

Senkaku island issue (2)

2012年12月18日 | 経営

In this circumstances, there was a territory issue with Japan.


Chinese government has arouse patriotismand allowed to join the demo against Japan. Not only for the demonstration, but the people have attacked the Japanese companies and shops. They have destroyed shops and put the goods to the sack. After the attack, most likely the government was surprised its damages and has sent the short mail to all citizens and told "not to join the demo". Then, no one appeared for demonstration at next occasion.


If the demonstration is done by the Chinese government’s lead, this is the very bad “communication”.

As a result of the demo, not only for Japan but other countries are afraid of the investment to China.


Moreover, I was very disappointed to the Japanese government as they failed to keep a good relationship with Chinese government. In particular, former Prime Minister Mr Noda has had a chance to meet Chinese Secretary General, Hu Jintao before the demo. Mr Noda did not make any result even if he has met Hu Jintao.


This year is the 40th anniversary that Japan and China restoring relationship. In this 40 years, the ODAfrom Japan to China was around 40 billion Euro. Surprisingly, Japanese government paid ODAto China in 2012. This is used for the development for China to build road, bridges, subway etc., etc.


I think even if Japan has made a lot of efforts to help China, any small mistakes could create a big problem. This is a problem of Japanese government due to the lack of foreign diplomacy.


Finally, I would like to say Chinese people and Chinese government are different. As ordinary Japanese people's view, 99% of people has little interests on the territory of small island, even if there is a possibility of oil resource.


Moreover, fight or hate each other just for small land should be ridicules. Even if there is a dispute, we should solve the problem through discussion, not through violence.


I heard Osaka City Mayor, Mr Hashimoto has told “why not govern the island by China and Japan jointly?” Curiously, little media has reported such a good idea.

That's about it on this issue from my personal view.


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Senkaku islands issue (1)

2012年12月05日 | 日記
A friend of mine in Europe has asked me what happened on the relationship between Japan and China. As I have not found any good explanation of this issue in English, I have summarised the issue with my personal view in the below.
As for the origin of the issue, this is on the dispute of the territory. As China has the similar issue with other countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, I think this is not a special issue with China. As there is a good summarises on this issue from the both China and Japan’s position. So, I think I do not need to add.

I would like to tell some more fundamental issues. The Japanese Media has reported that the Chinese government has spent money calling people to join the demonstration against Japan. In China, there are many really frustrated people as there is an issue of Migrant workers in China. Migrant workers are the people from impoverished regions who go to more urban regions in search of work.

The current number of migrant workers in China is estimated at 230 million. Most of them are worked on construction jobs or at cheap-labour factories. Due to the high inflation in these days, their living has become more and more difficult. If the Chinese citizen moan about the difficulty of living, this may bring about a popular revolt.

Communist Party of China (CPC) has been given restrictions on the Internet, the press, freedom of assembly etc. The information is restricted and controlled by the government.


Due to the CPC's authoritarian position, the government officials (members of CPC) could easily accumulate wealth. More worse, they have moved such wealth to overseas, not in China. It is clear the CPC officials can easily gain the wealth if they use their position. However, if the Chinese citizens start to question CPC member's privilege, this would be a big problem for CPC members to keep the present administration in power.


Because of this, Chinese government needs some kind of enemy outside of the country. Some said the Chinese students has had anti-Japanese education at school since 1990s. It looks this is not only for Japan but for England, France etc. But it looks Japan is the biggest enemy for China due to the history of Sino-Japanese war.


Japan is also criticised that the history in these 100 years was not accurately describedin school textbook. I think this is something

differentfrom China as Japanese people's "right to know" is protected. I do not think Japanese people just believe the things taught at school. If there is any questions, they can make their own investigation through media. In contrast, the information which is not favourable for the government was restricted in China.     


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