

Zero Library BookE [K]

2010年05月12日 23時14分52秒 | 生命生物生活哲学
Zero Library BookE [K]

Kammerer, P. 1924. The inheritance of acquired characteristics. 414pp. Boni & Liveright. [Pt]

Kapoor, V.C. 2001. Principles and Practices of Animal Taxonomy. Science Publishers. [y8100+405=y8505]

Kareiva, P. & Levin, S.A. (eds.) 2003. The Importance of Species: Perspectives on Expendability and Triage. xvi+427pp. Princeton University Press. [B20030625, y4565]

Kareiva, P.M. 1998. Exploring ecology and its applications: readings from American Scientist. 278pp. Sinauer Associates. [W981009, y5764]

Karlin, S. & Nevo, E.A. 1986. Evolutionary processes and theory. x+786pp. Academic Press. [OUL467.5]

Kato, M. (ed.) 2000. The Biology of Biodiversity. xii+324pp. Springer-Verlag. [W000424, y3650]

Kauffman, S. 1995. At home in the universe: the search for laws of complexity. 321pp. Viking. [B960419]

Kauffman, S.A. 1993. The Origins of Order: self-organization and selection in evolution. xviii+709pp. Oxford University Press. [B960417]

Kawanabe, H., Cohen, J.E. & Iwasaki, K. (eds.) 1993. Mutualism and Community Organization: Behavioural, Theoretical, and Food-web Approaches. xii+426pp. Oxford University Press. [B001025, y8000($11.59)]

Kawano, S. (ed.) 1990. Biological approaches and evolutionary trends in plants. xii+417pp. Academic Press. [OUL471]

Keast, A. (ed.) 1990. Biogeography and ecology of forest bird communities. 410pp. SPB Academic Pub. [W981119, y20489]

Keddy, P.A. 1989. Competition. x+202pp. Chapman & Hall. [y4532]

Keddy, P.A. 2001. Competition. Second edition. xvii+552pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [B=20020920, $49.00+13.47=$62.47]

Keenleyside, M.H.A. (ed.) 1991. Cichlid fishes: behavior, ecology and evolution. ? Chapman & Hall. [p911015]

Keller, D.R. & Golley, F.B. (eds.) 2000. The Philosophy of Ecology: From Science to Synthesis. xiii+366pp. University of Georgia Press. [B20021217, y6745]

Keller, E.F. 1995. Refiguring life: metaphors of twentieth-century biology. xix+134pp. Columbia University Press. [W980205, y2628]

Keller, E.F. & Lloyd, E.A. (eds.) 1992. Keywords in Evolutionary Biology. xiii+414pp. Harvard University Press. [B950908, y2984]

Keller, L. (ed.) 1999. Levels of Selection in Evolution. xii+318pp. Princeton University Press. [B991116, $13.56+54.60/8]

Kellogg, V.L. 1908. Darwinism to-day. xii+403pp. Henry Holt and Company.

Kent, M. & Coker, P. 1992. Vegetation Description and Analysis, 1st ed : A Practical Approach. x+363pp. Belhaben Press. [W990831]

Kermack, D.M. & Kermack, K.A. 1984. The evolution of mammalian characters. x+149pp. Crrom Helm. [OUL489.1]

Kershaw, K.A. 1973. Quantitative and dynamic plant ecology. Second edition. x+297pp. Edward Arnold (Publishers) Limited.

