Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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15フォースステップ/採卵する?しない? (15 The Fourth Step/Yes or No? to Egg Retrieval)

2023-10-28 18:12:55 | 4thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 3)

Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is another article of The Fourth Step series.

The schedule of this cycle was like this. 

8月8日 ピルの服用を止める(5月5日から飲んでいました。)
Aug. 8th  Stopped taking birth control pills. (I started from May 5th.)

8月12日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Aug. 12th  Started taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

8月16日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 16th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月18日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 18th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月19日 12日に自己注射を始めた薬に加えて、セトロタイドCetrotide)という薬の自己注射開始
Aug. 19th  Started taking Centrotide in addition to the other 2 kinds of shots. 

8月21日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査

Aug. 21st  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

8月23日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査 トリガー注射
Aug. 23rd  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test    Trigger shots

8月24日 採血

Aug. 24th  Blood Test

8月25日 採卵
Aug. 25th  Egg Retrieval 

On the previous article of this series, I talked that I was so nervous if I would make it to the end of this cycle without running out of my medications. Today, let me talk about the 4th follicle check & lab test on Wednesday, the 23rd, and also the trigger shots that I took that night. 

On Aug. 23rd, I went to the clinic for the 4th follicle check and lab test. 

Just as previous appointments for follicle checking, I had a nurse check my ovary by ultrasound and talked to her after the exam. 

According to the ultrasound check that day, they could measure 2 mature follicles more than 18.5mm and  1 small, 11mm, follicle in my ovary. 

Although, the nurse said, "You have 2 mature eggs, but in our clinic standard, we usually don't do egg retreival for less than 2 mature eggs." (Oh, no!!) 

Although, she also said, "Still, it's totally up to you. Dr. J will be happy to help you if you still want to do it." 

When I heard that, 

"I have to double-check with my husband, but I personally want to go ahead and do the egg retrieval." 

I answered. 

There were a couple of reasons why I still wanted to do the egg retrieval for the only 2 eggs, and one of them was that I had only 1 ovary. 

When I mentioned about my ovary to the nurse, she also said, "Yes, if you had both ovaries, you could have had 4 eggs for total. Though, every cycle is different and we never know which cycle would go how." 
(I certainly don't regret that I had the surgery to remove my right ovary, but at the same time, I felt that having a backup was always good in general.) 

Also, I didn't want to waste all the time and energy that I had taken for the cycle. 

I also didn't want to make it nothing that all the effort Andy had taken for this treatment such as arranging work schedule, making lots of phone calls to handle the medication shipments etc... It was just so sad to me that all the shots that I had taken in the morning and at night for the egg retrieval would turn out nothing. 
(I don't think that this experience will be nothing meaningful even if I canceled the egg retrieval, but I felt as if I had to return to the start line at 42km point out of 42.195km in marathon.)

Anyways, they also told me that they're probably not going to change much in my treatment plan even if I'd do the next cycle since they'd already used strong dosages for the stimulation. 

Also, there's no guarantee that I could grow more follicles in the next cycles and also there's a possibility that I would grow less or even no follicles next too. 

There's also a matter of insurance. 

After the meeting, Andy made a contact with our insurance company and double-checked about their terms about IVF treatment again. Then, they said that what we had spent in the cycle by this point would need to be paid our of our pocket if we canceled the egg retrieval.  

So, Andy and I decided to go ahead and do the egg retrieval since it made more sense to us insurance-wise too. 

As for insurance, "Oh, right. We have to think about it too." I hadn't even thought about it until Andy brought it up.  Haha

In all honesty, from when I started this treatment, "All I need is just 1 healthy egg! If I have 1, it'll work out!!" I was feeling that way. 

Needless to say, the more eggs you can take out,  the more chances you can get pregnant, so even though I only had 2 eggs grown to mature, I wanted to keep a hope in those 2 precious eggs. 

Also, at the meeting with the nurse, I asked her, "Is there any chance that the smaller egg would be mature enough by Friday?" and then, 

"In our standard, we count follicles over 14mm as mature ones. The smaller one is 11mm today and considering the speed of the growth so far, it wouldn't be big enough by Friday." 

said she. (Dang!!)

(この数値についての詳しい事は、 12 フォースステップ/エストラジオールE2値 (12 The Fourth Step/Estradiol Level)で書いています。)
FYI, the E2 level that day was 1043(pg/mL) .
(What's E2? I wrote about the hormone on 12 The Fourth Step/Estradiol Level

When Andy and I did our 1st IVF in Japan in 2018, they could take 7 eggs and 4 out of them turned out to be embryos in good shape. So, now I'm 5 years older and only with a single ovary, which makes this treatment more challenging than I had expected. Still, I could reach the egg retrieval in this cycle at least. 

Anyways, our 3rd IVF treatment is now halfway through. I even have no idea how things will go, but let's stay tuned. (At the point when I'm writing this article, I haven't known the result yet either.)

Okay, that's all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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