Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”White woman shouted “bloody Paki” and spat at me” No one said a thing”

2014年11月12日 02時01分13秒 | Weblog


Last week on the No 9 bus, a middle-aged white woman shouted “bloody Paki” and spat at me. The sputum landed on the back of my seat, grey and revolting as she was.
No one said a thing, not even the black and Asian people around me. They all lowered or averted their eyes. I was spat at in 1972, too, after exiled Ugandan Asians with British passports arrived here. That time I was sitting quietly in a park in Oxford, reading Middlemarch. So you think it’s much better than the really bad old days? The truth is that, since 2001, in-your-face racism has returned. But those who suffer it just have to swallow the insults and degradation.

The difference is that, back then, we had politicians of all parties, including Tories, who felt keenly that racial prejudice and discrimination were unjust and reprehensible. They passed laws, used government purchasing power to get companies to operate fairly and, bit by bit, made racism unacceptable in the public space. Now those at the top – with the exception of Diane Abbott – say nothing and do even less about this stain on our society. Ethnic-minority politicians are the biggest cowards of the lot.

Even Margaret Thatcher, a little Englander, funded major projects to test the levels of race discrimination in Britain. I know because my husband, Colin Brown, was commissioned to carry out an expensive social survey paid for by her ministers. He devised empirical tests and proved that people were being denied jobs and housing because of their race or ethnicity.

Such work is not carried out any more because it is deemed unnecessary or a sop to political correctness. But we know, through analyses of various data, that while 20 per cent of young white people are unemployed, the figure for black youths is 50 per cent, and that landlords and estate agents now keep out non-white tenants. A survey in May found that more people admit they are racially biased than people did in the 1990s.

This is truly disturbing. Always remember Germany in the 1930s. When life gets tough, people instinctively turn on those they define as the other, the outsider. Jews, black and mixed-race people, Travellers and the disabled, were murdered en masse because they were felt to be a threat to national greatness.

Extreme right-wing parties are getting popular here and no one takes them on. The Olympics now seem like a great British hypocrisy. Good party, shiny medals won by athletes of colour, including the refugee Mo Farah, but racial hatreds keep rising.

In truth, it is racism that is the forbidden subject. If you object to that evil, you are “politically correct”, an oppressor and a threat to free speech. Missiles are fired at those of us who speak up. Some internet abuse is worse than being spat at. I am told by some leading lights that preference for one’s own sort is “natural” and that minorities have been spoilt by having protective laws and “special privileges”.

I blame the minorities, too, for the vulnerable state we are in. Islamicist separatism and now Isis terrorism have turned good people off diversity. The anti-white prejudices within some Asian families are mortifying. Grooming gangs have destroyed young girls and also cohesion and mutual trust between the brown and white Britons.

Britain could be an exemplary rainbow nation with a place for everyone. A few years back, we thought it was. It no longer is.

 バスで、糞パキ !、と叫ばれて唾を吐きつけられたが、誰も何もしてくれなかった、と。面と向かってされる人種差別が復活してきた。以前も差別はあったが、以前は政治家たちが、あれこれ改善しようとしていたが、いまは誰も何もしなくなってしまった。 問題がないわけではなく、例えば、若者の白人の失業率は、20%だが、黒人のそれは、50%。大家や、不動産屋は、有色人の借り手を寄せ付けない。1990年代より差別がひどくなった、という人が増えてきている。それで、声あげてヘイトスピーチ・人種差別に反対すると、おまえは、きれいごとをいって、表現の自由を脅かしている迫害者だ、とまで、いわれる。自分に似たものに好感をもつのは自然で、少数弱者は在英特権で、甘やかされているのだ、と。

 これも、まるで、Japan TimesやNYTにでてくる日本記事みたいですけど、記事としては、それほど目立たないところにおかれているのではないでしょうか? 





