


2024-03-01 18:18:02 | 英語特許散策

[0037] FIG. 27 illustrates

a surgical tool viewed through the XR headset

with graphical indicia displayed at least partially overlapping identified poses of fiducials of the reference array and another graphical indicia displayed at least partially overlapping an estimated pose of a missing fiducial, in accordance with some embodiments of the present disclosure;


US2020125846(BOEING CO [US])
[0151] Data storage 1208 can comprise at least one of a hard disk drive, a flash drive, a solid-state disk drive, an optical drive, or some other suitable type of data storage device or system.

Data storage 1208 can store scan data, a map of an object, a model of the object, or other suitable information for use in an augmented reality display of task information overlaying a live view of an object.

US2017054767(GOOGLE INC [US])
[0039] User interface 108 may

be integrated with or accessed from a master interface 302 

of, e.g., an operating system (e.g., as a virtual desktop) or for an application, such as a web browser 308 or a social network application.


In this regard, user interface 108 , when activated,

may be displayed above and at least partially overlapping a virtual desktop, including, for example, one or more applications or application features. In some aspects, user interface 108 may float, and may be repositioned by a user. 

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2024-03-01 16:05:45 | 英語特許散策

US11644834(NVIDIA CORP [US])
[0504] Some example embodiments

derive a crude sense of distance for camera objects by

mapping the lowest image row of the observed object onto a flat ground assumption, using the long-term pitch from the self-calibration, optionally adjusted over short time scales by image stabilization or the IMU assisted basic trajectory estimation. 


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2024-03-01 14:46:03 | 英語特許散策

US11796393(VALVE CORP [US])
[0007] The polarimetry camera may further include an optic positioned between the multi-twist retarder component and the sensor array, the optic operative to filter light from the multi-twist retarder component with respect to at least one characteristic.

The controller may be operative to process the captured images to generate one or more Stokes parameters.

The controller may be operative to process the captured images to generate one or more Stokes parameters for each of at least a subset of pixels of the sensor array.

The controller may be operative to process the captured images to generate one or more Stokes parameters in real-time during capture of the images.

The controller may be operative to cause at least one polarization-specific video to be displayed on a display,

the at least one video including a sequence of images captured for one of the polarization filtering states of the multi-twist retarder component.

 the processor is configured to present second video images including the visually enhanced structures of interest on the display.

US2021339033(CANDELA CORP [US])
 The safety routine may also cause the display to flash, to display a message that a higher energy level is not available for needle insertion depths of less than or equal to 1.5 mm or sound an audible alarm.

US10209866(APPLE INC [US])
[0147] In some embodiments, display controller 508 causes the various user interfaces of the disclosure to be displayed on display 514 .
[0128] いくつかの実施形態では、ディスプレイコントローラ508は、本開示の各種ユーザインタフェースをディスプレイ514に表示させる

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2024-03-01 11:48:01 | 英語特許散策

WO2018194739(RAYTHEON CO [US])
12. The method of claim 1 1 , wherein, within a contiguous subset of elements of the front-lighting array,

each of the elements of the front lighting array has a value proportional to the square of a first coordinate of the element,

the first coordinate being a coordinate in a direction perpendicular to the plane.


 [0035] As mentioned above, each voxel of each density array may correspond to a physical location in the object (e.g., in the patient).

The position of the location may be identified by coordinates in a three dimensional (e.g., Cartesian) coordinate system with X, Y, and Z axes.

Accordingly, every voxel may have X, Y, and Z coordinates that may be specified by its position (e.g., in centimeters or millimeters) with respect to the origin of the coordinate system (which may be somewhere within the patient).

Each element of the density array may be indexed by a tuple (or 3- tuple) of three integers, and each element may also be identified by the coordinates of the voxel to which it corresponds (which may, for brevity be referred to as the coordinates of the array element).

The 3-tuple may be written (x, y, z) and may include an x index ranging between 1 and Nx, a y index ranging from 1 to Ny and a z index ranging from 1 to Nz,

where Nx, Ny, Nz are integers, defined on line 64 of Listing 1 , specifying the size of the raw density array.


[0041] Lines 70 - 72 of Listing 1 correspond to the case in which the arrays representing the tissue density are rotated about the Z axis and projected onto the Y- Z plane.

The weighting array in the variable frontjighting may be used to emphasize parts of the object that are nearer the virtual viewer, when the axis of rotation is the Z axis, and the simulated viewing direction is along the X axis.

For example, lines 71 and 72

form a two dimensional array in the X-Y plane (i.e., having a first coordinate associated with the X direction and a second coordinate associated with the Y direction)

that varies as the fourth power of the X index over a range of values of the X index (the range excluding the first 120 elements and the last 50 elements in the X direction), and being zero elsewhere (i.e., the first 120 elements and the last 50 elements in the X direction being zero).


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2024-03-01 11:07:58 | 英語特許散策

[0038] The X-ray imaging system 10 comprises an X-ray image acquisition device with a source of X-ray radiation 12 provided to generate X-ray radiation. A table 14 is provided to receive an object to be examined. Further an X-ray image detection module 16 is located opposite the source of X-ray radiation 12 . During the radiation procedure, the examined object is located between the source of X-ray radiation 12 and the detection module 16 . The latter sends data to a data processing unit or a calculation unit 18 , which is connected to both the X-ray image detection module 16 and the X-ray radiation source 12 . The calculation unit 18 is exemplary located underneath the table 14 for saving space within the examination room.

Components directed towards promoting the comfort of seat occupants, particularly automobile passengers, have become an increasingly large and complex market. Ergonomic devices currently available for installation in the limited space within a seat include posture support mechanisms such as lumbar supports, mechanisms to ameliorate long term positional discomfort such as massagers and vibrators, and even temperature regulation ducts. There is a continuing need in the art for saving space, for decreasing the costs of materials, packaging and assembly, and for offering the manufacturers of automobiles, boats, airplanes, office furniture, physical therapy equipment and the like a full spectrum of combined features for their seats.

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