

Zero Library BookE [F]

2010年05月12日 11時06分12秒 | 生命生物生活哲学
Zero Library BookE [F]

Falk, S. 1991. A review of the scare and threatened bees, wasps and ants of Great Britain. 344pp. Nature Conservancy Council. [B951108, £18.00]

Farina, A. 1998. Principles and methods in landscape ecology. xiv+235pp. Chapman & Hall. [W980401, y8,400]

Farina, A. (ed.) 1999. Perspectives in Ecology: A Glance from the VII International Congress of Ecology (Florence 19-25 July 1998). ix+502pp. Backhuys Publishers. [B001025, y8,127]

Farina, A. 2000. Landscape Ecology in Action. xii+317pp. Kluwer Academic Publishers. [W001129, y7,875]

Feduccia, A. 1996. The Origin and Evolution of Birds. x+420pp. Yale University Press. [B20020620, $65.00+$11.48=$76.48]

Feekes, G.B. 1986. Hierarchy of Energy Systems from Atom to Society. vii+93pp. Pergamon Press. [B961023]

Feeney, R.E. & Allison, R.G. 1969. Evolutionary biochemistry of proteins: homologous and analogous proteins from avian egg whites, blood sera, milk, and other substances. viii+290pp. Wiley-Interscience. [OUL464.2]

Feldhamer, G.A., Drickamer, L.C., Vessey, S.H. & Merritt, J.F. 1999. Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity, and Ecology. xii+563pp. McGraw-Hill. [B001025, y10,500]

Feller, W. 1971. An introduction to probability theory and its applications. Second Edition. Volume 2. xxiv+669pp. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Felsenstein, J. (eds.) 1983. Numerical taxonomy. x+523pp. Springer-Verlag. [?]

Fenchel, T. 1987. Ecology - potentials and limitations. xvii+186pp. Ecology Institue. [W900202, y7,879]

Fe***rre', F. 1996. Being and Value: Toward Constructive Postmodern Metaphysics. [B20040204, y3,499+175=y3,674]

Ferry, L. 1992. The New Ecological Order. xxix+159pp. University of Chicago Press. [W980422, y3,169]

Ferson, S. & Burgman, M. (eds.) 2000. Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology. xi+322pp. Springer-Verlag. [W001114, y10,920]

Feyerabend, P. 1975. Against Method. xiv+279pp. Verso. [B990910, $16.00+60.55/9]

Feyerabend, P. 1987. Farewell to Reason. viii+327pp. Verso. [B990910, $20.00+60.55/9]

Feynman, R.P. 1985. The strange theory of light and matter. xi+158. Princeton University Press. °Published by Penguin Books in 1990? [B900901, y1,600*1.03]

Fiedler, P.L. & Kareiva, P.M. (eds.) 1998. Conservation biology, second edition: for the coming decade. Chapman & Hall. [W980304, y11,760]

Fisher, R.A. 1958. The genetical theory of natural selection. Second revised edition. xiv+291+11pp. Dover Publications Inc.

Ford, E.D. 2000. Scientific Method for Ecological Research. xix+564pp. Cambridge University Press. [B20021029, y6,266]

Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land mosaics: the ecology of landscapes and regions. xx+632pp. Cambridge University Press. [W]

Foster, L. & Swanson, J.W. (eds.) 1970. Experience & theory. xi+160pp. University of Massachusetts Press. [P951006]

Fox , C.W., Roff, D.A. & Fairbairn, D.J.(.). (eds.) 2001. Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies. xii+424pp. Oxford University Press. [B011116, $85.00+20.46/3]

Fox, M. & Sheldrake, R. 1996. Natural Grace. X+210pp. Doubleday. [B960920]

Frank, S.A. 1998. Foundations of Social Evolution. ix+268pp. [B=20030811, y2,979+149=y3,128]

Freeman, S. & Herron, J.C. 1998. Evolutionary analysis. xiii+786pp. Prentice Hall. [W990202, y13.608]

French, M. 1994. Invention and evolution: design in nature and engineering (2nd edition). xx+367pp. Cambridge University Press. [B960306]

Fryxell, J.M. & Lundberg, P. 1998. Individual behavior and community dynamics. x+202pp. Chapman & Hall. [W980213, y9,472]

Fuller, S. (ed.) 2000. Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times. xvii+472pp. University of Chicago Press. [B20030417, y2,899*1.05]

Funk, V.A. & Brooks, D.R. (eds.) 1981. Advances in cladistics. 250pp. New York Botanical Garden. [P911017]

Futuyma, D. & Antonovics, J. (eds.) 1990. Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology. Vol. 7. xi+314pp. Oxford University Press. [OUL467.5]

Futuyma, D.J. 1982. Science on Trial : The case for evolution. 287pp. Sinauer Associates, Inc. [B970512]

Futuyma, D.J. 1983. Science on trial: the case for evolution. xii+251pp. Pantheon Books. [P920120]

Futuyma, D.J. 1986. Evolutionary biology. Second edition. xii+600pp. Sinauer Associates Inc.

Futuyma, D.J. 1998. Evolutionary biology. Third edition. xviii+763+several tens pp. Sinauer Associates Inc. [W980501, y14,542]