Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

今年の母の日 (Mother's Day 2024)

2024-05-20 19:42:20 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hello everyone!




How's everything going in your life today? 




So, we had Mother's day this month. 




Let me put my Japan trip diaries aside again and share my mother's day 2024 here today. 




It was my 5th mother's day as a mother and Andy and May-chan nicely celebrated it again. 




In Sunday morning, I woke up around 7am which was not my usual weekend morning. I walked in the living room and found that Andy's already gone somewhere. 
(Andy's a morning bird and I'm a night owl, so on our usual weekend mornings Andy wakes up first and watches May-chan so that I can sleep in as long as I like.) 




In about 15 mins, Andy came home. 




A bunch of flowers in his hands. 




Then, he returned to his car again and came back wtih a cup of Caribou coffee and a couple of donuts in his hands this time. 




He's such a romantic guy which is opposite to me, so he always makes any of these events special. (Thanks!) 




That's how I began my mother's day, but we spent our usual Sunday morning for a while after that. 




When it's a little bit after 10am, Andy went out to pick up an order for a special dinner which I had asked him beforehand. 




He was leaving home saying, "Okay, I'm getting the food now and won't be back home for a while.", which made me guess that he was going to do a couple of more chores besides picking up the food. 




While Andy was gone and also after he's back home, we again spent our usual lazy Sunday until the dinner time. 




Here's our mother's day dinner 2024. 



Ta-da! Sushi just as you easily imagined! My plate. 

Andy's plate. 



For a side dish, we also tried this soft shell crab tempura. 




We usually take out fancy sushi from our local favorite sushi restaurant, but due to the recent economic inflation, "Mmm..., is this price really worth it or not?" their prices have been gone up so high. So, I felt like trying "Kura Sushi" at Mall of America. 





Kura Revolving Sushi Bar - Sushi Restaurants in the United States

Revolving Sushi Bar Restaurant Originating From Japan and Now In North America. Our hand-made sushi makes its way around the restaurant on a conveyor belt. You p...

Kura Sushi



I knew that there's Kura Sushi at MOA from before, but I'd heard that they're always super busy and also the location's 40min drive from our house, so we'd never been there. 





シカゴ旅行・後編 (Chicago Trip 3/3) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


BTW, Andy and I had eaten at Kura Sushi in the US once before. It's when we went to Chicago to renew my passport, so I already knew that the quality of their sushi in the US was pretty good. 




May-chan doesn't eat sushi, so I made her usual dinner for the special day. Rice, Natto, chicken nuggets and salad. 




My review for Kura Sushi in the US for the 2nd time was that they're most well-balanced overall among sushi restaurants around our house. 




Only for the quality and selection of fish and seafood, our usual, Yumi's sushi, was better. Although, Kura Sushi wins in the balance of rice and fish size and also the reasonable prices.  
(FYI, the total payment for the special dinner from Kura Sushi this time was pretty much half of our usual expenses at Yumi's.) 




Oh well, my judgement about Kura Sushi might be more strict than usual because I just went back to Japan in February and enjoyed a lot of authentic sushi there. Haha. 




After the yummy dinner, it's a present time!




From May-chan, I got a picture of lots of colorful hearts which she probably drew instantly in the last minute. She drew them on the back of a used random paper, so I bet that I'll probably mix it up with her other daily drawings soon. LOL




From Andy, it's a cute Minnie Mouse card. Look, the envelope was also Minnie Mouse!




Just as always, he wrote words to describe how much he appreciated me. Oh well, I appreciate him for not undervaluing all the house chores and parenting works which necesarrily don't produce cash. 




A present from May-chan.




ポッキー4箱!(笑) ノーマル味とイチゴ味。
Yay! 4 boxes of Pocky. Regular chocolate flavor and strawberry flavor. 




Andyっち曰く、めいに「マミーに何をあげる?」と聞いたら、「ポッキー!」と即答したらしいです。マミー、そんなにポッキー食べてたかな?(笑) 嬉しかったよ~!
"What do you want to get for Mommy?" when Andy asked May-chan, "Pocky!!" she answered in a second. I wonder how often I ate Pocky in front of her. Thank you, girl!!




From Andy, some packages of Kaki-no-tane, Japanese rice crackers. Yeah, I admit that I eat them a lot. Haha. 



Besides the rice crackers, he also got this big baf of Korean shrimp snacks when he swang by an Asian grocery store on the way to pick up Kura Sushi. 



あとは、Richard OsmanさんのThe Thursday Murder Clubシリーズの続編2冊と推理クイズ本。
He also gave me these books. The 2nd and 3rd title of The Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman and also a book of mystery solving games. 




シリーズ1作目を前にプレゼントしてもらって、読んでみたら、英語版でも読みやすく面白かったんです。それを伝えていたので、今回その続編をプレゼントしてくれたんです。(The Thursday Murder Club 画像拝借元
He also gave me the first title of the Thursday Murder Club series before and I reall loved it. So, he got me 2 more titles of it this time. 




調べてみたら、日本語訳も出ているので、ミステリー小説がお好きな方はぜひ!(木曜殺人クラブ  画像拝借元
I googled and found that the series was translated to Japanese too, so if you like mystery novels, please check them out!




I'm turning 6 years old as a mother and very thankful that my daughter is growing up healthy. 
(May-chan makes a peace sign with her hand in every picture lately, which make me realize, "Oh, she's becoming more Japanese-like!" and find it interesting.) 




What's more than anything, I really appreciate my husband, Andy, for supporting the fundamental part of our lives and also seeing the values of what I do for the family. Without him, I couldn't have become a mother. Thank you for everything!!




Okay, this is all about our mother's day 2024. 




I actually have more to write about mother's day, so I'm going to earn 2 more articles with this topic. LOL




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading agian!!




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