from today's Nikkei

2008年09月02日 13時46分45秒 | 新聞記事から
福田首相 辞任表明 「ねじれ」で政策停滞 自民、中旬に総裁選 今秋解散論強まる 野党、無責任と批判 麻生氏、出馬の意向

On the night of September 1, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda expressed his will of resigning the post at the emergency press conference held the night at the prime minister's office.This makes the Liberal Democratic Party have its presidential election in the middle of September,although the precise date is not yet decided.And futhermore this makes the possibility of dissolution of the House of Representatives in this autumn season highly enhanced.To this prime minister's decision, opposition parties all gave criticism saying that it is very irresponsible for the people of the nation. The reason of the prime minister's resignation this time is apparently that politics has been stalled because of the so-called "twisted" balance of power of political parties between the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors.After the sudden announcement of Fukuda's resignation, Taro Aso, now the Liberal Democratic Party's Secretary General,without delay,expressed his will to run for the party's presidential election.
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