

He got ill -2

2018-09-02 19:52:05 | 日記
Haru has been in vet house by hospitalization..
He stayed 8/26~28 in vet house. he takes walking first after then 9/2 today.
The vet said haru has gotten 前庭障害, it likes meniere's disease of human being.
He hasn't eat nothing, just has drunk water.
l'm trying to make his food which want to eat for a week.
Those are boiled beef or pork meat and steamed bread with 3 sorts of medicines.
He eat them for 2~3 days.
The season goes to autumn, it's getting coll.
l pray for his recovery little by little.
So, l received his food in this month from the usual shop although he can't eat.
Let's fight together, Haru.