Kikkawa, J. & Anderson, D.J. (eds.) 1986. Community ecology: pattern and process. xi+432pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Kikuchi, T., Azuma, N. & Higashi, S. (eds.) 2003. Genes, Behaviors and Evolution of Social Insects. Hokkaido University Press. [B20031112, y7000]

Kimbel, W.H. & Martin, L.B. (eds.) 1993. Species, species concepts, and primate evolution. xv+560pp. Plenum Press. [OUL489.9]

King, M. 1993. Species evolution: the role of chromosome change. xxi+336pp. Cambridge University Press. [B950908, y3772]

Kingsland, S.E. 1985. Modeling nature: episodes in the history of population ecology. ix+267pp. University of Chicago Press. [B950428, y2977]

Kitcher, P. 1982. Abusing science: the case against Creationism. x+213pp. MIT Press. [P911209]

Kitcher, P. 1993. The Advancement of Science: Science Without Legend, Objectivity Without Illusions. viii+421pp. Oxford University Press. [B990910, $19.95+60.55/9]

Kitcher, P. & Salmon, W.C. 1989. Scientific Explanation. xiv+528pp. University of Minnesota Press. [P20010528]

Kitching, I.J., Forey, P.L., Humphries, C.J. & Williams, D.M. 1998. Cladistics second edition: the theory and practice of parsimony analysis. xii+228pp. Oxford Science Publications. [W981027, y13891]

Kitching, I.J., Forey, P.L., Humphries, C.J. & Williams, D.M. 1998. Cladistics: The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis (second edition). xii+228pp. Oxford Science Publications. [B010221, $29.95+18.90/2]

Kitching, R.L. 2000. Food Webs and Container Habitats: The Natural history and Ecology of Phytotelmata. xiii+431pp. Cambridge University Press. [B001114, y17062]

Klopatek, J.M. 1999. Landscape ecological analysis: issues and applications. xvii+400pp. Springer-Verlag. [W990805, y15977]

Knight, D. 1981. Ordering the World: A History of Classifying Man. 215pp. Burnett Books. [B990825, $34.99+12.95=$47.94]

Koestler, A. & Smythies, J.R. (eds.) 1969 (American edition 1970). Beyond reductionism: new perspectives in the life sciences. x+438pp. Macmillan Company.

Kohm, K. (eds.) 1991. Balancing on the Brink of Extinction: The Endangered Species Act and Lessons for the Future. xi+318pp. Island Press. [B991116, $45.00+54.60/8]

Kornblith, H. 1993. Inductive inference and its natural ground: an essay in naturalistic epistemology. x+123pp. MIT Press. [W980422, y4210]

Kratochwil, A. (ed.) 1999. Biodiversity in ecosystems: principles and case studies of different complexity levels. vi+214pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [W000426]

Krebs, C.J. 1972. Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance. x+694pp. Harper & Row Publishers.

Krebs, C.J. 1978. Ecology: Second edition. xiii+678pp. Harper.

Krebs, C.J. 1985. Ecology: Third edition. xv+800pp. Harper & Row Publisers. [W861003]

Krebs, C.J. 1989. Ecological Methodology. xii+654pp. Harper & Row. [P940112]

Krebs, C.J. 1999. Ecological Methodology. Second edition. xii+620pp. Benjamin/Cummings. [B=20021016, y6988]

Krebs, C.J. 1999. Ecological Methodology. 2nd ed. xii+620pp. Benjamin/Cummings. [W990924, y17192]

Krebs, C.J. 2001. Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance. Fifth edition. xx+695pp. Benjamin Cummings. [B010202, $95.00+5.95]

Krebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. (eds.) 1978. Behavioural ecology: an evolutionary approach. x+494pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B]

Krebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. 1987. Behavioural ecology: an evolutionary approach. Second edition. xi+493pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [OUL481.7]

Krebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. (eds.) 1987. An introduction to behavioural ecology. Second edition. ix+389pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [OUL481.78]

Krebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. (eds.) 1991. Behavioural ecology: an evolutionary approach. Third edition. xi+482pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B920217, y7024]

Krebs, J.R. & Davies, N.B. 1993. An introducion to behavioural ecology. Third edition. xii+420pp. Blackwell Science. [B950908, y3865]

Kuhn, T.S. 1993. Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn's Philosophy of Science. xx+310 pages. University of Chicago Press. [B990811, $22.00+36.75/5]

