

Daurian Redstart

2020-10-20 17:16:45 | 日記
After all, what I saw in the garden on 10/13 was Daurian Redstart.
They come from North Koria,
a winter migratory bird.
I picked up about 50 citrons and 50 persimmons in the garden to express my gratitude for the newly written book sent by the master in Tokyo.
When I returned the garden to clean up branches, there were two males on the astringent persimmon branch.
There is skill for us to harvest yuzu and persimmon without damaging them.
It's difficult for me, who grew up in the city, even after 18 years.
The batting average is about 10%. I had a hard time as this time as well.
I hope my teacher will be pleased ・・.
Goldrest, Black-backed Wagtail etc・・. Yuzu and persimmon have been dropped down vain. I'm sorry for the birds that come to my garden for food.

Clean up

2020-10-20 07:52:30 | 日記
The gardener I ask for in August clean up my garden for four days.
He is now 33 years old,
and has been working at my house for 10 years.
It costs ¥60,000 in three days, and the burden on the payer is heavy, but I'm grateful that it will be trimmed firmly.
It looks like a good New Year will come.
Thank you for your manual work, youg gardener.🙆😊👍️