Jun's Blog in English


Searching for offices

2021-11-19 08:31:38 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here.

I work as a manager of one training organization.
It has a training room now but we don’t use it much
because we usually do online trainings due to the pandemic.
We expect the situation will continue even after the pandemic.

We decided to move to a smaller office to reduce costs.
Yesterday, My co-worker and I walked around the Kanda area in Tokyo
with some information about empty offices.

It seemed that there are enough empty offices near
Kanda Station.
We are going to ask a property agent to let us see inside of
some offices next time.

We have already noticed to the owner of the present office
that we will leave by next April.

I hope we will be able to find a good office.

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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