Kuhn, T.S. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Third edition (paper). xiv+212pp. University of Chicago Press. [B981218, $8.76+9.85/3]

Zero Library BookE [I] [J]

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Ihde, D. 1991. Instrumental Realism: The Interface Between Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Technology. xiv+159pp. Indiana Univ Press. [B000207, $4.21+23.80/4]

Immelmann, K. & Beer, C. 1989. A dictionary of ethology. xiii+336pp. Harverd Umiversity Press. [B890821, y7869]

Iwatsuki, K., Ravenm P.H. & Bock, W.J. (eds.) 1987. Modern Aspects of Species. xvii+240pp. University of Tokyo Press. [ISBN: 0860084140; B990829, y9000×1.05+380=9830]

Jablonka, E. & LambMarion, J. 1995. Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution: The Lamarckian Dimension. Oxford University Press. [ISBN 0198540620; OUL467.5]

Jablonski, D., Erwin, D.H. & Lipps, J.J. (eds.) 1996. Evolutionary Palaeobiology: in honor of James W. Valentine. vii+484pp. University of Chicago Press. [W970811, y5950]

Jackson, J.B.C., Buss, L.W. & Cook, R.E. (eds.) 1985. Population biology and evolution of clonal organisms. xi+530pp. Yale University Press. [OUL467]

Jaisson, P. (ed.) 1982. Social insects in the tropics. Volume 1. 280pp. Universite Paris-Nord.

Jaisson, P. (ed.) 1983. Social insects in the tropics. Volume 2. 280pp. Universite Paris-Nord.

Jardine, N. & Sibson, R. 1971. Mathematical taxonomy. xviii+286pp. John Wiley & Sons. [OUL]

Jeffers, J.N.R. 1972. Mathematical models in ecology. vi+398pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Jinarajadasa, C. 1938 (reprint 19**). First Principles of Theosophy. vii+465pp. Kessinger Publishing Company. [B961105]

Jo/rgensen, S.E. & Mu"ller, F. 2000. Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. 584pp. Lewis Publishers. [W000525, y12348]

Johnson, P.E. 1993. Darwin on trial. Inter Varsity Press. [B970512]

Johnston, C.A. 1998. Geographic information systems in ecology. viii+239pp. Blackwell Science. [W980213, y9563]

Jolicoeur, P. 1999. Introduction to biometry. x+517pp. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. [W000621, y13839]

Jones, C.G. & Lawton, J.H. (eds.) 1995. Linking species & ecosystems. xvi+387pp. Chapman & Hall. [B010115, $126.50+7.90/2]

Jones, J.K., Jr., Anderson, S. & Hoffmann, R.S. 1976. Selected readings in mammalogy. University of Kansas. [B001025, y1800 (out of print)]

Jones, S. & Gray, A. 1983. Classification: a beginner's guide to some of the systems of biological classification in use today. 32pp. British Museum (Natural History). [y400]

Jongman, R.H.G., ter Braak, C.J.F. & van Tongeren, O.F.R. (eds.) 1987 (1995). Data analysis in community and landscape ecology. ixx+299pp. Pudoc (Cambridge Univ Press). [B990823, $26.95+1.95]

Jurriaanse, A. 2001. Bridges (Revised Edition). 527pp. Bridges-Publishing. [B=20021030, y4224]

Zero Library BookE [H]

2010年05月12日 22時20分31秒 | 生命生物生活哲学
Zero Library BookE [H]

Hacking, I. 1983. Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science. Cambridge University Press. [B991124, $22.95+42.70/6]

Hacking, I. 1999. The Social Construction of What? x+261pp. Harvard University Press. [B991109,, $29.95+30.80/4]

Hacking, T. & Hacking, I. 1990. The Taming of Chance. xiii+264pp. Cambridge University Press. [B991025, $19.95+5380/4]

Haeckel, E. 古典書籍のオンライン公開:

Haefner, J.W. 1996. Modeling Biological Systems: Principles and Applications. xvii+473pp. Chapman & Hall. [B961115]

Hagen, J.B. 1992. An Entangled Bank: The Origins of Ecosystem Ecology. [B20040204, y2,576]

Hahlweg, K. & Hooker, C.A. (eds.) 1989. Issue in evolutionary epistemology. ix+605pp. State University of New York Press. [B960116]

Hairston, ***.o.s. Community Ecology and Salamander Guilds (Cambridge Studies in Ecology).

