

Zero Library BookE [C]

2010年05月12日 01時01分25秒 | 生命生物生活哲学
Zero Library BookE [C]

Cain, A.J. 1963. Animal Species and Their Evolution. Revised ed. 190pp. Hutchinson University Library. [OUL480]

Calder, W.A.I. 1984 (1996). Size, Function, and Life History. xvi+431pp. Dover Publications. [B=20031104, y1,484*1.05]

Callebaut, W. 1993. Taking the Naturalistic Turn or How Real Philosophy of Science Is Done. xxii+553pp. University of Chicago Press. [ISBN: 0226091872, B000516, $29,95+48.65/7]

Callicott, J.B. 1999. Beyond the Land Ethic: More Essays in Environmental Philosophy. x+427pp. State University of New York Press. [B991116, $24.95+54.60/8]

Calow, P. (ed.) 1999. Blackwell's Concise Encyclopedia of Ecology. xiii+152pp. Blackwell Science. [W000124, y3,380]

Calow, P. et al. (eds.) 1998. The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management. xv+805pp. Blackwell Science. [W980909, y39,842]

Campbell, J.H. & Schopf, J.W. (eds.) 1994. Creative Evolution?! xiii+112pp. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. [B950908, y5005]

Caro, T. 1998. Behavioral Ecology and Conservation Biology. xv+582pp. Oxford University Press. [W981119, y10489]

Carroll, R.L. 1997. Patterns and Processes of Vertebrate Evolution. xvi+448pp. Cambridge University Press. [W971202, y7,854]

Carroll, S.B., Grenier, J.K. & Weatherbee, S.D. 2001. From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design. xvi+217pp. Blackwell Science. [B011010, $44.95+8.98/2]

Cartwright, N. 1994 (1989). Nature's Capacities and Their Measurement (paper). 268pp. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press. [W981110, y4542]

Case, T.J. 2000. An Illustrated Guide to Theoretical Ecology. xi+449pp. Oxford University Press. [B000412, $49.95+7.85]

Cassirer 1923. Substance and Function & Einstein's Theory of Relativity. xii+465pp. Dover Publications. [B991213, $15.99+5.95]

Cassirer, E. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. xvii+501pp. Yale University Press. [B990909, $22.00+59.75/5]

Cassirer, E. 1946. The Myth of the State. xii+303pp. Yale University Press. [B990909, $16.00+59.75/5]

Cassirer, E. 1981 (1986). Kant's Life and Thought. xxiii+429pp. Yale University Press. [B990909, $20.00+59.25/5 ]

Caughley, G. 1977. Analysis of Vertebrate Populations. ix+234pp. John Wiley & Sons.

Caughley, G. & Gunn, A. 1996. Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice. xii+459pp. Blackwell Science. [B951026,y7536]

Chaloner, W.G. & Hallam, A. (eds.) 1989. Evolution and Extinction. xii+241-488pp. Cambridge University Press. [B960306]

Chaplain, M.A.J., Singh, G.D. & McLachlan, J.C.(.). 1999. On Growth and Form: Spatio-Temporal Patterning in Biology. xxii+413pp. John Wiley & Sons. [B000516, $170.00+48.65/7]

Chapman, G.P. (eds.) 1989. Grass evolution and domestication. xviii+390pp. Cambridge University Press. [OUL479.3]

Chapman, J. & RoberTs, M. 1997. Biodiversity: the abundance of life. iv+124pp. Cambridge University Press. [W980612, y5832]

Chapman, J.L. & Reiss, M.J. 1992. Ecology: principles and appilications. ix+294pp. Cambridge University Press. [B950531, y3960*0.9*1.03]

Chapman, J.L. & Reiss, M.J. 1999 [1998]. Ecology: principles and appilications. Second edition. vi+330pp. Cambridge University Press. [W981215, y6699]

Charlesworth, B. 1980. Evolution in age-structured populations. xiii+300 pp. Cambridge University Press. [OUL]

Chase, J.M. & Leibold, M.A. 2003.7. Ecological Niches: Linking Classic and Contemporary Approaches. ix+212pp. University of Chicago Press. [[ISBN 9780226101804 / B20091006, y2,418]

Checkland, P. 1993,1999. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice, Includes a 30-Year Retrospective. A66+xiv+330pp. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [B001130, $49.95+30.80/4]

Checkland, P. & Holwell, S. 1998. Information, Systems and Information Systems - making sense of the field. xv+262pp. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [B001130, $145.00+30.80/4]

Checkland, P. & Scholes, J. 1990,1999. Soft systems Methodology in Action, Includes a 30-Year Retrospective. A66+xv+329pp. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [B001130, $54.95+30.80/4]

Cheeke, P.R. 1987. Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition. ix+376pp. Academic Press. Inc.

Chepko-Sade, B.D. & Halpin, Z.T. (eds.) 1987. Mammalian dispersal patterns. (paper) 360pp Univ. of Chicago Press. [OUL489]

Cherrett, J.M. (eds.) 1989. Ecological Concepts: the Contribution of Ecology to an Understanding of the Natural World. viii+385pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B901203, y6859]

Claridge, M.F., Dawah, H.A. & Wilson, M.R. (eds.) 1997. Species: the Units of Biodiversity. xvi+435pp. Chapman and Hall. [B=20030625, y12,510]

Clark, T.W., Curlee, A.P., Minta, S.C. & Kareiva, P.M. (eds.) 1999. Carnivores in Ecosystems: The Yellowstone Experience. xii+429pp. Yale University Press. [W000222, y6,300]

Clarke, G.L. 1954. Elements of Ecology. xiv+560pp. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Clutton-Brock, T.H. 1991. The Evolution of Parental Care. xii+352pp. Princeton Univ. Press. [W910909]

Clutton-Brock, T.H. & Harvey, P.H. (eds.) 1978. Readings in Sociobiology. 393pp. W.H.Freeman and Company. [y2430]

Cody, M.L. 1974. Competition and the Structure of Bird Communities. ix+318pp. Princeton University Press.

