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シックな大人の演出 Something Chic

2007年02月22日 | ブライダルダンス Wedding
If you are preparing for your wedding, you must have heard of the western tradition of four items that the bride's gathering.

Something New (新しいもの)
Something Old (古いもの)
Something Borrowed (借りたもの)
Something Blue (青いもの)

Personally, I would like to add one more thing that (I think) most couples in the world want for their weddings!
"Something Chic(大人っぽいシックなもの)"


The latest issue (April 2007) of the wedding magazine, ZEXY, is featuring fun events, performance, and items to make your wedding chic and trendy
JSDC's Bridaldance is introduced as a perfect thing to do for your dream wedding reception
Taking a closer look, this couple on the coverpage look like dancing, don't they!?
A wedding dance or a first dance is one of 'something traditional' in the US and European countries, but it's still somehting new in Japan
What makes us the happiest is all the comments from our wedding dance students, saying "the first dance was the best wedding memories"


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