Hairston, N.G., Sr. 1989. Ecological experiments: purpose, design, and execution. Cambridge University Press. [W940128, y4460]

Hale, M. 1993. Ecology in education. xvi+191pp. Cambridge University Press. [W950825, y7190)]

Halfon, E. (eds.) 1979. Theoretical Systems Ecology: Advances and Case Studies. xiii+383pp. Academic Press. [B971029, y4000*]

Hall, B.G. 2001. Phylogenetics Trees Made Easy: A How-To Manual for Molecular Biologists. xii+179pp. Sinauer Assocites. [B011001, $24.95+11.48=$36.43]

Hall, B.K. 1994. Homology: The Hierarchical Basis of Comparative Biology. xvi+483pp. Academic Press. [B011010/$34.95+8.98/2]

Hall, B.K. 1999. Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Second Edition. xviii+491pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [B991228, $75.00+30.80/4]

Hall, B.K. & Wake, M.H. 1999. The origin and evolution of larval forms. xii+425pp. Academic Press. [W990119, y14164]

Hall, R. & Hollowey, J.D. (eds.) 1998. Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE Asia. ii+417pp. Backhuys Publishers. [W990917]

Hallam, T.G. & Levin, S.A. (eds.) 1986. Mathematical ecology: an introduction. xii+457. Springer-Verlag. [B910924, y19796]

Halle, S. & Stenseth, N.C. (eds.) 2000. Activity patterns in small mammals: an ecological approach. xxii+320pp. Springer. [W010227, y15,120]

Hallett, G.L. 1991. Essentialism: a Wittgensteinian critique. vii+237pp. State University of New York Press. [B981027, $21.95]

Hamilton, W.D. 1996. Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W.D. Hamilton (Volume 1, Evolution of Social Behaviour). xii+552pp. Oxford University Press. [B00728, $29.95+$12.95]

Hancock, J.F. 1992. Plant evolution and the origin of crop species. x+305pp. Prentice Hall. [OUL615]

Hannigan, J.A. (eds.) 1995. Environmental Sociology: A Social Constructionist Perspective. xii+236pp. Routledge. [W980513, y3830]

Hannon, B. & Ruth, M. 1997. Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems. xvi+399pp. Springer-Verlag. [W970728, y10164]

Hanski, I. 1999. Metapopulation Ecology. ix+313pp. Oxford University Press. [B011127, $45.00+20.46/3]

Hanski, I.A. & Gilpin, M.E. (eds.) 1997. Metapopulation biology: ecology, genetics, and evolution. xvi+512pp. Academic Press. [B011127, $56.00+20.46/3]

Hanson, E.D. 1977. The Origin and Early Evolution of Animals. x+670pp. Wesleyan University Press. [B001113, Out of print $45.99+5.95=51.94]

Hansson, L. (eds.) 1992. The Ecological Priciples of Nature Conservation: Applications in Temperate and Boreal Environments. xviii+436pp. Elsevier Applied Science. [OUL519.8]

Harlow, L.L., Mulaik, S.A. & Steiger, J.H. 1997. What If There Were No Significance Tests? xviii+446pp. Lawrence Er;baum Accociates. [B20031208, y14406+720=y15126]

Harre, R. 1986. Matter and Method. x+124pp. Basil Blackwell. [B991007, $11.00+30.80/5]

