

lt will be the day of 15th Haru-chan's birthday tomorrow!

2019-02-03 15:18:32 | 日記
We will turn 15 and 63 y.o. tomorrow.
Happy birthday Haru-chan💞🎉💞.
He has been ill during for 7 months.
Though he's getting well as for his ages when l decided one thing.
l hurried his vet after thinking deeply.
He has many anxious and worried elements for his body but he will be until the end of his life.
l'll keep watch over him.
Happy birthday to my lovely Haru-chan💞🎉💞.

The throwing beans day!!

2019-02-03 11:35:45 | 日記
lt's the of the "👹".
l got a reserved rolling seaweed soured rice at the near convenience.
lt's about ¥600, I was so surprised.
It's too expensive isn't it?
The devils are surprised and will be getting to escape from here.
My eyes flashed a big fire out.
lt's about ¥300 usual.
l 'll try to taste it.
lf is it worth ¥600?
l've a favor that it'll be as same as the price.🎶😝🎵