

Something that remains undissolved

2022-11-19 07:42:36 | 日記
I have an interest in the spiritual world, and has studied in various places since I was young.

In one place, give yourself over to nothingness, and in another place, give priority to your own thoughts. In another place, set your own axis and live here and now.

At 66 years old, I have a clear grasp of who I am, unable to fit into any teaching.

Maybe this is what I've been looking for all along and where I belong.

I guess this is me who is not bound by anyone's teachings.

I am me, an independent being that does not belong to anyone else.

That's it. There is no other place I would like.

I have lived aiming to become myself, but that path has been the way I have lived.

This is fine. I'm fine with this. I've been living as myself for a long time.

I met myself after going through the trials of learning in various places, here is a certain self that has not melted.

This is fine. This is what I was looking for all along. I like myself.

I already had myself as the main character everywhere, and myself who acted like that at that time.

To achieve this, I got this life now. I think so now.

He and me

2022-11-19 06:47:32 | 日記
I saw him clearly
the day before.

They say ・・
When you suddenly remembered someone,
someone who remembers
about you.

You may have thought of it.

Thank you for today filled with love.

Thoughts will come . .
No matter how far the distance is.

Thank you for life.
Thank you for all the encounters.

I can believe her words.

Imagination is power and determines our lives.