Harre, R. & Krausz, M. 1986. Varieties of Realism: A Rationale for the Natural Sciences. viii+237pp. Basil Blackwell. [B991007, $22.95+30.80/5]

Harris, L.D. 1984. The fragmented forest: island biogeography theory and the preservation of biotic diversity. xviii+211pp. University of Chicago Press. [B950428, y2793]

Hartl, D.L. & Clark, A.G. 1997. Principles of Population Genetics. 3rd edition. xiii+542pp. Sinauer Assoc. [ISBN: 0878933069; W990924, y10913]

Harvey, P.H. & Pagel, M.D. (eds.) 1991. The comparative method in evolutionary biology. viii+239pp. Oxford University Press. [B910810]

Harvey, P.H. & Partridge, L. (eds.) 1989. Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology. Vol. 6. 248pp. Oxford University Press. [OUL467.5]

Hassell, M.P. 1978. Arthropod predator-prey systems. vii+237pp. Princeton University Press.

Hassell, M.P. 2000. The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Host-Parasitoid Interactions. viii+200pp. Oxford University Press. [B001120, $34.95+7.90/2]

Hastings, A. (ed.) 1986. Community ecology. vii+131pp. Springer-Verlag. [P901214]

Hauser, M.D. & Konishi, M. (eds.) 1999. The Design of Animal Communication. xi+701pp. The MIT Press. [W000410]

Hawksworth, D.L. (eds.) 1995. Biodiversity: measurement and estimation. 140pp. Chapman & Hall. [B960306]

Hazen, W.E. 1975. Readings in population and community ecology. Third edition. vii+430pp. W.B.Saunders Company. [Hutschinson's paper is in the first edition] [F]

Heinrich, B. 1979. Bumble-bee economics. viii+245pp. Harvard University Press.

Hempel, C.G. & Fetzer, J.H. (eds.) 2001. The Philosophy of Carl G. Hempel: Studies in Science, Explanation, and Rationality. xxxiii+423pp. Oxford University Press. [B020318, $24.95+20.46/3]

Hengeveld, R. 1989. Dynamics of biological invasions. xiv+160. Chapman and Hall. [W910715]

Hengeveld, R. 1990. Dynamic biogeography. xiv+249pp. Cambridge University Press. [B900904, y10567]

Hennig, W. 1966 (1979). Phylogenetic systematics. xiii+263pp. University of Illinois Press.

Hermann, H.R. 1979. Social insects. Volume I. xv+437pp. Academic Press.

Hermann, H.R. (ed.) 1981. Social insects. Volume II. xiii+491pp. Academic Press. [B820428, y15180]

Hermann, H.R. (ed.) 1982. Social insects. Volume IV. xiii+385pp. Academic Press Inc. [B830109, y14070]

Hey, J. 2001. Genes, Categories, and Species: The Evolutionary and Cognitive Causes of the Species Problem. xvii+217pp. Oxford University Press. [B010807, $45.00+$11.48=$56.48]

Heywood, V.H. & Watson, R.T. (eds.) 1995. Gloval biodiversity assessment. xi+1140pp. Cambridge University Press. [W970609 y7308]

Higashi, M.***.P., B.C. 1989. Dominance of indirect causality in ecosystems. 288-302.

Hilborn, R. & Mangel, M. 1997. The Ecological Detective: Confronting Models with Data. xvii+315pp. Princeton University Press. [W970825]

Hill, W.G. & Mackay, T.F.C. (eds.) 1989. Evolution and animal breeding: reviews on molecular and quantitative approaches in honour of Alan Robertson. xii+313pp. Cab International. [OUL481.3]

Hinchliffe, J.R. & Johnson, D.R. 1980. The development of the vertebrate limb: an approach through experiment, genetics, and evolution. xiii+268pp. Clarendon Press. [OUL481.16]

