


2006-12-17 18:42:48 | MLB
The Yankees are discussing trading young outfielder Melky Cabrera in a deal that would bring Pittsburgh reliever Mike Gonzalez to New York.

The Yankees have talked about a three-team trade in the past week that also would involve Atlanta and first baseman Adam LaRoche, who would go to Pittsburgh in exchange for Cabrera, a baseball official with knowledge of the talks said Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity because discussions were ongoing.

Cabrera, who is just 22, hit .280 with seven homers and 50 RBIs in 460 at-bats this year. The Yankees used him extensively while Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield were sidelined, and Cabrera's emergence has caused New York general manager Brian Cashman to put off discussions on whether to re-sign Bernie Williams as a backup outfielder.


2003年 324打数、14本塁打、47打点 .284 - ヤンキース

2004年 251打数、7本塁打、33打点 .251 - エクスポズ
2005年 453打数、15本塁打、74打点 .289 - ナショナルズ
2005年 500打数、23本塁打、77打点 .290 - ナショナルズ


松坂UPDATE、テリー伊藤 -- 37~38試合投げる

2006-12-17 10:48:26 | MLB

Greg Maddux: 37試合(1991) 36試合(1993, 2003)
Tom Glavine: 36試合(1993, 1996, 2002)
Rogere Clemens: 36試合(1987)35試合(1988~1989, 1991)
Curt Schilling: 36試合(2002) 35試合(1997~1998, 2001)
Randy Johnson: 35試合(1993, 1999~2002, 2004)
Johan Santana: 34試合(2004, 2006) 33試合(2005)
Hideo Nomo: 34試合(2002) 33試合(1996~1997, 2001, 2003)


松坂UPDATE、ESPNの記事 -- 野茂との対比、松坂に続く選手達

2006-12-17 08:02:51 | MLB
Japan has been spared an anxiety attack of seismic proportions now that World Baseball Classic hero Daisuke Matsuzaka has decided to pitch for the Red Sox.

The right-hander's ability to generate excitement will be exponentially greater in Boston -- in The Show -- than it has been for most of his pro career in his homeland. Fans now expect Matsuzaka to adapt, adjust and do to major league hitters what he has been doing to his countrymen since he was in his teens.

There's good reason to think Matsuzaka is capable of rising to this challenge, but while his star rises on the East Coast of the United States, a shadow is creeping over Japan's future.

As the Japanese game earns vicarious recognition through Matsuzaka, Hideki Matsui, Ichiro Suzuki and others, sooner or later the sad reality will sink in that the game here is not good enough to keep them at home.

And while the posting system can provide a big payoff for Japanese clubs with high-value players, no major league team is happy with it.

In the same way major league clubs bridled at having to pay full market value for independent minor league stars, the pressure for easier access to top Japanese talent is likely to build as a result of the struggles regarding Matsuzaka's monumental deal.

A revision to the system may not be long in coming, and given the current gap in competition and economic might between MLB and Nippon Professional Baseball, it is unlikely to be a favorable adjustment for Japan.

But for the moment, the spotlight is on Matsuzaka.

Other pitchers have gone before him and surpassed their nation's hopes, but none have made the jump while possessing Matsuzaka's heady combination of power, poise, ability and -- most importantly -- health. Any discussion of Matsuzaka must begin with what he has that others have lacked.

The benchmark for Japanese pitching success in America remains Hideo Nomo. And though Nomo made an instant splash in the bigs, his brilliant story was just the epilogue to his career. In Nomo's first four seasons, he was arguably Japan's most dominant pitcher ever. Nomo was a legitimate major league success, but the real story is how he was able to rebuild a career after overwork shredded his shoulder.

Had Nomo been put on a shorter leash after turning pro, he might still be earning the money agent Scott Boras believes Matsuzaka deserves.

A careful comparison of their careers in Japan is enlightening. After all, when Nomo went to the majors in 1995, he was just 13 days older than Matsuzaka will be in 2007.

Nomo turned pro at 21 but faced over 34 batters per start as a rookie and was never below 30, while also leading the league in innings pitched in his first four seasons for a total of 937 1/3 innings.

By comparison, Matsuzaka's work loads have been lighter, averaging less than 29.5 batters per start, while topping 200 innings just twice.

