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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】箴言25篇 忍耐と自制

2023年07月09日 15時15分21秒 | 箴言
25章 忍耐と自制

Chapter 25: Patience and Restraint
1. proverbs of kings 
 Beginning in chapter 25 is a collection of King Solomon's proverbs compiled by King Hezekiah, king of ancient Israel. Hezekiah was a king who appeared 200 years after King Solomon. One wonders where and how it was buried for 200 years, but Hezekiah thought it was important and added it to the body of proverbs that he believed Solomon had written.
So it seems that Hezekiah's concern was above all else with imperialism, that is, how a king should conduct himself and how his subjects should behave. Let us take a look at a few things.
First of all, verse 2 says that God and kings are two completely different things, although they seem to be one and the same. In Japanese history, there was a time when people were asked to worship the emperor as God, and Christian pastors who did not recognize him as God were oppressed and killed. After the war, GHQ released a photo of Supreme Commander MacArthur and Emperor Showa side by side and issued the Shinto Directive (Separation of Religion and State), and I believe that this kind of thinking is no longer practiced in Japan. However, the problem of deification of leaders is a problem that can occur not only in nations but also in various organizations, large and small. Those who hold power are worshipped as if they were God, and they are allowed to behave unchecked. What is important is what kind of people are around the leader. 'Remove the wicked from before the king.' (v. 5). In other words, not only the king, but also the bureaucrats must be righteous as human beings in order for good government to be possible.
2. the proverbs of the subjects  
The king's servants, or bureaucrats, are to be taught important principles. First of all, remember to be humble as a human being. As Jesus taught (Luke 14:7-11), do not be a man who seeks his own honor. Next, verse 8, haste makes waste, and be a man who handles things carefully, especially when there is an accusation. He says, you must be aware of the facts and deal with it in a fair and reasonable manner (vv. 9-10). Calmness and composure are required. A truly wise person will speak the right words at the right time (v. 11). When rebuking others, we are to speak to their hearts with "expressing much in few words" (v. 12). Faithfulness is unquestionably commendable (v. 13). Do not disappoint others by making rash promises (v. 14). As the saying goes, " the soft overcomes the hard; and the weak the strong," and continued gentle and considerate speech can open stubborn hearts (v. 15).
In verse 16, praise should also be moderate. It is just as annoying to be visited often because you are a neighbor (v. 17). Above all, you will move with a good understanding of people's feelings and hearts. Spreading falsehoods is equivalent to murder. In fact, it is possible to have a person’s life ruined by a falsehood that has no basis in reality (v. 18). However, that being the case, we should be very careful about the kind of people with whom we associate (v. 19). A wise person is one who understands and is concerned about the feelings of others (v.20). Also, help your enemies when they are in trouble (vv. 21-22). Jesus (Matthew 5:44) and Paul (Romans 12:20) thought the same way. For it is only when a person lives in the depths of God's love that there arises a popularity that makes even his enemies roar. Do not speak behind their backs. It will come back as a strong north wind (v. 23). Be careful not to spoil the righteous way of life that fears God. For there is no doubt that in a dark world, those who believe in God and live faithfully are light (v. 26). What do you think? I see what you mean. Perhaps the main points of Hezekiah's aphorisms, so to speak, are patience and self-control. I wish you a good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. In Proverbs 10-15, which of the following parallelisms is used in a characteristic way? (1) Synonymous parallelism, (2) antonymic parallelism, and (3) synthetic parallelism. The answer is (2) antonym-type parallelism. The primarily contrastive clauses are arranged in antonymy (e.g., 10:1), which brings us to today's Bible quiz. Which of the following parallelisms is used characteristically in Proverbs 16-22? (1) synonymous parallelism, (2) antonymic parallelism, and (3) synthetic parallelism. The answer will be given tomorrow. Then I wish you a good day.
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