Ho, M.-W. & Saunders, P.T. 1984. Beyond Neo-Darwinism: an introduction to the new evolutionary paradigm. xiv+ 376pp. Academic Press. [OUL469]

Ho"lldobler, B. & Wilson, E.O. 1990. The Ants. xii+732pp. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [B901003, y15233]

Hof, J. & Bevers, M. 1998. Spatial optimization for managed ecosystems. xx+258pp. Columbia University Press. [W980520, y6622]

Hoffman, A. 1989. Arguments on evolution: a paleontologist's perspective. xiii+274pp. Oxford University Press. [OUL457]

Hoffmeyer, J. 1996. Signs of Meaning in the Universe. ix+165pp. Indiana Univ Press. [B991213, $17.47+48.65/7]

Ho"ldobler, B. & Lindauer, M. 1985. Experimental behavioral ecology and sociobiology. xiv+488pp. Sinauer Associates Inc. [B]

Ho"lldobler, B. & Wilson, E.O. 1994. Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration. ix+228pp. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [B950908, y3726]

Hopp, S.L., Owren, M.J. & Evans, C.S. (eds.) 1997. Animal acoustic communication: sound analysis and research methods. xix+421pp. Springer-Verlag. [W980423, y20790]

Houston, A.I. & McNamara, J. 1999. Models of adaptive behaviour: an approach based on state. viii+378pp. Cambridge University Press. [W990920, y6373]

Howard, D.J. & Berlocher, S.H. 1998. Endless forms: species and speciation. xii+470pp. Oxford University Press. [ISBN 0-19-510901-5 (pbk);B991116, $39.95+54.60/8]

Howard, E. 1964. Territory in bird life. 239pp. Atheneum.

Howse, P.E. & Clement, J.-L. 1981. Biosystematics of social insects. The Systematics Association Special Volume No.19. xii+346pp. Academic Press.

Hoyningen-Heune, P. & Wuketits, F.M. (eds.) 1989. Reductionism and Systems Theory in the Life Sciences; Some problems and perspectives. 188pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [P20031126]

Hubbell, S.P. 2001. The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography. xiv+375pp. Princeton University Press. [B010715, $28.45+5.98]

Huggett, R.J. 1998. Fundamentals of Biogeography. xxpp+261pp. Routledge. [B990601 $35.99+30.80/4]

Hull, D.L. 1974. Philosophy of Biological Science. xi+148pp. Prentice-Hall. [B000731, Out of print $65.99+5.95]

Hull, D.L. 1988 (pb1990). Science As a Process: an Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science. xiii+586pp. University of Chicago press. [B960125]

Hull, D.L. 1989. The metaphysics of evolution. viii+331pp. State University. [B960419]

Hull, D.L. & Ruse, M. (eds.) 1998. The Philosophy of Biology. ix+772pp. Oxford University Press. [B981118, $85.00+5.95=90.95]

Humphries, C.J. & Parenti, L.R. 1986. Cladistic biogeography. xii+98pp. Clarendon Press. [P871204]

Humphries, C. & Parenti, L. 1999. Cladistic Biogeography, Second Edition: Interpreting Patterns of Plant and Animal Distributions. xi+187pp. Oxford University Press. [B000209, $65.00+12.95]

Huston, M.A. 1994. Biological diversity: the coexistance of species on changing landscapes. xiii+681pp. Cambridge University Press. KO-950804, y5088, ordered950526 to Green Foregin Book, y5990, TREE95-Julyに書評あり]

Hutchinson, G.E. 1965 (1973). The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play. xiii+139pp. Yale University Press. [B]

Hutchinson, G.E. 1978. An Introduction to Population Ecology. xi+260pp. Yale University Press. [B]

Hutchinson, J. (eds.) 1989. Essays on crop plant evolution. vii+204pp. Cambridge University Press. [OUL615.91]

Huxley, S.J. 1932 (1972). Problems of relative growth. xxvii+312pp. Dover Publications, Inc. [B]

