

松坂UPDATE、Boston Herald記事 -- 合意に至らず

2006-12-13 15:23:37 | MLB
The Red Sox walked out of Scott Boras’ offices around midnight East Coast time last night with no deal yet for his client, Daisuke Matsuzaka, and a big question mark as to whether or not the face-to-face negotiations will resume.

General manager Theo Epstein said “the decision is up to Matsuzaka-san” when asked if a decision had been made after the approximately hour-long meeting. President and CEO Larry Lucchino added a no comment as well as “it’s pending,” referring to the status of the talks.

The Red Sox negotiating team, which included Tom Werner and a Japanese interpreter, as well as Craig Shipley, had negotiated with Boras for much of the day.

Shortly after Epstein left, Boras left his offices along with his Japanese interpreter. It was assumed that he was going to meet with his client, presumably to discuss the Red Sox’ latest and perhaps final contract offer.

Said Boras: “I’ll have something for you maybe later in the day.”


松坂UPDATE、ESPN記事 -- 合意に至らず

2006-12-13 15:14:19 | MLB
Scott Boras, the agent for Daisuke Matsuzaka, said his client "is worth well in excess of $100 million." He might have to figure out how much the pitcher is worth in yen because as of late Tuesday night he had not reached agreement on a deal with the Boston Red Sox, making it more possible that Matsuzaka will be pitching in Japan again next season.

With the clock ticking toward a deadline Thursday night at midnight for Matsuzaka to sign a deal, Red Sox chairman Tom Werner, general manager Theo Epstein and team president Larry Lucchino left Boras' office Tuesday night after a day of talks, with the two sides apparently not close to reaching an agreement. The Red Sox hoped Matsuzaka would participate, but the Boston Herald reported that he was not present.

Red Sox officials left the building in Newport Beach, Calif., where the offices are located shortly before 7 p.m. ET, returned about four hours later and stayed for 40 minutes before leaving again.

"We're going back to Boston tomorrow," Werner said and Epstein reiterated.

There was no evidence that progress was made Tuesday, when the Red Sox had said they would present their second offer.

"I'll have something for you maybe later in the day," Boras said when he left his office for the night.

Lucchino and Epstein traveled to California on Monday on controlling owner John Henry's plane. The Red Sox want Matsuzaka aboard -- on a contract with the Red Sox, and on the plane when it returns to Boston. Epstein said that would provide the time needed for Matsuzaka to have a physical before a deal is finalized.

Asked if there would be additional talks, the general manager said: "That's up to Matsuzaka."

Boras said the decision whether Matsuzaka will join the Red Sox or return to Japan will be made by his client, who was MVP of the inaugural World Baseball Classic last March.



2006-12-13 14:40:32 | 社会
1位 女優の仲間由紀恵さんなどを起用したKDDIの携帯電話「au」
2位 資生堂のシャンプー「TSUBAKI」
3位 東京ガスが俳優の妻夫木聡さんを起用した「ガスパッチョ!」
4位 NTTドコモ 携帯電話
5位 NTTドコモ 料金
6位 大塚製薬 オロナミンC
7位 日本コカコーラ ジョージア
8位 NTT東日本 フレッツ
9位 東京電力 Switch!
10位 シャープ AQUOS



2006-12-13 14:16:40 | 社会
1位 目上の人に八方美人な態度 
2位 部下に裁量権を与えない上司
3位 もめごとを無視する上司
4位 ごう慢な態度
5位 優柔不断な上司
6位 衝動的な態度をとる上司
7位 仕事を他人に任せられない上司 
8位 短気
9位 頑固
10位 プロ意識に欠ける



2006-12-13 11:43:46 | MLB
年度 年齢 試合 勝利-敗北 防御率 投球回 安打 三振 四球
1995 26 28 13- 6 2.54 191.1 124 236 78
1996 27 33 16-11 3.19 228.1 180 234 85
1997 28 33 14-12 4.25 207.1 193 233 92
1998 29 29  6-12 4.92 157.1 130 167 94
1999 30 28 12- 8 4.54 176.1 173 161 78

2000 31 32  8-12 4.74 190.0 191 181 89
2001 32 33 13-10 4.50 198.0 171 220 96
2002 33 34 16- 6 3.39 220.1 189 193 101
2003 34 33 16-13 3.09 218.1 175 177 98
2004 35 18  4-11 8.25  84.0 105  54 42

2005 36 19  5- 8 7.24 100.2 127  59 51
2006 37 登板なし




2006-12-13 11:03:01 | MLB
年度 打率 安打 盗塁 得点 試合 三振 併殺打-敬遠死球
2001 .350 242 56 127 157 53 3-10
2002 .321 208 31 111 157 62 8-27
2003 .312 212 34 111 159 69 3-7
2004 .372 262 36 101 161 63 6-19
2005 .303 206 33 111 162 66 5-23
2006 .322 224 45 110 161 71 2-16

年度 打率 安打 盗塁 得点 試合 三振 併殺打-敬遠死球
2003 .287 179 2  82 163  86 25-5
2004 .298 174 3 109 162 103 11-2
2005 .305 192 2 108 162  78 16-7
2006 .302  52 1  32  52  23 6-2



松坂UPDATE、Boston Heraldの記事 -- レッドソックスの提示額

2006-12-13 10:30:33 | MLB
Epstein said it was “highly unusual” to present a second offer before a counter-offer to the first one was received. “Normally that’s not good policy,” said Epstein. But the flight out West, the second made by the Red Sox’ braintrust, not including Lucchino’s trip to Japan, was a demonstration of how important Matsuzaka was to the Red Sox.

