

日米野球の違い - Worlds apart

2006-12-31 10:28:34 | MLB
Boston Heraldより抜粋。

When Daisuke Matsuzaka buttons up his Red Sox jersey and pulls on his blue cap this spring he’ll find himself in a new world, not just experiencing cultural differences in his everyday life from what’s he’s used to in Japan, but in his work environment. Here’s a look at some of the main differences between professional baseball in his homeland and in the major leagues.




TEAM NAMES: Begin with city/region team is based (MLB); Often contain name of corporate sponsor (JAPAN)


STARTING ROTATIONS: 4 or 5 pitchers (MLB); 5 or 6 pitchers (JAPAN)

DESIGNATED HITTER: Only in American League (MLB); Only in Pacific League (not Central League) (JAPAN)

TIES: Only in spring training and 2002 All-Star Game (MLB); tie is recorded if score tied after 12 completed innings (JAPAN)

RAINOUTS: Rescheduled at earliest convenient date for teams (MLB); Typically made up at end of regular-season schedule (JAPAN)

FIELDS: Mainly natural grass (MLB); Mainly artificial turf (JAPAN)

FOUL BALLS: Kept by retrieving fan (MLB); Returned to whistle-blowing usher in exchange for small trinket (JAPAN)

HOME RUN HITTERS: Get to trot around bases in slow gait (MLB); Are often greeted by women presenting bouquet of flowers (JAPAN)

POPULAR CHANTS: “Yankees suck!” “Ster-roids!” (MLB); “Katto-base-eh, Asa-be!” (“Get a base hit!”); “Ganbatte kudasai!” (“Have fighting spirit!”) (JAPAN)

BALLPARK FARE: Hot dogs, peanuts, ice cream (MLB); “Bento” box lunch of sushi, sashimi, rice and vegetables is popular (JAPAN)


MLB 2006年の珍記録、名記録

2006-12-31 10:15:53 | MLB

Once again this year, baseball proved that truth is stranger than sci-fi, stranger than a Britney Spears marriage, stranger even than Nicole Ritchie's interpretation of her GPS instructions.

So with 2007 lurking over the horizon, let's look back at the Strange But True Feats of the Year:

MEET THE PITCHING STAFF DEPT.: In an Aug. 2 game against the Mets, the Marlins used a pitcher (Brian Moehler) to pinch-hit for another pitcher (Joe Borowski). Then, after Moehler got hit by a pitch, they used another pitcher (Scott Olsen) to pinch-run for Moehler. And two outs later, they used yet another pitcher (Logan Kensing) to pinch-run for Olsen. So that's a pitcher pinch-running for a pitcher who pinch-ran for another pitcher who pinch-hit for another pitcher. OK, you can all set fire to your scorecards now.

DiazHANG 10 DEPT.: In August, a National League outfielder became the first NL player since 1992 to get hits in 10 straight at-bats -- but of course, it wasn't Lance Berkman, Alfonso Soriano, Juan Pierre or Carlos Beltran. It was Atlanta's Matt Diaz, a guy who hadn't even gotten 10 hits in a month in seven of the previous nine months he'd spent in the big leagues.

PRESTO CHANGO DEPT.: In an Aug. 23 game against the White Sox, Tigers reliever Jamie Walker managed to strike out a hitter he never faced (Scott Podsednik). So how'd that happen? Simple. Podsednik, batting against a right-hander (Colby Lewis), fouled off two bunt attempts. Whereupon Tigers manager Jim Leyland brought in a left-hander (Walker). Which inspired White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen to send up Brian Anderson to pinch-hit for Podsednik. Whereupon Anderson swung and missed -- for a strikeout that wound up on the permanent records of Walker and Podsednik, even though they were never on the field at the same time. Got that?

StandridgeTHE HECK WITH THAT PITCH COUNT DEPT.: But Reds reliever Jason Standridge can top that last trick. On Aug. 6, he recorded an out without throwing a pitch -- while retiring a player who had faced the pitcher before him. OK, how'd that happen? Also simple. Standridge came out of the bullpen to relieve Kyle Lohse. And his first act was to step off the rubber, throw to second on an appeals play -- and get an out when the umpires ruled that Braves runner Willy Aybar had missed second base. That also subtracted a hit from the previous batter, Marcus Giles -- another hitter who had never faced Standridge. Got all that?

MR. 2,000 DEPT.: Mike Piazza, Alex Rodriguez, Garret Anderson and Manny Ramirez all got their 2,000th hit last season. Naturally, Piazza and A-Rod both got their 2,000th hit on the same day (July 21) -- and Anderson and Manny got their 2,000th on the same day, too (July 1).

ZitoTHEY PEAKED TOO SOON DEPT.: In a July 29 game against Oakland, the first four Blue Jays to bat in the first inning against Barry Zito went: Hit batter, single, walk, Troy Glaus grand slam. So Toronto led, 4-0, before it had even made an out. And how did the Blue Jays feed off that momentum? By not scoring again all night -- and losing, 7-4.

HOW TO WIN THE WORLD SERIES DEPT.: The Cardinals careened through three losing streaks of seven games or more -- and never fell out of first place at any point during any of them. No other World Series winner in history had ever managed to have more than one losing streak like that in the same season.

ReyesIT'S ALL CYCLICAL DEPT.: The good news for Mets dynamo Jose Reyes was that he became the first Met ever to hit for the cycle and have a three-homer game in the same season. The bad news was, the Mets became the first team since the '64 Senators to have a player do both in the same season and lose both games. The Elias Sports Bureau reports that Jim King did it for those Senators. But he obviously wasn't so good to be King on either day.