Zero Library BookE [G]

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Ga'nti, T. 2003. The Principles of Life. xviii+201pp. Oxford University Press. [B20080418, y16,171]

Gaston, K.J. 1994. Rarity. x+205pp. Capman & Hall. [B950908, y4,449 ]

Gaston, K.J. (ed.) 1996. Biodiversity: A Biology of Numbers and Difference. x+396pp. Blackwell Science. [B960808]

Gaston, K.J. 2003. The Structure and Dynamics of Geographic Ranges. x+266pp. Oxford University Press. [B20031010, y4,987+498=y5,485]

Gaston, K.J. & Blackburn, T.M. 2000. Pattern and Process in Macroecology. xii+377pp. Blackwell Science. [B20030404, y11,600]

〔2003-3-18 本が見つからない? > [B=20020722 $83.95+$11.48=$95.43]〕

Gauch, H.G., Jr. 1982. Multivariate analysis in community ecology. x+298pp. Cambridge University Press. [B950511, $27.95-2.79+51.81/4]

Gayon, J. 1998. Darwinism's struggle for survival: heredity and the hypothesis of natural selection. xvipp+516pp. Cambridge University Press. [W990602, y19,000]

Gee, J.H.R. & Giller, P.S. (eds.) 1987. Organization of communities: past and present. xii+576pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [W880713, y11,500]

Gehring & Ruddle 1998. Master Control Genes in Development and Evolution: The Homeobox Story. xviii+236pp. Yale University Press. [B991203, $37.00+17.65/7]

Geiger, G. 1990. Evolutionary instability: logical and material aspects of a unified theory of biosocial evolution. xi+167pp. Springer-Verlag. [OUL361.5]

Gerhart 1997. Cells, Embryos, and Evolution: Toward a Cellular and Developmental Understanding of Phenotypic Variation and Evolutionary Adaptability. xiii+642pp. Blackwell Science. [B991203, $64.95+17.65/7]

Ghiselin, M.T. 1969. The triumph of the Darwinian method. 287pp. University of California Press.

Ghiselin, M.T. 1997. Metaphysics and the origin of species. xii+377pp. State University of New York Press. [B991116, $25.95+54.00/8]

Gibbs, J.P. 1998. Problem-Solving in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management: Exercises for Class, Field, and Laboratory. 215pp. Capital City Press. [W990602, y5,097]

Gilbert*** (eds.) 1997. Developmental Biology. xviii+918+Q1+AI11+SI25pp. Sinauer Associates,Inc. [B991203, $77.95+17.65/7]

Gilbert*** (eds.) 1997. Embryology: Constructing the Organism. xii537pp. Sinauer Associates,Inc. [B991203, $79.95+17.65/7]

Gilbert, F.F. & Dodds, D.G. 1987. The philosophy and practice of wildlife management. xi+279pp. R.R.Krieger Publishing Co.

Gilbert, O.L. & Anderson, P. 1998. Habitat creation and repair. ix+288pp. Oxford University Press. [W981125, y6,405]

Gilbert, S.F. 1991 (1994). A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology. xiv+266pp. Johns Hopkins Univ Press. [ISBN: 0801847370, B991222, $24.95+12.95]

Giles, R.H.J. 1978. Wildlife management. ix+416pp. W.H.Freeman & Co. [B861113, y8,090]]

Giller, P.S. 1984. Community structure and the niche. x+176pp. Chapman and Hall.

Gillespie, J.H. 1991. The causes of molecular evolution. xiv+336pp. Oxford University Press. [OUL467.1]

Gillespie, N.C. 1979. Charles Darwin and the problem of creation. xiii+201pp. University of Chicago Press. [P/Ka]

Gillman, M.G. & Hails, R. 1997. An Introduction to Ecological Modeling: Putting Practice into Theory. ix+202pp. Blackwell Science Ltd. [W970825, y7,119]

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