

Haru has waiting

2017-08-04 06:59:50 | 日記
He is waiting a one of his friends of walking.
He turns his head to the direction for coming the friend with walking.
lt's coming soon the time, Haru.

Is this a "Heavenly Blue"?

2017-08-01 06:51:14 | 日記
lt has bloomed a different colored one.
lt was heavy rainy likes a squall and terribled thunders last evening.
Haru lowered his tail, rushed into the our dining room.
He sit by my side until storm has stopped.
Then, these wait for dawn and bloomed.
l have seeded the planters into
12 seeds, but l didn't change the soil, and l didn't expect to bloom.
So, l got a joy.
lt becomes the pleasures, it has been forgotten.