When Nomo needed rest in his fifth season, his manager made him pitch more with his arm hanging by a thread. By contrast, Matsuzaka received some rest in 2002, when a groin injury allowed him to pitch just 73 1/3 innings at the age of 21.

A physical breakdown remains a major possibility within the next three years, but Matsuzaka is at the peak of his game now. The thought of what he's capable of doing against the world's best hitters has both Japanese fans and Red Sox Nation salivating.

And though Matsuzaka is a unique talent, his success will only increase the desire among major league teams for more of the same.

(広島 黒田投手)
The man at the top of some major wish lists, Hiroki Kuroda, declined to file for free agency, but he should command a salary comparable to Matsuzaka's.

The right-handed ace of the Central League's bottom-feeding Hiroshima Carp is responsible for more wear and tear on infields through ground balls than any other top pitcher in Japan.

Kuroda, 31, has superb command of a heavy sinking fastball that is next to impossible to hit out of the park. With excellent location of his usual assortment of pitches, he is a finished product.

(中日 福留外野手)
Chunichi Dragons outfielder Kosuke Fukudome, the CL's MVP this season, also will be available as a free agent within a few seasons. An extreme line-drive hitter, Fukudome is a complete package with speed, discipline, defensive range and a cannon for an arm.

(阪神 藤川投手)
Japan's best arm, however, might belong to 26-year-old reliever Kyuji Fujikawa of the Hanshin Tigers. The right-hander possesses the best fastball in the country and has struck out 261 batters (out of 655) over the past two seasons. But like all the following players on this list, Fujikawa will not be eligible for free agency for a number of years.

(ソフトバンク 川崎遊撃手)
Munenori Kawasaki, Japan's WBC shortstop, has been building up his slight frame. A top-class fielder and slash hitter, the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks star is 25 and will not be eligible for free agency until after the 2011 season.

(ロッテ 西岡遊撃手)
A player with even more potential is 22-year-old switch-hitting shortstop Tsuyoshi Nishioka of the Chiba Lotte Marines. Nishioka played out of position at second base in the WBC but was an offensive force.

Under current rules, Nishioka won't be able to go to the majors under his own power until 2014.

(ヤクルト 青木外野手)
Center fielder Norichika Aoki of the Tokyo Yakult Swallows barely played in the WBC, but after only two years, he is one of the most electrifying players in the country. The 24-year-old has led his league in average and stolen bases, and after vowing to improve his power this season, he went from three jacks to 13.

(日ハム ダルビッシュ投手)
Another pitcher who is already on the major league radar after his second season is Yu Darvish. The son of a Japanese mother and an Iranian father, the 6-foot-4, 20-year-old right-hander has superb command of an extreme assortment of pitches and a 94 mph fastball.

Although pitchers of Darvish's quality typically get overworked in Japan, Trey Hillman, his manager with the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters, will prevent that.

How long NPB can prevent MLB clubs from making deeper inroads into Japan's talent pool, however, is anyone's guess.

As long as NPB fails to market its superb human resources and realize the nation's amazing pro potential, stars will continue to yearn for the bigs. And unless Japan develops its competitive edge on and off the field, it will eventually have to sit back and watch all its best players on TV.




2006-12-17 07:27:24 | 芸能

項目: 亀田興毅 - フアン・ランダエタ
身長: 165.9cm - 163.7cm
頚囲: 37.0cm - 36.5cm
胸囲: 91.5cm - 84.5cm
視力 右/左: 1.5/1.5 - 1.0/2.0
上肢リーチ: 170cm - 168cm
ナックル 右/左: 25.5/25.5cm - 25.0/24.5cm


松坂UPDATE、Time.comの記事 -- 日本はMLBのファーム

2006-12-17 07:15:28 | MLB
Matsuzaka burst into national prominence as a teenager in the 1998 Japanese high school baseball championship. The single-elimination Koshien tournament, as it's called, captivates the country every summer — to call it Japan's March Madness would be an understatement. Matsuzaka single-handedly led Yokohama High to the title, pitching much of the tournament and tossing a no-hitter in the championship game. As a pro with the Lions, Matsuzaka continued to dominate from the mound, winning a title and leading his country to the inaugural World Baseball Championship (WBC) last spring.

