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Wainwright, P.C. & Reilly, S.M. (eds.) 1994. Ecological morphology: Integerative organismal biology. viii+367pp. University of Chicago Press. [OUL481.7]
Wake, D.B. & Roth, G. (eds.) 1989. Complex organismal functions: integration and evolution in vertebrates. xiii+451pp. John Wiley & Sons. [OUL487]
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Wallace, A.R. 1890 (1869, 1962). The Malay Archipelago. xvii+515pp. Dover Book Corporation.
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Wallwork, J.A. 1970. Ecology of soil animals. vii+283pp. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
Ward, S.C. 1996. Reconfiguring truth: postmodernism, science studies, and the search for a new model of knowledge. xx+163pp. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. [B980909, $55.00+3.28]
Watanabe, S. 1969. Knowing and Guessing: a quantitative study of inference and information. xiii+592pp. John Wiley & Sons. [P950405]
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Webster, G. & Goodwin, B. 1996. Form and Transformation: Generative and Relational Principles in Biology. xiv+287pp. Cambridge University Press. [B20030926,, y8956+y448=y9404]
Weiher, E. & Keddy, P.A. (eds.) 1999. Ecological Assembly Rules: Perspectives, Advances, Retreats. xii+418pp. Cambridge University Press. [Book Description. It is over twenty years since Jared Diamond focused attention on the possible existence of assembly rules for ecological communities. Since then there has been a proliferation of studies trying to promote, refute or test the idea that there are sets of constraints (rules) on community formation and maintenance (assembly). ;B990803 $90.00+59.75/5]
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Whittaker, R.H. 1970. Communities and Ecosystems. The Macmillan Company.
Whittaker, R.H. & Simon, A.L. (eds.) 1975. Niche: Theory and Application. xv+448pp. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. [Papers are registered in Ecology.Lib]
Whittaker, R.J. 1998. Island biogeography: ecology, evolution, and conservation. xi+285pp. Oxford University Press. [W990202, y6510]
Whyte, L.L. 1965. Internal factors in evolution. xxii+80pp. Tavistock Publications. [OUL467.5]
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Wilber, K. 1996. A Brief History of Everything. xvii+339pp. Shambhala. [B960516]
Wilkins, J.S. 2003.11. The Origins of Species Concepts: History, Characters, Modes, and Synapomorphies. xii+242pp. [https://webspace.utexas.edu/deverj/personal/test/species.pdf. 受信:2008年10月2日.]
Wilkins, J.S. 2009a. Defining Species: A Sourcebook from Antiquity to Today. 238pp. Peter Lang Pub Inc.
Wilkins, J.S. 2009b. Species: a History of the Idea. xiv+305pp. University of California Press.
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Williams, C. 1980. Free Will and Determinism. vii+77pp. Hackett Publishing Company. [B961202]
Williams, D.F. (ed.) 1994. Exotic ants: biology, impact, and control of introduced species. xiv+332pp. Westview Press. [B950908, y9714]
Williams, D.M. & Malte, C.E. 2008. Foundations of Systematics and Biogeography. xvii+309pp. Springer-Verlag. [o20080415, y10232]
Williams, G.C. 1966. Adaptation and natural selection: a critique of some current evolutionary thought. x+307pp. Princeton University Press.
Williams, G.C. 1992. Natural Selection: Domains, Levels, and Challenges. x+208pp. Oxford University Press. [B960306]
Williamson, M. 1996. Biological Invasions. xii+244pp. Chapman & Hall. [B9609]
Williamson, T. 1994. Vagueness. xiii+325pp. Routledge. [B20030625, y4610*1.05]
Willmer, P. 1990. Invertebrate Relationships Patterns in Animal Evolution. ix+400pp. Cambridge University Press. [ISBN: 0521337127; B991025, $35.95+53.80/4]
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Wilson, D.S. 1980. The natural selection of populations and communities. xv+186pp. The Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc. [PK]
Wilson, E.O. 1975. Sociobiology: the new synthesis. ix+697pp. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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Wilson, E.O. 1990. Success and dominance in ecosystems: the case of the social insects. xxi+104pp. Ecology Institute. [B950921]
Wilson, E.O. 1992. The diversity of life. 424pp. Harvard University Press. [B951002, y4632]
Wilson, E.O. 1994. Naturalist. xii+380pp. Warner Books. [B961115]
Wilson, E.O. 1998. Consilience. 332pp. Alfred A. Knopf. [B000802, $18.20+11.90/2]
Wilson, J. 1999. Biological individuality: the identity and persistence of living entities. xii+137pp. Cambridge University Press. [B991109, $49.95+30.80/4]
Wilson, R.A. (ed.) 1999. Species: New Interdisciplinary Essays. xxi+325pp. The MIT Press. [B990909, $25.00+59.75/5]
Wilson, W. 2000. Simulating Ecological and Evolutionary Systems in C. xv+301pp. Cambridge University Press. [B000803, $29.95+5.95]
Winston, J.E. 1999. Describing species: practical taxonomic procedure for biologists. xxii+518pp. Columbia University Press. [B000207, $65.00+23.80/4]
Wolpert, L. 1998. Principles of Development. xx+484pp. Current Biology LTD Oxford University Press. [B991203, $65.00+17.65/7]
Wolters, G. & Lennox, J.G. (eds.) 1995. Concepts, theories, and rationality in the biological sciences. xi+417pp. Universita"tsverlag Konstanz UVK・Universititatsverlag/University of Pittsburgh Press. [B990910, $65.00+60.55/9]
Woodger, J.H. 1937. The Axiomatic Method in Biology, with Appendices by A. Tarski and W.F. Floyd. 174pp. Cambridge University Press. [PR001106]
Woodger, J.H. 1967(1929). Biological Principles: a Critical Study. Revised Edition. xix+496pp. Routledge and Kegan Paul. [B20031211, y15262 +763=16025]
Woodhead, A.D. & Thompson, K.H. (eds.) 1987. Evolution of longevity in animals: a comparative approach. x+354pp. Plenum Press. [OUL481.35]
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Worster, D. 1977. Nature's Economy: the Roots of Ecology. xiv+424pp. Anchor Press.
Wright, S. 1969. Evolution and the genetics of populations: a treatise. Volume II. 511pp. University of Chicago Press. [OUL467]
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