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12 フォースステップ/エストラジオールE2値 (12 The Fourth Step/Estradiol Level)

2023-10-15 17:24:14 | 4thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 3)

Hello everyone!

How's your day going? 

Okay, this is another IVF article here. 

Here's the schedule of this cycle. 

8月8日 ピルの服用を止める(5月5日から飲んでいました。)
Aug. 8th  Stopped taking birth control pills. (I started from May 5th.)

8月12日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Aug. 12th  Started taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

8月16日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 16th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月18日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 18th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月19日 12日に自己注射を始めた薬に加えて、セトロタイドCetrotide)という薬の自己注射開始
Aug. 19th  Started taking Centrotide in addition to the other 2 kinds of shots. 

8月21日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査

Aug. 21st  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

Today, I want to talk about one of the hormons that they check along with ultrasound to monitor follicles, which is called E2 (Estradiol). 

As the schedule above, I had to visit the clinic during the stimulating phase (grow follicles with medications) to have them check how much or how many of my follicles were growing so that they can catch the perfect timing to do the egg retrieval. 

In all honesty, I had heard of the hormon name (E2), but I hadn't paid much attention to it. So, I didn't know exactly what you can learn from the hormon level. 

Although, I wondered why they checked the hormon level every time they did an ultrasound check too.






Then, I found this article. 




Estradiol levels in IVF: What Is A Good Level & What Can You Expect? - Alex Robles, MD

What is the normal range for estradiol levels are in an IVF cycle? Is your level low or is it even too high? Find out more...

Alex Robles, MD


An Engligh article about E2 is here. 

What Is A Good Estradiol Level For IVF?
The actual value of your estradiol (E2) during IVF isn’t as important as the overall trend and the number of ovarian follicles you have growing.
The more follicles you have growing, the higher your estradiol level will be.
We like to see approximately 200-300 pg/mL of estradiol per mature follicle by the day of the trigger shot.
For example, an E2 level of 1000 might yield 3-5 mature oocytes at the egg retrieval (as not all follicles yield eggs).
*Note: Estrogen and estradiol are often used interchangeably.

Estradiol levels in IVF: What Is A Good Level & What Can You Expect? - Alex Robles, MD

I see. The E2 level ususally reaches about 200-300pg/mL when a single follicle gets mature enough to fertilize, so here's a simple math. When you artificially stimulate your ovaries, you can get an idea of how many follicles are growing by monitoring them with ultrasound and also checking the E2 level. Like if the E2 level is about 900pg/mL, you can assume that there would be about 3 mature eggs because 900/300pg/mL =3.

My E2 levels were like this so far. 

16日 160(pg/mL) 自己注射5日目 
Aug.16th/Day5 of stimulation 160(pg/mL) 

18日 373(pg/mL) 自己注射7日目
Aug. 18th/Day7 of stimulation 373(pg/mL)


On the 18th, they told me that there were about a couple of follicles growing, but I'm not an expert, so I couldn't tell how the numbers were supposed to increase in the process anyways. 




Still, I got a brief idea of E2 level during IVF stimulation from the English article above and also from some of others' blogs who did IVF in the US. From those information and the number of my eggs, just 2, compared to others (14, 37 or even 50 eggs), my E2 level seemed pretty low.  
(I was really surprised that somebody could grow 50 follices at once!) 

BTW, my right ovary was removed and I tried to research if there's any difference in E2 level between both ovaries and a sincle ovary, but as far as I read, I didn't find any articles talking about the difference. Although, as not an expert, I assume that there's no difference how we see E2 levels for woman with a single ovary and both ovaries since the E2 level for 1 mature (200-300pg/mL)follicle is same anyways. 



Still, the total number of your follicles would go estimately down to the half if you remove one of the ovaries, so it makes to me that the E2 level would go also down to about the half as well. Like, if you could grow 4 follices for total, 2 follicles in the right ovary and 2 follicles in the left ovary, you'd lose 2 of the follices without one of the ovaries. 


Anyways, I shared what I learned about E2 with you guys today. 




Thank you for reading again! Bye for now!!!

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