Jun's Blog in English


New Convenience Stores

2021-11-30 08:28:00 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here.

I found an article about convenience stores in a newspaper.

Family Mart opened an unmanned convenience store next to a
post office in Saitama Prefecture.

Usually, one store needs two staff at least.
In this new store, instead of staff, there are 20 cameras,
sensors for shelves, and registers which read prices of products

The president of Family Mart announced they would aim to open
1000 unmanned stores by 2024.

Seven-Eleven’s strategy is a little bit different.
They developed “Smart Phone Register”.
Customers can read bar cords of products by their smart phones
and pay automatically. The burden of staff will reduce very much
and they can spare time to communicate with customers.

Anyway, I hope convenient stores will be more convenient in the
near future.

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