

松坂UPDATE、ESPNの記事 -- レッドソックス ロースター

2006-12-18 19:27:24 | MLB
19 Josh Beckett R-R 26 6-5 222 Spring, TX
54 Craig Breslow L-L 26 6-1 180 New Haven, CT
30 Matt Clement R-R 32 6-3 210 Butler, PA
57 Manny Delcarmen R-R 24 6-2 190 Boston, MA
55 Lenny DiNardo L-L 27 6-4 190 Miami, FL
53 Brendan Donnelly R-R 35 6-3 240 Washington, DC
61 Kason Gabbard L-L 24 6-3 200 Oxford, OH
68 Devern Hansack R-R 28 6-2 180 Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua
56 Craig Hansen R-R 23 6-5 185 Glen Cove, NY
62 Jon Lester L-L 22 6-2 190 Tacoma, WA
48 Javier Lopez L-L 29 6-4 200 San Juan, Puerto Rico
18 Daisuke Matsuzaka R-R 26 6-0 187 Tokyo, Japan
71 Hideki Okajima L-L 30 6-1 194 Kyoto, Japan
58 Jonathan Papelbon R-R 26 6-4 230 Baton Rouge, LA
70 David Pauley R-R 23 6-2 185 Longmont, CO
33 J.C. Romero B-L 30 5-11 203 Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
38 Curt Schilling R-R 40 6-5 235 Anchorage, AK
52 Kyle Snyder B-R 29 6-8 215 Houston, TX
51 Julian Tavarez L-R 33 6-2 195 Santiago, DR
50 Mike Timlin R-R 40 6-4 210 Midland, TX
49 Tim Wakefield R-R 40 6-2 210 Melbourne, FL


松坂UPDATE、Boston Heraldの記事 -- シリングの存在感

2006-12-18 19:21:13 | MLB
Late last season, Red Sox right-hander Curt Schilling predicted club officials would increase the team’s payroll in 2007. Given the 40-year-old pitcher might be entering the final season of his career, Schilling stands to benefit more than anyone from the lavish spending.

With the acquisitions the Sox have made this winter, Schilling believes they are back in business.

Here’s what Schilling wrote in an e-mail in the wake of Thursday’s announcement that the Sox had signed Daisuke Matsuzaka to a six-year, $52 million contract:

“I’m ecstatic about the move, and the fact that this kid stepped in and made this happen against some other people’s advice speaks volumes to his character.

“There is no way the pressure cooker he is coming into is even close to the one he’s already been pitching in since high school. The potential for this rotation is pretty impressive and I am excited about being part of that.

“The ownership here has once again proven that there is no barrier they won’t cross to do whatever they can to field a team capable of winning a World Series. As a player, I can ask nothing more of the people I work for; just give us a chance and the accountability then falls on us, and they’ve done that.

“As with any other team, the saying is now that same old cliche: If we can stay healthy there is nothing we can’t do.”



2006-12-18 19:12:27 | 芸能






佐藤棋聖 12月は大事な対局ばかり

2006-12-18 18:56:14 | 将棋
日 結果 対戦相手 詳細
4日 ● 深浦8段 棋王戦 本戦決勝
6日 ● 渡辺竜王 タイトル戦 竜王戦第5局
11日 ● 丸山9段 王将戦 挑戦者決定リーグ戦最終戦
13日 ○ 渡辺竜王 タイトル戦 竜王戦第6局
18日 ? 羽生3冠 (1)棋王戦 敗者復活戦決勝
20日 ? 渡辺竜王 (2)タイトル戦 竜王戦最終局
24日 ? 三浦8段 (3)A級順位戦 第6回戦
29日 ? 丸山9段 (4)王将戦 プレーオフ

(1) 棋王: 勝てば、深浦8段と棋王戦決勝で連勝すれば、森内棋王に挑戦
(2) 竜王: 勝てば、竜王を奪回し、棋聖に次いで、2つ目のタイトル獲得
(3) 名人: 勝てば、4勝2敗で、5勝1敗の郷田9段を追い、挑戦者争い
(4) 王将: 勝てば、羽生王将に挑戦




2006-12-18 18:38:48 | 野球
チーム: 選手 勝利-敗北 防御率

日ハム: 11 ダルビッシュ 12勝5敗 2.89
日ハム2: 29 八木智哉 12勝8敗 2.48
西武: 18 松坂大輔 17勝5敗 2.13
ソフトバンク: 66 斉藤和巳 18勝5敗 1.75
ロッテ: 41 小林宏之 10勝7敗 2.78
ロッテ2: 18 清水直行 10勝8敗 3.42
オリックス: 6 デイビー 10勝8敗 2.62
楽天: 50 グリン 7勝7敗 3.96
楽天2: 16 山村宏樹 7勝10敗 5.35
楽天3: 11 一場靖弘 7勝14敗 4.37

中日: 11 川上憲伸 17勝7敗 2.51
阪神: 29 井川慶 14勝9敗 2.97
ヤクルト: 16 石井一久 11勝7敗 3.44 
巨人: 26 内海哲也 12勝13敗 2.78
広島: 15 黒田博樹 13勝6敗 1.85
横浜: 24 門倉健 10勝9敗 4.84

