文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

he is nothing more than the ridiculous wish of the mass media.

2024年06月25日 21時51分16秒 | 全般

WiLL, one of the best monthly magazines in the world, comes out tomorrow.
I have a three-year subscription. It arrived at my home today.
The following is from Kadota Ryusho's column that opens the magazine.
This article is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

Can Japan Survive with a "HANDING Administration around" by the pandering-to-China politicians?
Less than three months have passed since the LDP presidential election.
As we enter the final stages of the election, the situation has become completely chaotic.
Needless to say, Prime Minister Kishida is in a lame-duck situation, but he has not given up on his reelection bid, which has stunned everyone around him. 
According to the political desk of a major newspaper, "Cabinet approval ratings have dropped below 20%, and the LDP has lost three consecutive elections in a row. Including the three consecutive defeats in the lower house by-elections, "No to Kishida's LDP" has become a national trend. The only victory was in the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly election. However, this was simply a demonstration by the prefecture's people of a tough stance against Governor Denny Tamaki, who continues to support China even at this late stage. Anyway, not only the voters but also the LDP Diet members have become dismayed with Prime Minister Kishida's lack of political philosophy, outlook, and conviction. The decisive factor was the confusion over the revision of the Political Funds Control Law. "
What in the world is going on? 
"On the evening of May 29, Kishida, Aso, and Secretary-General Motegi had dinner together in Tokyo, where the two men emphasized to Kishida, "Do not make concessions to the Komeito Party." But just two days later, Mr. Kishida readily accepted Komeito's proposal to set the disclosure standard at 50,000 yen or more." 
What? No way! Aso and Motegi must have exclaimed that without thinking.
An LDP official spoke up on their behalf. 
"The anger of the two men was intense. Everyone would think that they should have just worked with Komeito from the start if that was the case. No matter what anyone says, politics costs money. Aso, in particular, feels that they must not turn a blind eye to future troubles for the LDP. If they cannot raise political funds, young people will no longer be able to aspire to become politicians. There is a lot of anger within the party, with people asking, "Why are they making such concessions to Komeito?"
An infuriated Aso declined an invitation to dinner with Kishida before he left for Italy for the G7 summit.
Then, on June 14, during the G7 meeting, Aso and Motegi met for dinner and discussed for three hours.
According to the Political Affairs desk, it is no longer "possible to repair relations with Prime Minister Kishida." 
Furthermore, Kishida's strategy of using the North Korean abduction issue to "get reelected" has also been seen and understood.
The proposal is to allow Tanaka Minoru and Kaneda Tatsumitsu, two Korean residents of Japan who are also from the same Kobe facility, to return to Japan temporarily and to set up a joint investigation committee between Japan, North Korea, and the United States to investigate the remaining abduction victims, and to reply evasively.
Kim Jong-un's strategy is to win huge amounts of aid in the trillions, and the prime minister, in turn, will use this to try to restore his approval rating.
However, with the Cabinet's approval rating slump, there is already a consensus within the party that Prime Minister Kishida's face will not be enough to fight the next general election.
Everyone looked doubtful about the results of the mass media opinion polls asking, "Who will be the next president?"
Who supports Koizumi, Ishiba, and Kono?
And there is no real sense of that number at all.
It is why the numbers are said to be "the result of the media's wishful thinking. 
The names of politicians who are easy to deal with and who rely solely on "bureaucratic responses" also emerged, such as Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and former Health, Labor, and Welfare Minister Katsunobu Kato.
However, there is no way that people like Kamikawa, who repeatedly made a disgraceful display of incoherent speech when questioned about the bureaucrats' answers in the House of Representatives and House of Councillors Foreign Affairs Committees, or Kato, who has "zero assertion" and follows the bureaucrats' orders, will be able to deal firmly with China, which is plotting an "invasion of Taiwan" and an "invasion of Japan."
Amid such circumstances, the "Walking with Ms. Sanae Takaichi" meetings are attracting much attention.
The meeting, which started in Fukuoka last December, has been held in Osaka, Oita, Kochi, Hiroshima, and Karatsu and is scheduled to continue in Tokyo, Sendai, Okinawa, Sapporo, Nagoya, and Kanazawa (......).
There, the original bedrock supporters flooded in, angered by the disappointing LDP and hopeful for Sanae Takaichi, Minister of Economy and Security, the star of the conservative camp.
The supporters are swayed by the thought that "this person will not fall into China's military hands and will carry on Mr. Abe's legacy" for Ms. Takaichi, who finally finished the Security Clearance Law with persistence. 
In other words, the upcoming presidential election will focus on whether Ms. Takaichi, the only one who can confront China, can prevent the "HANDING Administration around" by the pandering-to-China politicians.
Of course, if the public chooses the latter, Japan will go the way of the "second Uighur."

*Late at night last night, I had some good news.
As if to continue the trend, Mr. Ryusho Kadota sent me the brightest news for Japan this morning as an X message.
The news is that Sanae Takaichi has finally come in second in a public opinion poll asking, "Who is most suitable to be the next Prime Minister?" The first place was Shigeru Ishiba... It is a well-known fact that he is nothing more than the ridiculous wish of the mass media.
In other words, Sanae Takaichi is now in first place.
The mass media's evil public opinion guidance is no longer able to suppress genuine public opinion.
Moreover, this poll was conducted by the Mainichi Shimbun, one of the representatives of the evil mass media.


2023/6/10 in Osaka
