Jun's Blog in English


High temperature tunnel

2021-11-11 08:34:34 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here.

I read a novel titled “High temperature tunnel” written by
Mr.Akira Yoshimura. This is a novel based on a real story.

The construction for The Kurobe River Third Dam started in 1936.
The Kurobe Gorge was very dangerous zone.
They needed to make a tunnel there.

The company which accepted this order for the first time gave up
this work after they dug only 30 meters because it had a very high
temperature on the wall. It was 70°C.

Another company undertook this task for the second time.
But they had a more difficult situation.
The more they dug, the more the temperature increased.
It went over 150°C !

Furthermore, they had many accidents like unexpected dynamite
explosions and collapse of facilities from big avalanches.

Since there were a lot of victims, the local public office wanted
to cancel this construction. But the national government made the
company continue the construction because the electricity was
necessary for Japan. Japan was under the war.

Finally, the tunnel and dam were made in 1940.
But the number of victims were 300 workers.
I understood how difficult this project was.
And I thought we have to be grateful to the people who worked for

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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