

Is God always for the big battalions?

2017-08-01 07:48:08 | 日記
lt was fallen on the roof.
The Asian gaint hornet buster did it over again yesterday.
But, it became weighty on the top.
So, it was heavy rain likes spuall and terrible thunders last evening.
He should come to set the catch again, Oh, oh.

Is this a "Heavenly Blue"?

2017-08-01 06:51:14 | 日記
lt has bloomed a different colored one.
lt was heavy rainy likes a squall and terribled thunders last evening.
Haru lowered his tail, rushed into the our dining room.
He sit by my side until storm has stopped.
Then, these wait for dawn and bloomed.
l have seeded the planters into
12 seeds, but l didn't change the soil, and l didn't expect to bloom.
So, l got a joy.
lt becomes the pleasures, it has been forgotten.