Jun's Blog in English


Rabbit as a pet

2022-01-27 09:02:27 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I conducted a business training.
Before starting the main training, trainees made a short speech
as a practice for presentation.

One of them was an interesting speech.
He spoke about his rabbits.
He recommended a rabbit for the first pet owners.

There were three reasons.
1. Reasonable price
If you want to have a dog, you have to pay much money.
A price of a rabbit is one-tenth of a dog.

2. No cry
Since rabbits don’t have vocal cords, they never cry.
If you live in an apartment, you never bother your neighbors.

3. No walk
You don’t need to take a rabbit for a walk.
It’s enough for them to play in your room.

I have a dog. I thought he was right.
Having a dog will cost us very much.
His barks sometimes annoy me.
Walking with him is sometimes a troublesome.

I love my dog but I thought a rabbit is also not bad
as he said.

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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