Cody, M.L. & Diamond, J.M. 1975. Ecology and Evolution of Communities. xii+543pp. Belknap Press of Harvard Univerisity Press. [W]

Cody, M.L. & Smallwood, J.A. (eds.) 1996. Long-Term Studies of Vertebrate Communities. xix+597pp. Academic Press. [W]

Coen, E. 1999. The Art of Genes: How Organisms Make Themselves. viii+386pp. Oxford University. [W990818, y5,364]

Cohen, J.E. 1978. Food Webs and Niche Space. xv+189pp. Princeton University Press.

Cohen, M.N., Malpass, R.S. & Klein, H.G. (eds.) 1980. Biosocial Mechanisms of Population Tegulation. xxiii+406. Yale University Press. [B910831, y2000]

Colbert, E.H. & Morales, M. 1991. Evolution of the Vertebrates: a History of the Backboned Animals through Time. Fourth edition. xvii+470pp. Wiley-Liss. [W910909]

Cole, A.J. (eds.) 1969. Numerical Taxonomy. xv+324pp. Academic Press. [OUL]

Coleman, D.C. & Hendrix, P.F. 2000. Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems. xi+336pp. CABI Publishing. [W000502, y15,015]

Colgan, P.W. (eds.) 1978. Quantitative Ethology. xii+364pp. John Wiley & Sons. [Z951006]

Collins, W.W. & Qualset, C.O. 1998. Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. xii+334pp. CRC Press. [W981030, y15487]

Commission, T.I.S.S. 1996. 1996 IUCN red list of threatened animals. 70+36810pp. IUCN. [W980423, y8988]

Committee on the Applications of Ecological Theory to Environmental Problems, C.o.L.S., National Research Council 1986. Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem-Solving: Concepts and Case Studies. xi+388pp. National Academy Press. [W981030, y5238]

Conway Morris, S. 1998. The crucible of creation: the Burgess shale and the rise of animals. xxiii+242pp. Oxford University Press. [B990803 $21.00+59.75/5]

Cook, G.M. 1999. Neo-Lamarckian experimentalism in America: origins and consequences. [Z000216]

Cooper, J.M. (eds.) 1997. Plato Complete Works. xxx+1808pp. Hackett Pub Co. [B991220, $45.00+65.70/6]

Corbet, G.B. & Southern, H.N. (eds.) 1977. The Handbook of British Mammals. 2nd edition. xxxii+520pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B780217, y6240]

Costanza, R., Norton, B.G. & Haskell, B.D. 1992. Ecosystem Health: New Goals for Rnvironmental Management. x+269pp. Island Press. [W981027, y4722]

Cox, C.B. & Moore, P.D. 1985. Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach. Fourth edition. vii+244pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B861024, y4270]

Cox, C.B. & Moore, P.D. 1993. Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach. Fifth edition. x+326pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [W940223, y4620]

Cox, C.B. & Moore, P.D. 2000. Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach. Sixth edition. x+298pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [B000412, $49.95+5.95=55.90]

Craw, R.C. & Gibbs, G.W. (eds.) 1984. Croizat's Panbiogeography & Principia Botanica: Search for a Novel Biological Synthesis. 75pp. Victoria University Press. [published as Tuatara Vol. 27(1); Z960209]

Craw, R.C., Grehan, J.R. & Heads, M.J. 1999. Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life. 229pp. Oxford University Press. [B990601, $65.00+30.80/4]

Crawley, M.J. 1993. GLIM for ecologists. ix+379pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [W940510, y7,570]

Creed, R. 1971. Ecological genetics and evolution: essays in honour of E. B. Ford. xxi+391pp. Blackwell Scientific Publications. [OUL467]

Creme, B. 1997. Maitreya's Mission - Volume 3. xii+704pp. Devorss & Co (Txp). [B991129, $18.00+41.65/7]

Creme, B. 2001. The Great Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity. xi+320pp. Share International Fondation. [B011012, y16.00+17.96/4]

Crisci, J.V., Katinas, L. & Posadas, P. 2003. Historical Biogeography: An Introduction. Harvard University Press. [B=20030908, y6,207]

Croizat, L. 1958. Panbiogeography I. xxxi+1018pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Croizat, L. 1958. Panbiogeography IIa. 771pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Croizat, L. 1958. Panbiogeography IIb. 772-1731pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Croizat, L. 1960. Principia botanica Ia. xiii+1149pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Croizat, L. 1960. Principia botanica Ib. 1150-1821pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Croizat, L. 1962. Space, time, form: the biological synthesis. xix+881pp. Published by the author. [B960205]

Crozier, R.H. & Pamilo, P. 1996. Evolution of Social Insect Colonies. viii+306pp. Oxford University Press. [B960517]

CSIRO. 1991. The Insects of Australia : A Textbook for Students and Researh Workers 2nd edition. 1137pp. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. [B990729, $235.00+24.85/2]

Curd, M. & Cover, J.A. (eds.) 1998. Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues. W.W. Norton & Company. [B=20030417, y4,251*1.05]

Czaran, T. 1998. Spatiotemporal Models of Population and Community Dynamics. xvii+284pp. Chapman & Hall. [W980401, y19824]

Cziko, G. 1995. Without Miracles: Universal Selection Theory and the Second Darwinian Revolution. xiii+385pp. The MIT Press. [B960226, R200906a]