from toda's Nikkei

2006年10月06日 13時52分51秒 | 新聞記事から
イオン、マルエツ株取得 ダイエーから30% 丸紅と交渉へ
It is learned that Aeon is going to start negotiation with Marubeni,which is the top shareholder of Daiei, in the direction that Aeon will acquire about 30 percent of the Maruets's issued shares,which is currently held by Daiei.

三井物産 ロシアでウラン生産 国営企業と共同 2009年から 原発向け
Mitsui& Co,Ltd. will launch developing a uranium mine in Russia.It will do the business there in coopeartion with a Russian state-run corporation,supplying the material for nuclear power generating stations from 2009.

日産・ルノー、GM 株式取得合意できず 3社が共同声明 交渉決裂を発表
Nissan, Renault and General Motors officially announced that they had failed to reach an agreement in acquiring each other's shares ,although efforts among peole concernd had long been made.

対北朝鮮 安保理声明案 実務協議詰め
The UN Security Council started discussion on the draft presented by Japan that a statement should be issued by the name of the president of UN Security Council on the working level.
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