

Star Festival in 2019

2019-07-07 20:39:04 | 日記
Summer's large triangle appears at the southeast sky.
lt's the day of Star Festival today.
So, it's fine day today, there is no cloud at the sky.
They twinkle each other.
Orihime and Hikoboshi are rendezvous without the help of Kasasagi, aren't they?
l've bought a favorite bag last June for new fresh green season.
So it's the day of physical training today.
l want to change and feel refreshing sense today.
Then l went to there,wearing sky-blue T-shirt and bringing this bag.
l felt what it's a little early using.
Though it made me cool feeling, it may be becouse today is the day of Star Festival.
We cerebrate "Tanabata" in Japan.
lt's coming soon hot Summer.