THAT'S A SWITCH DEPT.:After batting right-handed in the first 230 at-bats of his career, Brewers pitcher Tomo Ohka decided to hit left-handed Aug. 24. So was there any doubt he'd reach base and drive in a run three at-bats in a row? He reached on catcher's interference (with the bases loaded) his first time up, looped a two-run single his next time up and lined an RBI single his third time up. He was 4 for his previous 55 batting right-handed, by the way.

CaseyCREATIVE SCOREKEEPING DEPT.: Tigers first baseman Sean Casey managed to get thrown out at first base, 5-to-7-to-3 in your scorecard, in an Aug. 24 game against the White Sox. He hit a line drive that ticked off the glove of third baseman Joe Crede and landed in left field. But Casey thought Crede had caught it, so he headed back to the dugout. Which allowed left fielder Pablo Ozuna to scoop up the baseball and whoosh it to first for the strangest out of the year.

TRIFECTA DEPT.: The Mariners somehow "hit" into a triple play in a Sept. 2 game in Tampa Bay -- without a ball being put in play. How'd that happen? It wasn't easy. Raul Ibanez got called out on strikes for the first out. Adrian Beltre got nailed stealing second for the second out. Then Jose Lopez bolted for the plate and got thrown out at home for the third out. Try that one on your X Box sometime.

CLOSERS DON'T WORK SATURDAYS DEPT.: Believe it or not, all 30 teams were in action on July 15, the Saturday after the All-Star break -- and not one of them recorded a save in the 15 games played.

BuehrleLUCKY SEVEN DEPT.: White Sox ace Mark Buehrle gave up seven runs in the first inning of his May 14 start against the Twins -- and still got a win out of it (9-7). Hey, it's not like that had never happened. Jack Powell, of the 1900 St. Louis Cardinals, did it in a win over the late, great Chicago Orphans, according to Elias.

LUCKIER SEVEN DEPT.: The mysterious Cody Ross drove in seven runs in a game for two different teams (Dodgers and Marlins) last season. But he had only one other month (April) where he drove in seven runs.

STRANGE BUT TRUE FEAT OF THE YEAR, CENTURY AND MILLENNIUM: Finally, if you needed convincing that literally anything is possible in baseball, we refer you to the astounding finish of the Dodgers' Sept. 18 game with San Diego. They entered the bottom of the ninth trailing by four runs. And then …

The same team that was last in the league in home runs (the Dodgers) hit four ninth-inning home runs in a row to tie the game.

And did it in a span of seven pitches.

And hit them off two pitchers (Jon Adkins and Trevor Hoffman) who had given up three homers all season to the previous 432 hitters they'd faced, in a combined 108 appearances.

And then, after falling behind in the top of the 10th, the same team hit another homer in the 10th to turn a loss into a win.

If Hollywood slapped that on the big screen, you'd laugh. But this happened in actual life, in the greatest sport on earth.

"It might be the most amazing thing that ever happened in sports," Dodgers coach Rich Donnelly told our Strange But True bureau. "It's like the Stanford band thing -- without the trombones."



2006-12-31 10:01:11 | 将棋

1月6日: 棋王戦挑戦者決定戦
1月11・12日: 王将戦第1局
1月18・19日: 王将戦第2局
1月24・25日: 王将戦第3局

2月1日: A級順位戦第8局
▼2月4日: 棋王戦第1局
2月7・8日: 王将戦第4局
▼2月11日: 棋王戦第2局
2月15・16日: 王将戦第5局
▼2月26日: 棋王戦第3局

3月2日: A級順位戦最終局
3月6・7日: 王将戦第6局
▼3月11日: 棋王戦第4局
3月19・20日: 王将戦第7局


MLB 日本人選手だけのラインアップ

2006-12-31 09:49:19 | MLB
RF イチロー
2B 井口
C  城島
LF 松井秀喜
3B 岩村
SS 松井稼頭央
CF 田口
P  松坂




佐藤棋聖 12月の対局結果

2006-12-31 09:39:58 | 将棋
  日 結果 対戦相手 詳細
 4日 ● 深浦8段 棋王戦 本戦決勝
 6日 ● 渡辺竜王 タイトル戦 竜王戦第5局
11日 ● 丸山9段 王将戦 挑戦者決定リーグ戦最終戦
13日 ○ 渡辺竜王 タイトル戦 竜王戦第6局
18日 ○ 羽生3冠 棋王戦 敗者復活戦決勝
20日 ● 渡辺竜王 タイトル戦 竜王戦最終局
24日 ● 三浦8段 A級順位戦 第6回戦
27日 ○ 深浦8段 棋王戦 挑戦者決定戦 第1局
29日 ○ 丸山9段 王将戦 プレーオフ
1月6日 ? 深浦8段 棋王戦 挑戦者決定戦 第2局




2006-12-31 09:32:26 | 将棋
日本将棋連盟 HPより抜粋。


1月1日 12:00~14:00
女流棋士指し始め ~激突チーム戦~
- Aチームへの挑戦を賭け、1局目はBvs.Cチームの対局

1月3日 16:00~18:30



2006-12-31 09:22:14 | Weblog




2006-12-31 07:16:53 | 芸能
1位 Dr.コトー診療所2006
2位 アンフェア
3位 結婚できない男
4位 医龍Team Medical Dragon
5位 のだめカンタ-ビレ
6位 僕の歩く道
7位 白夜行
8位 時効警察
9位 マイ★ボス マイ★ヒーロー
10位 クロサギ


1位 富豪刑事デラックス
2位 相棒
3位 結婚できない男
4位 僕の歩く道
5位 7人の女弁護士
6位 Dr. コトー診療所2006