

Message from...

2009-08-20 23:42:32 | ぽよよん日記

(昨日の記事=下記サイトを立ち上げて仕事の傍らSocial workをおこなっているアメリカの友達です。
http://hotteakettle.blogspot.com/ )


Hi Edgar !
Thank you for trying to give me your comment here
I was really moved and shocked by your great action.
I sympathize your thought and action.
Here, I attached your comment.

His comment is:

>> I think you give me too much credit! The more I learn about the world and
the people doing good things , the more I am moved to do my part, even if it
is only a little. I saw this great quote the day: "I am only one, but I am
one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what
I cannot do interfere with what I can do." - Edward Everett Hale.


I am happy to be your friend Thanks !!