And it's not only his pitching prowess that has earned his beloved status: While most Japanese players show all the flair of dour salarymen, Matsuzaka — with his spiky, sometimes dyed hair and cool self-confidence — more closely resembles the dropout hipsters who populated downbeat Tokyo at the turn of the millennium. But his 95-mph fastball and old-school work ethic and competitiveness have earned him the loyalty of traditional fans.

That Matsuzaka would eventually follow the likes of Ichiro Suzuki and Hideki Matsui to the U.S. Major Leagues was inevitable, and Japan is proud of his success, if a bit worried that expectations in Boston might be running too high.But some guardians of the Japanese game fear that Matsuzaka's departure means that the 86-year-old Japanese pro leagues have become little more than a offshore farm system for the U.S. "We'll lose our best," Katsuya Nomura, manager of the Rakuten Eagles, told the Mainichi Shimbun last month. "It means the decline of Japanese professional baseball."

Most Japanese fans, however, are celebrating Matsuzaka's signing as further proof that Japan's best players can compete on baseball's premier stage. Japanese players who move to the majors are no longer seen as leaving Japan behind; they are seen as representing their country in the international game. It's a sign that the globalization of sport is finally penetrating this often isolationist country, that many fans here would rather watch an international game with the top players in the world than settle for a lessened domestic product. As one Japanese baseball blog put it: "Finally, all the dream matches will come true in 2007. Matsuzaka vs. Godzilla Matsui, Matsuzaka vs. Genius Ichiro, Matsuzaka vs. Igawa! I wish the MLB 2007 season would start soon." He's not the only one.



2006-12-17 07:02:59 | 将棋
棋士 登場回数-獲得合計 勝率の順

森内俊之 14回-7期 .500

②羽生善治 83回-65期 .783
①谷川浩司 57回-27期 .473 
③佐藤康光 27回-9期 .333
⑥藤井猛 5回-3期 .600
⑤丸山忠久 7回-3期 .429
④郷田真隆 11回-3期 .273
⑧三浦弘行 3回-1期 .333
⑦久保利明 2回-0期 .000
⑨深浦康市 1回-0期 .000
⑩阿部隆 1回-0期 .000 

⑪高橋道雄 10回-5期 .500
⑬森ケイジ 8回-2期 .250
⑩島朗 6回-1期 .167
②森下卓 6回-0期 .000
①鈴木大介 2回-0期 .000
④木村一基 1回-0期 .000 

⑱加藤一二三 24回-8期 .333
④南芳一 16回-7期 .438
⑪桐山清澄 10回-4期 .400
⑤内藤国雄 13回-4期 .308
⑧屋敷伸之 7回-3期 .429
21渡辺明 4回-2期 .500
⑯福崎文吾 4回-2期 .500
⑰中村修 5回-2期 .400 
⑫田中寅彦 2回-1期 .500
②青野照市 1回-0期 .000
⑮中田宏樹 1回-0期 .000

⑮塚田泰明 2回-1期 .500
⑯真田圭一 1回-0期 .000 

31大内延介 4回-1期 .250
43有吉道夫 9回-1期 .111
②淡路仁茂 1回-0期 .000

中原誠 91回-64期 .703
勝浦修 2回-0期 .000

タイトル戦出場者 35名
タイトル獲得者 24名
タイトル獲得3期以上 14名
タイトル獲得5期以上 8名 
タイトル獲得10期以上 3名 




2006-12-17 05:41:35 | フィギュアスケート




2006-12-17 05:36:18 | フィギュアスケート




2006-12-17 05:30:54 | フィギュアスケート
Kim Yu-na, a 16-year-old South Korean in her first year on the seniors circuit, captured the women's gold after mistakes by two Japanese rivals. Japan's Mao Asada won the silver and Switzerland's Sarah Meier took the bronze.

Kim performed an elegant free skate. She stepped out of a double axel and canceled a triple toe loop that was to be the second half of a combination, but was otherwise smooth and assured.

"I can't believe it,'' Kim said. "I was not expecting to win because I had a back injury coming into this.''

Asada, first after the short program, fell on her opening triple axel, again on a triple lutz and completed only one planned combination. Japan's Miki Ando, second after the short program, singled four attempts at a triple, placing last in the free skate and fifth overall.
