Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

久しぶりにお洒落カフェデート (Date @ The Grocery's Table in Wayzata)

2023-10-25 10:15:03 | MN生活(14年目)(MN2023-24)

Hi there!




How are you doing today? 




I don't go out so often, but my friend, R-san, kindly asked me if I would like to do a coffee date with her the other day. So, why not? 




We usually hang out at Wayzata where I used to work, but since I quit the job, I don't visit the town at all. So, I don't know any of the new shops or restuarant in the town, but R-san recommended this new cafe for our coffee date. 




The Grocer's Table - A Curated Grocer, Cafe & Wine Bar in Wayzata, MN

Nestled in the heart of downtown Wayzata on Lake Minnetonka, we offer fresh foods, made-to-order menu items, as well as retail and grocery provisions.

The Grocer's Table


I bet that this cafe also opened after I quit the job. 




I borrowed some pictures from their facebook. It'd be nice eating at the terrace area in summer.  
©The Grocer's Table@Facebook




The interior was super cool! You can sit at any open table and order at the counter. 
©The Grocer's Table@Facebook




The decoration was sophisticated too. 
©The Grocer's Table@Facebook



They sell some items perfect for souveniors or gifts too. 
©The Grocer's Table@Facebook


There were a few big tables too, which was very convenient for moms with storollers hanging out. I saw a group of moms having a fun coffee time that day too. 
©The Grocer's Table@Facebook



They have a desent variety of breakfast menu such as salad or sandwich, but I usually don't eat breakfast, so I just ordered a cup of Amricano and this displayed at the counter. 



I think it was a raspberry and pistachio scone, but not 100% sure. My memory...Haha. 



R-san got this blueberry mffin. It's quite big! 



R-san ordered after me, so I asked her, "What did you get??" Then, she showed me the blueberry muffin saying, 




"Everybody in front of me was getting this, so I got one too! I asked them to put it in a box cuz it's super big!" 








She's such a smart lady who could recognize the poplar item from others' orders and consider the necessity of a box from the size of the muffin in a few moments. So impressive!




The cafe looked very fancy, but the prices were not that bad (in Wayzata standard). The atmosphere was very warm and kids-friendly, so a lot of people were casually hanging out for breakfast or coffee there in the morning too. 



When I used work at the town, of course, there was a Caribou coffee and also a small Starbucks. Although, my memorable Caribou was closed due to the quarantine situation and the small Starbucks was closed because they built a big one nearby. 



So, I totally understand that this cafe has become a new popular place for the neighbors to hang out at. I saw a lot of people coming in just to get a cup of coffee on the way to work or during their walks in the morning too. 




Before R-san's son was born or my May-chan was born, we could hang out more often like this. 




Though, it's been a little bit harder to make time in a busy life with kids. 




R-san is busy taking her son to school or sports everyday and I'm busy dropping off and picking up May-chan during the weekdays and eager to stay at home on weekends. LOL




We had a coffee date for the first time in a long time, but nothinh changed! We didn't talk about anything important, but didn't run out of topics to talk about either. 




We kept talking and talking and time was up! I had to go pick up May-chan. Still, we talked for about 2 hours or so. 




I'm a home lover and don't go out so often, but the coffee date with R-san at the fancy cafe made me think, "It's kind of nice to go out in a nicer fashion and hang out at a public place sometimes."




Anyways, thanks to R-san, I could have such a nice coffee date! 




Thank you for reading agian!! Bye!!




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