from today's Nikkei

2008年09月01日 10時35分03秒 | 新聞記事から
資源開発5兆円規模 西豪州へ日本企業進出 千代田化工 プラント受注活動 商船三井 運搬需要見込む

Japanese resources development-related companies are advancing into West Australia one after another.Specifically,Chiyoda Corporation will set up a subsidiary there in order to seek to receive the orders of building a gas plant and others.Mitsui O.S.K.Lines,Ktd.also has established its base looking for the demand of transporting resources.Komatsu,Ltd. will reinforce its service maintenance base located there for its construction machinery its customers are using.In the circumstances that prices of mineral resources like iron ore and natural gas are soaring, a total amount of more than 6.5 trillion yen is expected to be invested in the development of resources in Australia over the next five years.Of the amount,about 5 trillion yen will be invested in West Australia.Other Japanese companies are seeking to get the orders in the fields of machinery, materials and logistic support.
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