anyway however, as shudo gradually went out of fashion and by the end of the Edo period and 19th century vanished with the last of the samurai.

Thus ended widespread homosexual culture in Japan. Nowadays, many gay men in Japan remain closeted and gay marriage seems totally off the table in government. It’s hard to say why exactly. Japan doesn’t have the religious hang-ups of other countries and most people don’t even remember the bloody history of shudo to care.