The Red Sox could be prepared to offer Matsuzaka a five- to six-year deal worth approximately $10 million a year on average, a figure that is believed to be far below the $15 or so million a year Boras is believed to be seeking.

The Red Sox are believed to have made an initial offer to Matsuzaka of between $7 million and $8 million per season for 4-6 years, while Boras is believed to be seeking a long-term deal for anywhere between $15 million and $20 million a year. While the Red Sox would acknowledge that Matsuzaka’s skill level should be as good as nearly any other elite pitcher pitching in the game today, their stance is that their bid to the Lions has to be taken into consideration.

It is believed that Boras is using the threat of pulling Matsuzaka off the market for two years as leverage. Another theory is that Boras wants to use Matsuzaka as an Andy Messersmith-type test case as a means for destroying the posting system and establishing some form of unrestricted free agency for Japanese players.

“The posting fee represents the problem,” Boras said. “It’s historic, it’s new, it’s something that’s never been done. How do you reflect value in a posting fee in an appropriate contract for a player? In the American system, no player is asked to reduce their salaries for luxury tax purposes.”



2006-12-13 10:19:21 | 将棋
4月11~12日 名人戦① ○森内 - ●谷川
4月25~26日 名人戦② ○森内 - ●谷川
5月11~12日 名人戦③ ●森内 - ○谷川
5月18~19日 名人戦④ ○森内 - ●谷川
6月1~2日 名人戦⑤ ●森内 - ○谷川
6月4日 棋聖戦① ○佐藤 - ●鈴木
6月15~16日 名人戦⑥  ○森内 - ●谷川 *森内防衛
6月20日 棋聖戦② ○佐藤 - ●鈴木
7月5日 棋聖戦③ ○佐藤 - ●鈴木 *佐藤防衛
7月12~13日 王位戦① ○羽生 - ●佐藤
7月27~28日 王位戦② ○羽生 - ●佐藤
8月3~4日 王位戦③ ●羽生 - ○佐藤
8月22~23日 王位戦④ ●羽生 - ○佐藤
8月30~31日 王位戦⑤ ○羽生 - ●佐藤
9月7日 王座戦 ○羽生 - ●佐藤
9月12~13日 王位戦⑥ ○羽生 - ●佐藤 *羽生防衛
9月16日 王座戦 ○羽生 - ●佐藤
9月27日 王座戦 ○羽生 - ●佐藤 *羽生防衛
10月10~11日 竜王戦 ●渡辺 - ○佐藤
10月31~11月1日 竜王戦 ●渡辺 - ○佐藤
11月14~15日 竜王戦 ○渡辺 - ●佐藤
11月29~30日 竜王戦 ○渡辺 - ●佐藤
12月6~7日 竜王戦 ○渡辺 - ●佐藤
12月13~14日 竜王戦 ?渡辺 - ?佐藤
12月20~21日 竜王戦 ?渡辺 - ?佐藤 (前局で佐藤勝ち)


羽生 7勝2敗 - タイトル戦2戦2勝
森内 4勝2敗 - タイトル戦1戦1勝
渡辺 3勝2敗
佐藤 7勝10敗 - タイトル戦3戦1勝2敗
谷川 2勝4敗 - タイトル戦1戦1敗
鈴木 0勝3敗 - タイトル戦1戦1敗


2006-12-13 07:10:53 | 野球
2006年 8勝9敗、防御率3.21 24試合 168.1回
2005年 9勝12敗、防御率3.31 27試合 187.1回
2004年 13勝5敗、防御率2.60 22試合 163.0回
2003年 16勝5敗、防御率3.17 27試合 207.1回

福留孝介 29歳
2006年 31本塁打104打点、打率.351
2005年 28本塁打103打点、打率.328
2004年 23本塁打81打点、打率.277
2003年 34本塁打96打点、打率.313

赤星憲広 30歳
2006年 0本塁打20打点、打率.269 35盗塁 84得点
2005年 1本塁打38打点、打率.316 60盗塁 119得点
2004年 0本塁打30打点、打率.300 64盗塁 96得点
2003年 1本塁打35打点、打率.312 61盗塁 90得点



2006-12-13 06:55:12 | MLB

岩村明憲(あきのり) 27歳
2006年 32本塁打77打点、打率.311
2005年 30本塁打102打点、打率.319
2004年 44本塁打103打点、打率.300
2003年 12本塁打35打点、打率.263

岡島秀樹 31歳
2006年 2勝2敗4S、防御率2.14 54.2回
2005年 1勝0敗0S、防御率4.75 53.0回
2004年 4勝3敗5S、防御率3.09 46.2回
2003年 2勝3敗0S、防御率4.89 38.2回

桑田真澄 38歳
2006年 1勝1敗、防御率6.94 3試合 11.2回
2005年 0勝7敗、防御率7.25 12試合 49.2回
2004年 3勝5敗、防御率6.47 16試合 79.1回
2003年 5勝3敗、防御率5.93 14試合 71.1回
