


2018年03月01日 | 東京五輪2020



2018年03月01日 | 英会話

 昨日の午後、英会話レッスンを続けて2回受講しました。孫が通っているヤマハ音楽教室発表会と平昌オリンピックを話題にしての会話と「Where's the mall?」(Lesson19)で建物の場所を表現する言い回しを勉強しました。楽しくレッスンできました。

 Jackie 先生から早速メセッージをいただきました。

 Good day! Mr. Seiki. Happy Wednesday! Congratulations for having 13 medals in the Winter Olympics. That's great! Your granddaughter is very talented. In today's lesson, we practiced using the expressions in Language Booster. You made a good effort using the sentences. Keep it up! I am encouraging you to watch English movies so you could practice listening. Listening to native English speakers will help you understand what they are saying. Enjoy your day today. Take care! :)

 Zhel 先生からも早速メセッージをいただきました。

 Hello there Mr. Seiki! Thank you so much for taking a class with me again. You did very good job today and I enjoyed talking with you. You were able to share your recent activities. You also managed to express yourself well. You just need to continue improving your sentence construction. I look forward to studying with you again. See you. Have a great day!


 The weather today is cloudy.
 The temperature is 3 degrees .
 My field capped with snow.

 First, and I went to a dentist.
 A doctor's fee was 1,160 yen(10dollars).
 Then, I filled my car with gas .
 A gas bill was 2,674 yen(23dollars).
 Next, I went to a barbershop.
 A haircut charge was 1,724 yen(15dollars).
 After that, I shopped at a grocery store.
 I bought a razor for snow melting agent, battery, pen and razor .
 A shopping charge was 6,950 yen(61dollars).
 Later, I had lunch(curry and rice).

 Grandchild's musical classroom concert was opened on February 25(Sunday).
 She sang well.

 The closing ceremony was performed at an Olympic stadium of Korean northeast Pyeong Chang in the evening for 25 days, and a Winter Olympics Pyeong Chang meeting ended a furious battle for 17 days.
 A Japanese team gets 4 gold or 5 silver or 4 copper .
 A medal gets 13 of historical most.
 A winter festival in first Korea ended, and an Olympic baton was taken by a summer Tokyo meeting in 2020 and winter Beijing meeting in 2022.