Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 The Sixth Step/初診察 (The Sixth Step/The 1st Appointment)

2024-05-07 09:57:14 | 6thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 5)

Hi everyone!




How's your day going today? 




I've been writing my Japan trip diaries here lately, but today let me share my 3rd IVF treatment in Japan which was the main reason why I returned to the country by myself this time. 
(I was originally going to update articles of this IVF treatment series along with my Japan trip diaries in order of the timeline, but I forgot to update this article and mess up the order a little bit.) 




1 The Sixth Step/いざ日本へ (The Sixth Step/Going to Japan) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog




When Andy and I were planning my trip, we made a contact with our usual clinic in Japan via email. Thankfully, we could talk to our favorite front staff, O.K.-san, and embryologist, O-san, and they made a customized treatment plan for me fitting my trip schedule. 




The treatment plan was pretty much same as the one in 2022, which was a 30-day plan to allow me to return to MN as soon as possible. The original schedule was that I did an egg transfer during the stay and then leave Japan probably even before the pregnancy result came back. I wanted to the stay as short as possible since Andy was going to do everything on his own while I was gone. 



They also advised me to adjust my menstrual cycle to the trip schedule by taking birth control pills and then visit the clinic on Day 2 of my period after I arrived in Japan. 




On Jan. 27th, I went to the clinic for my 1st appointment during this stay. It'd been a long time since I last got on this train. 




It'd been 2 years since my last visit. The station was one of the bring-back locations for me in Japan. 




I got there much earlier than the appointment time, so killed some time at the platform. 



My mom was actually coming along with me for the appointment, but the clinic requested the patients not to bring any attendants due to COVID-19 unless you had a special reason, so my mom was waiting for me at a curry restaurant nearby. She didn't mind that at all, but I felt so bad for her and should have checked about the rule beforehand. 



On this appointment, the doctor checked my uterus by ultrasound and prescribed medication which I'd need start from the next day. 




In the last 2 egg transfers in Japan, they prescribed Estrogen in patches and I put them on my belly. 


エストラーナテープ 画像拝借元
This patch to add some Estrogen to your body.



Although, both in 2 times the patches made my skin too itchy for me to have a normal life. 




In the most recent egg transfer that I did in MN, they gave me the medication in pills, so I asked my doctor in Japan if he could prescribe the same medication in pills, not the patches. 



Then he said, "There are 3 types for the medication, the patches, gel and pills. As for the gel, it also includes alcohol and some patients have itchy skin because of it, so I'll give you the pills then." Wow, that was very easy! In general, we say "It doesn't hurt to ask.", and this situation made me feel that it was so true. 



The ultrasound check for my uterus was great, so he got me a green light to the egg transfer. 




Okay, this is how I started my 3rd IVF egg transfer in Japan. 




Thank you for reading agian!!




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