踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

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クラブメンバー講習会 Club Member Workshop

2007年04月29日 | レッスン&講習会 Lessons
ご報告が遅れてすみません! 4月21日(土)はJSDCクラブメンバー講習会だったよ。 たくさんのクラブメンバーの皆様にご参加頂きありがとうございます 今回は3種のダンスを学んだ後、そのまま渋谷のJSDC新スタジオに移動、親睦会としてミニパーティを開催 今後も更にクラブメンバーの皆様が楽しめるイベントを企画します!

JSDC had a quarterly workshop for JSDC club members on Saturday, April 21st Sorry for the late report! Thank you very much to every single clubmember who joined the event The members practiced three kinds of dancing this time, and went straight to JSDC's new studio in Shibuya for a mini party We'll plan more fun events for JSDC club members in the future

いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog! 
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ダンシング囲碁マスター Dancing Japanese Chess Master

2007年04月24日 | パーティ Parties
JSDCアニュアルパーティで華麗にデモンストレーションを行う武宮正樹さん(9段)が囲碁の世界で必読新聞の「碁」4月23日号で紹介されました デモの流れも詳しく写真とともに掲載されています♪ スタジオで記事のコピーを見つけてみてね かっこいーよ!

Masaki Takemiya, a JSDC student and the famous Japanese chess master, is featured in a Japanese Chess Newspaper "GO" on April 23rd In this article, he is performing the tango at the JSDC Annual Party and you'll see several pictures of his demonstration with his partners Please find a copy of the article at the studio!


いつも読んでくれてありがとう!Thank you for reading JSDC blog
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ストレッチ&ピラティスクラス Stretching & Pilates Class

2007年04月23日 | レッスン&講習会 Lessons

新スタジオでストレッチ&ピラティスクラス開講しました!かなり運動不足のポーちゃん、このクラスで体のゆがみや姿勢の悪さを発見しました・・・ 体を伸ばして一日をスタートすることがいかに気持ちいいかも発見しました~(わかっちゃいるけど実行出来ないのが素人というものです) エクササイズのプロが皆さんをお待ちしております♪

JSDC has started stretching (Mon 11am) and pilates (Fri 11am) lessons at the new studio! In this class, Po-chan (me), who had not excercised for a while, found out that I was in very bad shape .....Also I discovered how great it is to start the day by stretching my body parts...(I truly know how good it must be, but I just can't continue doing it by myself!) Fitness professionals are waitng for you to discover yourself


気軽に遊びに来てね。See you in Class

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日経MJでダンス婚 Dancing Wedding in Nikkei MJ

2007年04月21日 | メディア Press

JSDC's wedding dance was introduced in Nikkei Marketing Journal on Friday, April 13th, 2007
The picture is from a dance lesson for Miho, Naoki, and Miho's father (Thank you so much for your cooperation!).
Their dance is really elegant, said the instructor....
Please check out the original article at the studio too.
You could see how much they love each other from this sweet dance


いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog
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新スタジオでレッスン開始 The First Lesson at New Studio

2007年04月15日 | P スタジオ P Studio

JSDC Shibuya Private Studio had its first lesson on April 14th
For more people to enjoy dancing at this relaxing space, we are plannning our private lesson campaign now.
Please ask your instructor for details
The picture is the meeting room & ladies changing room at the new studio.

遊びに来てね Stop by at the new studio
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アニュアルパーティ Annual Party

2007年04月11日 | パーティ Parties

JSDC had its Annual Party 2007 on Sunday, April 4th in Ikebukuro
Total of 124 people including the guests and staff all spent a lovely afternoon.
Every single performance by JSDC students and JSDT was suuuper exciting
I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed line-dance mini lesson too.
Thank you so much to everyone who performed, came to see the performance, and of course, enjoyed dancing

次のパーティのテーマカラーは紫です♪The theme color is PURPLE for the next party
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のぞき見 Take a Peek

2007年04月07日 | P スタジオ P Studio

I stopped by at JSDC Shibuya Private Studio to see how the construction is going the other day.
The mirror and the floor seemed almost finished
Next to this small studio, there is a small meeting room and office
The final touch is going to be done very soon♪

明日のパーティ絶対来てね♪I'll see you at the party tomorrow
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2007年04月06日 | レッスン&講習会 Lessons


 JSDC starts stretching and pilates classes on the third week of April at the Shibuya Private Studio! Please join us and relax at our new studio


 英語のチラシも製作中です。English fliers are going to be available soon!! 

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パーティ前の練習中 Practice before the Party

2007年04月03日 | レッスン&講習会 Lessons


A shot from tango demo practice for the JSDC Annual Party on Sunday, April 8th

Other students are also preparing to perform the chacha, foxtrot, and other dances. Please join our Annual Party to see all the fun demonstrations


いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog

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