文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We have no choice but to ask tough questions of China.

2020年06月14日 14時08分51秒 | 全般

The monthly magazine I am referring to is a must-read not only for the Japanese but also for people all over the world.
After all, it is only 950 yen, even though it is full of real articles like this one.
The following is from the EU/UK fly into a rage against China, The Japanese way, Five Prescriptions for De-China, and It is from an article by Shin Okabe, an editorial writer for the Sankei Shimbun, which appears in this month's issue of WiLL.
The article clearly shows that the media, such as Asahi Shimbun and T.V. broadcasters, such as NHK, are not news organizations entirely under Chinese influence/control.
The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
British Preparedness.
Let's return to the beginning of England.
'How do I express my gratitude to you for saving my life?'
On April 12, after being released from the hospital in a critical condition, Prime Minister Johnson thanked medical personnel for their help. And it showed his willingness to unite a society divided by the withdrawal from the E.U. with Corona. 
Four days later, on April 16, Foreign Minister Raab, acting on behalf of Prime Minister Johnson, declared his intention to investigate the facts and clarify China's responsibility thoroughly.
He said: "We have no choice but to ask tough questions of China. It is clear that we will not be able to return to normal relations with China after the crisis. We must completely rethink our relations with China. 
The U.K. has accepted significant investment from China because of the austerity measures taken during Cameron's administration to improve the budget deficit after the Lehman Brothers collapse. 
In 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping, who visited the U.K., and former British Prime Minister David Cameron signed a £40 billion (£7.4 trillion) investment deal, including a stake by Chinese state-controlled companies in a nuclear power plant project in the U.K.
And they hailed it as a 'golden age of Britain and China.'
U.K. was the first European to ignore U.S. warnings and join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). It began working with Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei, which the U.S. is wary of, and in January of this year decided to allow the company's 5G partially. 
After recovering from the infection, Prime Minister Johnson is now facing a backlash. 
The British government, shocked by the intelligence services' findings that the number of people infected and killed in China was dozens of times higher than officially announced, is suspicious of the peculiarities of a one-party Communist Party dictatorship that silences the doctors who sounded the alarm bells in the early stages of the outbreak while generating the virus, uses the WHO to spread false information that there is no human-to-human transmission, and continues to cover up 'inconvenient truths' to promote regime-dominated 'foreign propaganda.'
At the heart of the Chinese denunciations are the ruling Conservative Party's strongest hardliners who pushed for Brexit (Britain's exit from the European Union), the prime minister's backbone.
MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, who led the hardliners to leave the E.U., and MPs Davis and Fox, the former international trade minister, who served as the minister in charge of leaving the E.U., introduced a bill in the House of Commons in March calling for a blanket withdrawal of Huawei's introduction of 5G.
Although it was rejected, 38 M.P.s supported it, calling on Chancellor Johnson to rebuild all ties with China, including withdrawing Chinese investment in the energy industry and a complete review of the Chinese dependent supply chain.
The Johnson administration partly tolerated Huawei because U.K. mobile phone companies have been using its products for 15 years, and getting rid of the company on 5G would be hugely expensive. 
But the winds have changed with Corona.
Now is the time to break their dependence on China.
Mr. Tugendhat, chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, who founded the China Research Group, said, 'China's attempt to hijack the technology of Britain's leading-edge companies is forcing us to reconsider the introduction of Huawei from a security perspective.' 
Baron Patten of Barnes, the last Governor of Hong Kong, also said, 'The Chinese government's response to Corona is dangerous for the whole world. The British government must redefine the relationship between Britain and China. It is no longer a golden age.' He added that even if the economic costs are high, the British government must change its policy toward China, such as Huawei's introduction, to make it more effective. 
Huawei sent an open letter to the British government on April 1, claiming that the interruption of the introduction of 5G would cause harm, but received intense "de-China" pressure from the conservative leader who supported the administration. Also, Prime Minister Johnson will inevitably be forced to change his policy toward China due to the fact that he wandered around the deadline.
The European Union countries, which had inclined to follow the U.K.'s lead in approving China's introduction, have begun to rethink their policies toward China. 
'The time has come to treat China as an enemy.'
The editor-in-chief of the Daily Telegraph, in which Johnson was enrolled, also wrote in the column, "See China as an enemy," and pressed the Prime Minister to make a decision.
Intelligence services also called for a cleanup of relations with China.
Mr. Sawers, former director of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, commonly known as M16), said that "in December and January, China hid the issue from the West," pointing out that the cover-up.
McCallum, the director of the British intelligence security service (M15), which works to maintain domestic security, said that "the biggest threat now is China" and declared that the surveillance would shift from Russia to Chinese industrial espionage and cybercrime.
This article continues.
