Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ひな祭り2024 (Girl's Festival 2024)

2024-03-05 11:36:18 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hello there!




How are you doing today? 




I minetioned this on the last article, but my life drastically got busy from the end of last year and I hadn't had enough time and energy to take care of my blog until now. 



While I was away from my blog, my life was full of fun events and I tried my best to write about thoese for this blog one by one before I forgot the precious memories. Although, for the first article after the 1 month leave, I'd like to share a relatevely timely topic, Hinamatsuri (Girl's Festival), which May-chan and I celebrated together 2 days ago, March 3rd.  



Our lovely daughter, May-chan is now 5 years old, and I first celebrated Girls Festival with her when she was 2. 




めい2歳で初めてのひな祭り (May-chan's First Girl's Day) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Here's the article about our first Girl's Festival together in 2021. I came up with celebrating the day a couple days before, so I simply prepped for hand-wrapped sushi for dinner. 





ひな祭り2022 (Girl's Festival 2022) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Our 2nd Girl's Festiaval together in 2022. That year I put lots of passion in this event and made a homemade cake with May-chan. She really enjoyed the baking and eating both, so my effort was definitely worth it. 





ひな祭り2023 (Girl's Festival 2023) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


This is about last year. I made a cake again, but a simple and easy cheese cake. Thanks to one of my sweet Japanese friends, we could get Hina-Arare which was traditional tiny ball-shaped colorful rice crackers made for the special day. I really appreciate the friend for giving May-chan a chance to experience another piece of Japanese traditional culture. 



Then, here came this year. It's our 4th time to celebrate the girl's day together. 




A 5 year-old is old enough to briefly understand the meaning of the event  thanks to the Japanese school for teaching kids about traditional events of Japan. 




Here's the special dinner. May-chan made the red circle decoration at Japanese school, whcih you can see on the left top in the pic. 



Andy was eating leftover steak that night, so it was only me who enjoyed the delicous Chirashi-Sushi, which was also commonly made for the event. 



Luckily I had some Sahimi-grade tuna and salmon in the freezer, so why not? 



I had assumed that May-chan wouldn't like to eat Chirashi-Sushi, so "May-chan, what do you want to eat for Hinamatsuri dinner?"  I asked her beforehand and then she said, "Omochi! (Rice cake)" So, her Hinamatsuri (Girl's Festival) dinner turned out like this.
(She's now able to eat more kinds of veggies.)



Here's the dessert for the special day. 



I was actually thinking to bake a cake this year again, but I ended up not making it since the weekend was too busy. 




ここはイタリア??(Are we in Italy??) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Although, Andy was planning to go to this Italian market called Conssetta that weekend, so "Can you get a cake for Girl's Festival??" I asked him. (Lucky!) 




Andy said that they didn't have many cakes at the pastery shop, but he still got us one with crispy pie layers and custard cream (the rectangle one) and one with cheese cake and chocolate mousse layers (the circle one).  




The rectangle one's inside. The pink and chocolate balls are the Hina-Arare (rice crackers). 
(The chocolate covered ones are not traditional, but I thought that May-chan would prefer them since she's a big chocolate lover.)




The circle one's inside. 




The cakes were pretty light and very tasty and I personally like it that neither of them was not too sweet also in Japanese sweetness standard. Though, May-chan was too young to enjoy the rich floavors or something, and liked the rice cracker balls more. 
(May-chan tried traditional Hina-Arare (not chocolate covered ones) for the 1st time last year, but did't seem to like them so much. So, I got chocolated covered ones for her this year.)



Cheese! I am so glad that May-chan turned 5 years old very healthy and celebrated another Girl's Festival.  



I wonder how many more times she will celebrate the event with me. 



Okay, this is all about our Girl's Festival 2024. It was a very low-key party again, but still very special and priceless. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!




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2024-03-06 03:01:32
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2024-03-07 10:56:19


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