3人: 11
2人: 16、18、29
1人: 6、15、24、26、41、50、66

~6: 1人
10~19: 8人
20~29: 4人
30~: 3人



2006-12-18 17:59:34 | 野球
チーム: 選手 勝利-敗北 防御率

日ハム: なし
西武: 松坂大輔 17勝5敗 2.13
ソフトバンク: 新垣渚 13勝5敗 3.01
ロッテ: 清水直行 10勝8敗 3.42 
オリックス: 山口和男 0勝0敗 0.00 2/3回のみの登板
楽天: 渡邉恒樹 0勝0敗 3.06

中日: 中里篤史 1勝0敗 3.60
阪神: 杉山直久 4勝4敗 3.09
ヤクルト: 藤井秀悟 7勝8敗 4.41
巨人: 桑田真澄 1勝1敗 6.94
広島: 佐々岡真司 8勝8敗 4.09
横浜: 三浦大輔 8勝12敗 3.45



2006-12-18 16:13:01 | 将棋
1位 佐藤 - 佐藤康光、佐藤義則、佐藤紳哉、佐藤和俊、佐藤天彦
2位 鈴木 - 鈴木大介、鈴木環那
3位 高橋 - 高橋道雄
4位 田中 - 田中寅彦、田中魁秀
5位 渡辺 - 渡辺明
6位 伊藤 - 伊藤果、伊藤博文、伊藤能、伊藤明日香
7位 山本 - 山本真也
8位 中村 - 中村修、中村亮介、中村太地、中村真梨花
9位 小林 - 小林健二、小林宏、小林裕士
10位 加藤 - 加藤一二三
11位 吉田
12位 山田 - 山田久美
13位 佐々木 - 佐々木慎
14位 山口
15位 松本 - 松本佳介
16位 井上 - 井上慶太
17位 斉藤
18位 木村 - 木村一基
19位 林 - 林まゆみ
20位 清水 - 清水市代


松坂UPDATE、背番号18の選手 - ナ・リーグ

2006-12-18 10:55:31 | MLB
チーム: 守備位置 本塁打-打点 打率 - 2006年の年俸

Atlanta Braves: OF Ryan Langerhans 7-28 .241 - $345,000
Florida Marlins: n/a
New York Mets: 2B Jose Valentin 18-62 .271 - $912,500
Philadelphia Phillies: 3B Wes Helms 10-47 .329 - $800,000
Washington Nationals: n/a

Chicago Cubs: n/a
Cincinnati Reds: n/a
Houston Astros: n/a
Milwaukee Brewers: OF Gabe Gross 9-38 .274 - $335,000
Pittsuburgh Pirates: n/a
St. Louis Cardinals: n/a

Arizona Diamondbacks: 3B Chad Tracy 20-80 .281 - $381,000
Colorado Rockies: n/a
Los Angeles Dodgers: 2B Ramon Martinez 2-24 .278 - n/a
San Dieo Padres: 1B Paul McAnulty 1-3 .231 - n/a
San Francisco Giants: n/a



松坂UPDATE、背番号18の選手 - ア・リーグ

2006-12-18 10:31:11 | Weblog
チーム: 守備位置 本塁打-打点 打率 - 2006年の年俸

Baltimore Orioles: n/a
Boston Red Sox: SP Daisuke Matsuzaka
New York Yankees: OF Johnny Damon 24-80 .285 - $13,000,000
Tampa Bay Devil Rays: SS Ben Zobrist 2-18 .224 - n/a
Toronto Blue Jays: n/a

Chicago White Sox: n/a
Cleveland Indians: n/a
Detroit Tigers: n/a
Kansas City Royals: n/a
Minnesota Twins: SS Jason Bartlett 2-32 .309 - n/a

Los Angeles Angels: SS Orland Cabrera 9-72 .282 - $7,500,000
Oakland Athletics: C Jason Kendall 1-50 .295 - $11,571,429
Seattle Mariners: n/a
Texas Rangers: n/a


井川NEWS、New York Daily News記事 - 伊良部の悪夢

2006-12-18 08:51:59 | MLB
All the buzz surrounding the Boston Red Sox's signing of Japanese pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka invokes memories of another Japanese import who once held terrific promise.

Hideki Irabu could throw a ball as hard and fast as anyone who ever pitched in Major League Baseball, and when he signed a four-year, $12.8 million contract with the Yankees in 1997, it seemed like a relative bargain.

He was only 28 years old then, and no one in New York had any reason to think that he would be anything but a success.

But Irabu would only last 2 1/2 seasons with the Bronx Bombers, his tenure marked by tantalizing promise but disappointing results. The low point came when Yankees owner George Steinbrenner called him a "fat toad."

He was soon traded to the Montreal Expos. By 2002, he was out of baseball in the U.S., nothing more than a sub-.500 pitcher with more fanfare than fans.

So what happened to Irabu after his American baseball dreams got benched?

He returned to Japan in 2003 to pitch for his native Hanshin Tigers, winning 13 games and leading them to their first Central League pennant in 18 years.

But his success was short-lived; during the following season, Irabu suffered a career-ending injury to his right knee.

Since then, Irabu has lived quietly in Los Angeles with his wife and children, according to a spokesman for the ex-pitcher.

"He has opened a restaurant and prefers not to be in the public's eye," said the spokesman.

He travels back and forth to Japan often to visit family and friends but has made America his home.

Asked about the Matsuzaka signing, Irabu preferred not to comment, said his spokesman.

Meanwhile, the Yankees - who had better luck with Japanese outfielder Hideki Matsui - are about to take another shot at a Japanese pitcher.

The Yanks have exclusive negotiating rights until Dec. 28 to sign Kei Igawa, hoping that his pitching performances here inspire terror - rather than comparisons to toads.
